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A Bad Day for CB7's in general.....

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    A Bad Day for CB7's in general.....

    Well, JDMcb7 (Josh) comes up last night to meet us to go to the bowling green Honda-Tech meet... we were going to put his OEM Fog's and OEM Sidemarkers in before the meet but due to time issue's we couldn't do them (bad thing #1), so we planned on doing them next weekend instead.

    so we get up this morning and head out to bowling green, get there and are waiting at a gas station for a buddy of ours that lives there to show us were the meet is. he gets there, we start to leave, and Josh's (JDMcb7's) car wont start... in the commotion of trying to get it running, the alarm automatically locks the doors with the keys in the car. (bad things #2 and #3)

    Lock smith gets there and gets it unlocked, and we continue to try to get the thing started. we try push starting (no dice), so we decide to go ahead to the meet and just come back later and try it again (my car will do this sometime, and if you let it sit for 30min or so it will start right up)... so we go to the meet, hang out for awhile talked to a few people, and head back to work on the car... get there and it STILL will not start. (bad thing #4)

    so we decide to test the spark... finally some success in something, we have spark! so we disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail and turn the key on to see if the rail is getting fuel... NOTHING comes out. I look at his fuel filter and it looks like its been on the car its entire life, so we decide to go get a fuel filter @ a parts store (since it would be the cheapest thing to try first and the car needed one anyway). Me and Josh go to the parts store and Dustin (slow904door) and Josh's friend Eric stay to take the fuel filter off... only to find that the fuel line going to the Fuel filter is CRIMPED! of coarse being a metal line, the line snapped when disconnecting it from the filter, so me and Josh get a line to "ghetto rig" it up so he can at least get the car started. (at this point we were pointing towards the clogged fuel filter/crimped line.......---> bad thing #5)

    we get it rigged, and all put back together... STILL NO FUEL! (bad thing #6)

    my next guess is the FPR, who knows right? so we jack mine off my car and swap em over just to see if it could possibly fix the problem... agian nothing (bad thing #7)

    Eventually our crew from Ptown rolls up at the gas station from the meet and pitch in to try to get it running. and after checking the relay (by ear) and fuel pump (also by ear) we've come to the conclusion that its either A:the relay or b: the fuel pump (bad luck #8)

    We have to come back to Ptown so we stick around long enough to make sure Josh has a way home (thankfully he has friends with big trucks and trailers ) and we head out. as soon as we leave, rain starts freakin POOURRRINGG. alright thats not so bad, so we get a little closer to home and my muffler takes a crap, the back "cap" blows the welds and is currently dangling from my tip.. (bad thing #9)... no big deal just a reason to get a new exhaust

    later one Dustin is taking a pic of my buddys car, which in turn we slow down to about 30 mph or so, and everyone else keeps driving 80 mph (not knowing we slowed down), so when we get the picture taken I take off and get the car up to Governor rated speed (117 I think?)... when I finally catch them and slow down I here something rubbing the ground.... NOW WHAT! I look out the window only to find that my front lip had been ripped off in the middle by the wind... (bad thing #10)

    so we stop and rip it the rest of the way off (pics coming soon) and also notice that my Fushigi Res sticker has also taken a crap on me and blown half way off... (bad thing #11)

    since then I've returned to Paducah and I am not leaving the safety of my own home for a few hours at least.... Waiting to here from Josh, whose supposed to call me when he gets the car back home in the Ville....

    so like it says... not a good day for CB7's around here
    1993 Honda Accord LX Coupe

    My Members Ride's Thread

    StickyDilJoe: "JDM may be a fad, but making your car look like shit... thats forever"

    wow sorry to hear that bro...tomorrow will be a better day

    Members Ride Thread


      When i saw the title.. i didnt want to read the thread. But it could have been worse. That sux about josh's car not starting. Hopefully it will be something stupid.


        God Shawn .. ask Tyler and Ralf, and Yari .. wow .. I had some issues the day
        of our meet in Orlando as well .. Tyler and I get both our cars filled with what we're taking
        to the meet.. I had food, stuff I was selling/trading .. Tyler had to go meet Ralf and Yari,
        and just as I was about to lock all the doors .. I see a flat on my rear pass side ..Onoes.

        Tyler rips his jack outta *his* car, and to make a long story short, I had to be towed
        to my mech's place because one of my lugs stripped .. We took about an hour and a half
        offa our trip .. Both Yari and Ralf along with Tyler, waited here at my place for me to get back.

        What a morning .. think our CB's just get a lil *nervous* at the sound of a meet? lol
        Hope Josh made it back ok .. and calls soon .. I think I'm bringin my CB7 to a Honda Shrink,
        before the next meet .. I think she suffers from *Meetaphobia* and just needs to know
        that everything will be ok, when meeting so many other never met before Cb7's

        A Hui Hou !!!
        Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 08-07-2005, 05:01 PM.

        My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


          when i read the title i was afraid that there was an accident or something . . . good thing everyones ok

          And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
          Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


            All of that shit is good news.................. i tought some 1 stole 1 of the beloved coupes


              sucks the trip was such a bad one shawn. it COULD have been way worse man... just sleep it off man...

              youll get to buy some new exhaust and just forget about the whole thing.


                Well the car made it back thanks to an old ass f-250 and a big ass trailer. Wow a ford actually came though, go figure? I've given up on the car this weekend, it has given me more grief than I can take. Hopefully I can find a solution to the problem soon.
                Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                The OG.


                  wasnt scott having fuel problems before also?... might ask him what he did to fix his... IDKgood luck with that josh.


                    damn, that blows.
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      sounds to me like the main relay has gone bad?


                        did you guys check the fuel pump? i noticed you said that you checked pretty much everything else . . . that might have been it

                        And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                        Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                          we did the "yup I heard it click on" check... didn't really have the resources for anything else
                          1993 Honda Accord LX Coupe

                          My Members Ride's Thread

                          StickyDilJoe: "JDM may be a fad, but making your car look like shit... thats forever"


                            Did you at least get the sticker I mailed to you before you left for the meet? I hope so, or someone is going to get a whooping and a firing.


                              it actually came in the mail the day of the meet, so the new one wasnt on for the meet, but what was left of the old one was the wind took care of pretty much the rest of the old one though lol... its all good, this time I'll glue that bitch on there (j/k)

                              thanks for hooking me up with another though... when I got home and saw the package from Fushi RES it gave me something "good" to happen for the day
                              1993 Honda Accord LX Coupe

                              My Members Ride's Thread

                              StickyDilJoe: "JDM may be a fad, but making your car look like shit... thats forever"

