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Yet, another rant, its LOOOOOOOOONG beware...

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    Yet, another rant, its LOOOOOOOOONG beware...

    Another rant, about what, yup, a girl....

    I've known this girl for a while. Its really funny how it started... About two years ago, I went out with this one girl, and it only lasted like a week, haha. And her reason for breaking up with me was so stupid! Just because her *GUY* friend didnt like me. So, in order to spite her, I wanted to go out with some one in our spanish class. Just for her to see us together. Well, that day she broke up with me, I looked around the class, and all the girls there, well, not too appealing...

    So, the monday after the friday of the breakup (It was earily in the second semester), I go to my seat and sit down. And about two mintues after the bell rings, this latina brunette walks into the class and im like, blown away. I've never seen her before...

    This girl takes her new seat, one table up and to the left of me.

    My spanish teacher does this thing where we all get up and tell each other about our weekends... yadda yadda... So when she tells us to go ahead, I go up to the girl.

    Me: "Hey, Havent seen you around before, I'm Danny..."

    She introduced herself, and she was the most prettiest thing i've ever seen. She had just been transferred into that class, but has been going to the school since the begining of the year.

    Fast forward to about a month before the 2004 school year ends. She invites ME, out of all the friends she has in school. She invites ME and one other girl friend of her's(since kindergarden) to her first communion. Its something very special and a huge ceremony to catholics. Now, to me, this was a huge honor! So I gladly excepted her invitation. So that sunday, i was one of the first to the "afterparty" She loves that Inu Yasha cartoon. I dont know why, but she does... With that, I bought her a gift, the latest inu yasha dvd from suncoast (THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS FOR THREE EPISODES!!!! THEY WILL RAPE YOU BLIND THERE!!!) Well, after people started showing up, her dad threw on the carne asada and we all just chilled. we also started a few games of pool. Thats when, -sigh- her "boyfriend" showed up. She introduced me to him, and the vibe I got from this so called "boyfriend" was a spoiled punk who thinks hes better than most mexicans because he lives in Mexico and speaks english and goes to school in america. so he looked at me through his sunglasses and nodded his head like some fucking ghetto wanna be. "sup?" I stuck out my hand, to shake like a mans supposed to do. he just looked at it "Oh..." He puts out his hand and i fucking grip it like a pair of vice scripps.

    Me: "Nice to meet you..."

    After that, her DAD, yes... her DAD invites me to play a game of pool with him and his dad, her grandfater and uncle. We hit it off instantly. Hes a really cool guy. We had an intelligent conversation about cars, phycology and well, business (he owned one and im studying to own one)

    after our turn was up, it was the kids turn (notice how i wasnt considdered a kid)

    So my friend's "boyfriend" plays with his cousin/roomate in mexico against my friends friend(the one she knew since kindergarden) Where is my friend/crush? Keeping her little sister company...

    So i sit at a table and watch them play pool. And this cunt, sits on the pool table and shoots the cue behind his back. God, i fucking hated him... Not because of the pool stick trick. hell i've got a few of my own, like breaking it over his head, but because hes a fucking lame moron. And then, he starts FLIRTING WITH MY FRIENDS BEST FRIEND!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!

    Then guess who sits next to me, yup, my little friend... She had a big smile on her face and greeted me with a humble "hi" I felt so bad for her, that she was with this arrogant ass hole...

    fast forward to five weeks after the 2005 school year...

    My homeboys from my old school came and we hung out, talking about the school i got kicked out of, lol, and how the others are.

    Then there was her, the girl i had a crush on in elementary, ana...(it was mutual, we both liked each other)

    "Hey, Danny, you know Ana still goes to bell, right?"
    Me: "Oh, yeah...? how is she?"
    "Shes fine!!!"
    Me: "Oh really..?"

    Keep in mind, I still had a huge crush on my friend.
    Then, I started thinking about ana... Thinking, "i wonder how she is, how shes doing, shit how she looks! I havnt seen her in four years!!"

    Ironically, that night, i had a dream, with me, ana, my friend and her boyfriend..."

