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More trouble in the London tubes . . .

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    More trouble in the London tubes . . .

    My ride RS6 HELLA Bi-xenon ECE retrofitted CB7

    who do you guys think is involved?

    :Back In Business...


      i was thinkin tha same shit. notice how things were good for a month or so. now these people are gettin bombed. itz all about politics.

      :Back In Business...


        well im not sure if its a conspiracy or not but it does up the keep it factor for homeland security. I think because we have homeland security and its always under fire from critics that bombing in london twice is a interesting turn of events in the world.

        By the way my brother called me from saudi, said camels smell really bad. lol

        its like nothing in the world. definition of relaxation.


          Originally posted by yeamans17
          my bet is bush has his hand in it somehow
          why would bush be involved in the bombing? He's good friends with the Prime Minister

          If anything bush is partial to blame since its al qaeda doing the bombings

          My ride RS6 HELLA Bi-xenon ECE retrofitted CB7


            Eh, I don't think Bush really has anything to do with it... that would be like us blaming Blair for our attacks. The UK was just as into the anti-terror thing as we were (and still are, I guess) so in the minds of the terrorists, they're just as bad as us. To them, it's the same enemy in a different location.

            It's nice to see something that suggests that the USA is NOT the center of the world! We seem to think that things that aren't within our borders aren't important. I mean, it's not 'nice', but I think Americans were even taking pride in the fact that we were the target of international terrorists... acting like it's something brand new.


              I don't get where bush comes in in this equation? Where'd you get that notion? Besides he's not an evil genius, in fact he's neither. Have you ever met people from Midland, TX? You come away thinking "Gee, what a nice bunch of guys, I'm glad they're not in charge of the country."

              on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
              where you been, is something wrong?
              i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                Bush has no reason to be in the middle of this. London is getting bombed because they are helping us in the invasion. Right now the UK is the second largest supporter in the US led invasion of Iraq. If Iraqi terrorist persuade the UK to withdraw it would put more pressure on the US to withdraw. I saw it coming and I would have to say we are going to see some attacks on our own land soon unless we pull out of Iraq. A country can only go so long being pushed around before people start to get pissed and retaliate. Iraq dosn't have a army so their only means of war is through terrorism. As accordaffair said "bush is not a evil genius", it's more like he is a stupid christian. He is responsible for the murdering of thousands of innocent people, but is he creating big conspirecies to persuade other countries into fear? I highly doubt it. He already has what he wants - suddam, oil, and the taxpayers money invested in all of his buddies corporations. Only thing bush is trying to do now is ride this presidency out with out being busted for all the lies. Putting himself in the middle of the UK mess is a conflict of intrest for him.
                my ride


                  Ugh.. bush haters, fuck off.


                    Originally posted by drucifer92
                    Ugh.. bush haters, fuck off.
                    Instead of using ebonics (haters) and foul language (fuck off) why not post up your educated opinion.
                    my ride


                      Originally posted by bracersi
                      Instead of using ebonics (haters) and foul language (fuck off) why not post up your educated opinion.
                      I couldn't have said it better myself!

                      However, let's end this discussion while we all have a few brain cells left, shall we? If anyone would like the warning that would probably result from the continuation of this discussion, please, PM me. I'll gladly give it to you upon request!