    In my dream, i was at my old school, and I saw ana. I walked up to her (she looked the same haha) and we were both happy to see each other. She gave me a hug... then introduced me to her boyfriend... After that, I tell her i gotta go, it was nice seeing you again... another hug goodbye, feeling depressed...

    as I walk down an outside corridor, still in my old school, I see my friend with her boyfriend from a distance. And their yelling at each other, shes crying and he finally walks away throwing his hands up like "fuck you" So i walk up to her and she looks at me teary eyed. she gives me a hug and holds my hand. It was the most vivid, weirdest dreams ever...

    then, three weeks after my dream, i shit you not, She looks kinda bumed out, sitting on a bench at school. I sit down next to her and ask her whats wrong.

    "Oh, nothing... just trying to get over something..."
    Me: "Over, over what?"
    "-sigh- um... Israiel and I broke up..."

    i was fucking speechless...

    fast forward to December.

    Well, christmas vacation came, and it was the last day i was going to see her untill the new year... So for her christmas present... I give her a gold necklace with a little ballerina dancer on it... real gold necklace....

    -head slams on desk-

    the ballerina because shes into dancing and goes to classes and shit.. well, i give it to her and ALL her friend see, her best friend since kindergarden was like "Holy shit dude!!" I felt kinda good... broke but good.

    She gave me a big hug.

    then the monday after vacation, I pull her aside during lunch. I didnt know what to say. I just felt compelled to say... something.... anything... NOT A GOOD PLAN!

    i was studdering like a little thrid grader...

    "Uh, uh... You know, ever since I've known you, you've been really cool, and uh,..."

    its all a blur really, but it ended in

    "Well, danny, your a cute guy and and a really good friend... but im kinda confused with my feelings...right now..."

    damn this is long i better wrap it up...

    about a month ago...
    i tell her im going out with a girl (im really not, but i wanted to see what she said ANOTHER BAD PLAN!!)

    once she hears this, shes like, "Oh really? haha, wow, thats cool, danny..."

    She didnt seem to happy for me...

    "What her name?"


    "Marisa..." -look left, then right-

    "really? Cool..."

    then I go to get lunch


    Shes holding hands with some guy. Im like, wtf..?

    I walk up to her best friend since kindergarden and she says

    "Danny, Im so sorry..."
    Me: "about what?"

    -obviously fake stumped face-

    "Oh you didnt hear? about Robert and Nat..."
    Me: "Their going out?" its waht i figured from what i saw"
    Me: "And..?"
    "Don't you like her??"
    Me: I have a girl


    so after lunch my friend walks to her class and i go up to her

    me:"Hey, i found out what happened with you and robert?"
    "Oh, haha yeah!" -really fake excitement-
    me: when did that happen? -i put and excited tone to play along-
    "Just right now! hehe"- fake excitement continues-
    me: just right now?! Wow, thats funny!"
    "I know!"

    i can tell when shes excited... and isnt it funny how when i "have a girlfriend" robert quickly asks her out. I HAVE NEVER SEEM THEM TOGETHER AT ALL!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?! HE PICKS UP WHAT I BUILT UP?!?!!? GODDAMN IT!!

    fast forward to a week ago (summer vacation)

    well, i get a voice mail on my cell at two in the morning and its my friends cellphone. I listen to the message and this is it:

    "Hello, yeah danny? I just want you to know, i want you baaaaaaaaaaad -moan-"

    even though it was her phone, it was not her, i know it was her friend. How do I know, because my crush has an accent. this chick didnt.

    so i call my friend the next morning and she confesses that her friend got ahold of her phone and was just having fun.

    was it a girl sleep over thing, or do you think my friend likes me and wanted her friend to tease me of some sort...

    -scrolls up- goddamn... You've read A LOT... if you read it all the way through. thanks alot. I just needed to rant. I cant talk to any one around my house... I feel you guys are my second family...

    again thanks alot, im going to bed, i havent slept thinking about this, its five fucking twenty am...

    Thanks again...

    Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

    Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

    Originally posted by JoshM
    Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
    NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.

    I'd be pissed....

    My official vouch thread!

    Updated!!! --> My official turbo progress thread


      Get 2 gether with her and her friend and bone there b acks out


        danny, i'm sorry to say this but you should've made a move when you had the chance bro. it seems like this chick is pretty decent, that's why she's on everyone's "to do" list.

        but honestly, if she's just running around and getting with every guy, how do you know she's someone who's "innocent" and "faithful", like what we all look for? i mean we want a girl that would do anything in bed, but not seem like a full-on slut.

        it kinda aggravated me, seeing as you were putting your time and labor into her, and she just doesn't acknowledge the fact that you like her. i mean damn, who the fuck gives a gold chain for a holiday unless they have some sort of feelings (especially at the age you are at).

        tell her how you feel, even mention how you went out with a girl to see if she would care about it (basically saying that you did this to gauge her interest in you) because she will see that you were making an effort to get her attention. it worked for me before.

        i used to make fun of this short, skinny (but had a nice ass) rican and dominican chick, and one day i was kinda tipsy (yes, in school!) and i decided to see whats up cuz she sat next to me and was looking at me smiling. so i told her, "you know why i make fun of you (i always called her skittles, or rainbow, or mix and match, because she used to wear some exclusive colors, but in a sexy way), because i like you and didn't know how to get your attention." she was like "aww thats so sweet, i think you're so handsome." all my boys were in disbelief, even i was. but thats when my stupid ass ex had to fuck it all up for me. :
        '93 Bordeaux Red Pearl LX 5MT

        Prev CBs:
        -'93 BRP LX 4AT
        -'92 AGP LX 5MT
        -'93 AGP EX 4AT
        10yrs after my first cb, I'm still driving one!


          That was actually kinda hard to follow because you didn't mention many names. Just sounds like the TWO of you are trying to play each other. I say you call her up and tell her to meet you somewhere..a park or somethin. Write down everything you want to say to her but have never said. Keep it with you and try to memorize it so you don't leave anything out or try to come up with spur of the moment words. Tell the latina girl you lied about having a girlfriend to try to see if she had feelings for you. And that the only person that is of any interest to you is her.

          In conclusion, TALK TO HER LIKE A MAN AND FESS UP!!! Lay it all down on the line by gathering up all the nerve that you can and just tell her. She may end up fessing up herself. Most every guy is just as gittery as you were...i'll solved that by having my friends dare me to do it (7th grade). I'll leave you with this "Never go through life thinking about what could have been."
          Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

          FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


            sorry but i have to... latina girls (especially rican) > me!
            '93 Bordeaux Red Pearl LX 5MT

            Prev CBs:
            -'93 BRP LX 4AT
            -'92 AGP LX 5MT
            -'93 AGP EX 4AT
            10yrs after my first cb, I'm still driving one!


              Originally posted by br0nx finest
              sorry but i have to... latina girls (especially rican) > me!
              x2...definately ricans...and when they call u "papi"...h00k3d!!!
              Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

              FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                Holly ludacrisly long post Batman! Yeah sounds like that would piss anyone off.

                - Zipcreature

                CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


                  nice rant i was intreaged to read this but it sucks for you but yea should have pushed the bucket on there like when it was at the communioin eff that other punk but still... sorry to hear and nice writing

                  AzN VtEc PoWeR: i need to find something to do on my b-day
                  nFiniTeSkiLz: yea
                  nFiniTeSkiLz: go find some friends
                  nFiniTeSkiLz: lol
                  AzN VtEc PoWeR: i already went on craigslist and got some hoes
                  AzN VtEc PoWeR: just like maple
                  AzN VtEc PoWeR: hahahaha i keed
                  nFiniTeSkiLz: um hum im sure...


                    dude what i have learned this last few months is "just take care of ur self and don't get ur heart involved" everything is gona be much smother.... just find some girl that appriciates u and thats it......
                    its hard to tell if that girl has feelings for u... a girls heart its like a deep dark ocean... so u are preaty much screwed with that...
                    my advice is... just ride with it. play her game. once u get a gf then she is really gona show her feelings.
                    are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


                      Originally posted by br0nx finest
                      danny, i'm sorry to say this but you should've made a move when you had the chance bro. it seems like this chick is pretty decent, that's why she's on everyone's "to do" list.

                      but honestly, if she's just running around and getting with every guy, how do you know she's someone who's "innocent" and "faithful", like what we all look for? i mean we want a girl that would do anything in bed, but not seem like a full-on slut.

                      it kinda aggravated me, seeing as you were putting your time and labor into her, and she just doesn't acknowledge the fact that you like her. i mean damn, who the fuck gives a gold chain for a holiday unless they have some sort of feelings (especially at the age you are at).

                      tell her how you feel, even mention how you went out with a girl to see if she would care about it (basically saying that you did this to gauge her interest in you) because she will see that you were making an effort to get her attention. it worked for me before.

                      i used to make fun of this short, skinny (but had a nice ass) rican and dominican chick, and one day i was kinda tipsy (yes, in school!) and i decided to see whats up cuz she sat next to me and was looking at me smiling. so i told her, "you know why i make fun of you (i always called her skittles, or rainbow, or mix and match, because she used to wear some exclusive colors, but in a sexy way), because i like you and didn't know how to get your attention." she was like "aww thats so sweet, i think you're so handsome." all my boys were in disbelief, even i was. but thats when my stupid ass ex had to fuck it all up for me. :
                      i dont know if i portrayed her as a slut or something, but shes the exact opposate. It's one of the reasons im so into her, its because she not like the other rich, snobby, slutty girls at my school. She is a really decent girl and we have alot in common. Really, shes not a slut. If she was, i wouldnt be so interested. Always my mentality, no matter HOW CUTE, im not gonna persure if shes a slut.

                      in a way, this girl is kinda immature, relationship wise. I mean, shes only had two boyfriends (including her most recent) I really dont think she knows how to be in a relationship. More importantly, how it feels to be in a meaningfull relationship. I mean, she has no idea what I would do for her...

                      and about the stuttering and all that kinda stuff. Normally I'm smoth and shit talking to girls. If i ask a girl out, it'll coe out and 99% of the time, we'll go out. I dont wanna seem cocky but yeah. Its just this girl makes me feel, well... i dont know... shes never made me feel like this before.. I know it sounds corney... but yeah...

                      Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

                      Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

                      Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

                      Originally posted by JoshM
                      Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
                      NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                        Originally posted by br0nx finest
                        sorry but i have to... latina girls (especially rican) > me!
                        lol! Her parents are from Chile and Argentina

                        Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

                        Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

                        Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

                        Originally posted by JoshM
                        Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
                        NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                          Holy shit, i just realized you guys read all that...

                          Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

                          Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

                          Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

                          Originally posted by JoshM
                          Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
                          NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                            well after reading that first post i only purused the later comments.. but come one man.. you aint setting a good example for us west coast cats. step up your game. no need to be "suave" *rico?* just be forward. this chick sounds like shes impulsive, so give her a call and tell her you want to take her out. no need to be smooth just be like

                            "hey *name here* you busy tonight?...

                            *wait for response*

                            really thats cool. well i wanted to know if you were interested in going out for a cruise out to the beach and a bite to eat?...

                            *she give some lame response*...

                            well its not a date persay just wanted to spend some time with a great person, it just so happens that you are attractive.

                            *she blushes and gigles*

                            so how about it?

                            *proceed to tell her that youll bring tacos al pastor and have a little walk on the beach and just dip your feet. *

                            or dont and just do it. come on man.


                              danny my boy, you have WAY too much time on your hands brother. your on summer vacation right? go get a summer job at a cool place you'll meet plenty of hot broads. plus you'll earn some money for your cb7. your far too young to be worried about ONE girl. dude your entering the prime of yo life bud the LAST thing you want to do is get all wrapped up with one female psssh, dude wait till your hormones kick in, you won't be able stop thinking about all kinds of girls and how you want to do them. don't worry about this chick bro, they'll be PLENTY more. TRUST. *ps, don't ever let me hear of you buying a 35$ dvd for some chick FOR NOTHING!!!!* your pal, -tony
                              CiRcuS kiNgZ

