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    I have .02 cents to put in. I had a 90 accord and when i found this site I could not get off of it. This site has tons of information and i could not wait to get my car looking as good as others on this site.

    I have few posts because i had nothing really to say and why be a post whore? I had nothing very interesting to say or input so i kept my mouth shut. I am still active on this board cause i still see the same people and keep reading the posts. I can't find a good site for the 7th gen that feels like a community like this site.

    This site has made me really want a full blown 90-93 accord race car of some sort just because I feel loyal to the 4th gen and i love the car.


      I read everything on the site before I ever posted, almost literally. I spent every day for three months scrolling through the archives before I finally had a question I needed answered and registered to post it.

      What happened to people dedicated enough to do that?

      BTW, it's 2:11AM, so if this seems pointless, I'm sorry.


        Originally posted by Bluejayde
        I read everything on the site before I ever posted, almost literally. I spent every day for three months scrolling through the archives before I finally had a question I needed answered and registered to post it.

        What happened to people dedicated enough to do that?

        BTW, it's 2:11AM, so if this seems pointless, I'm sorry.
        na dude that is how we learn, from other instead of shunning them. i also agree i did that for the longest time. it was the rust repair ATX had made up. i was so inspired i did it. and that was doing research from him. and other members. without that i don't think i woulda had the balls to cut up my accord. and to this day i still can't belive i did that it is 2 here also. i jus can't believe our site is changing so much. for the best i know.

        (129)Transactions and counting


          man don't go to that memebership fee stuff. IT's *** its what turned me away from AT. I don't surf boards enough to wanan pay a $5 fee. This board was created as social scene for cb7tuners lets not lose(sp?) site of that. Yeah i know it gets expensive to maintain a board and such and yeah I am sick and tired of flaming and bashing, but how about this.....Lets all stick to the Golden rule if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all (or do unto others as you would have done unto you). Lets just have everyone chill out for a day and weed through some of these catz who are really causing trouble and ban them for about a week. I Don't wanna stop comming here I love this place but i'm really not willing to pay $5 for something I'm on maybe twice a week. I need to have money for da stip club u know


          sorry misread the fee is yearly I can afford that shizz sign me up
          Last edited by buddah; 06-29-2005, 02:36 AM.

          Members Ride Thread


            im the same with alot of you...i live on this site.. day and night, and i too have noticed alot of just irrelivant bullshit going on latley where people just completly take a persons thread and turn it into a chatroom, and i think it needs to stop. but on the other had i dont want the mods to turn into nazi's back handing ppl every time they speak,but thats not to say i want them to stop doing thier jobs entirely.

            and as for the money...i too would be willing to pay a fee every year.


              Originally posted by micksf22accord
              yeah? you would like to kick my ass? Well fizzbob I am waiting. Please do come and try to kick my ass.
              you obviously want to be banned . . . yet noone does anything about it.

              anyways, back to what i was planning on saying before i saw micks post. alot of you are mentioning AT's $5/3 months fee. that fee is for a sig, an customizable avatar and the ability to post for sale threads . . . thats it, im a fairly active member over there and i dont pay the fee because none of that is important enough to me. i do find it interesting how when that fee was implemented over at AT to help tracey out with site fees, much like this fee will help steve out with site fees, there was alot of moaning and complaining here about it. yet some of the same people that were moaning and complaining about that fee are now ready to pay $5/year here. i know, its alot different, but im just trying to put it in perspective since the AT fee was brought up.

              I would definitley pay the fee here because, although i dont post much, and i do plan on selling my CB7 at some point in the near future, i also own a CD5 and the cars might as well be twins. theres alot of information over here on the f22b DOHC swap and various turbo setups that i would use, and honestly, knowing answers when it comes time to do the swap is well worth $5 to me. sure i could go elsewhere, but if i post on AT, or H-T, or AD, theres a good chance my thread wont even be looked at by someone who knows the answer , or is willing to take thier time and help me out, for a couple hours, maybe a day or two. here, theres so many people who have done everything possible that theres a good chance that my thread could be looked at within the hour that i post it. sure it will mean less for sale items in the classifieds, but if the person wants to sell thier goods enough, then they will contact a registered member to sell them. its as simple as that. ive been meaning to set up a paypal account, and honestly, i couldnt think of a better reason to do it

              And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
              Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                paying a fee (especially something as minimal as $5/yr) is a great idea to solve many of the problems that have inflicted our community...the immature people that do not contribute anything to this community have got to go so we could get some kind of resembence of how the board used to be back when i has been going downhill and we need to fix this now...once AT started charging i stopped visiting simply because i didnt like the site much and i didnt want to give them my money...but for this site, i would be more than glad to hand over more than 5/yr to keep this community clean and well i say you do it already and start implementing a fee...and if you need more Mod help to keep this place clean, im more than willin gto help out as much as possible

                Originally posted by fizzbob7
                first off, don't be a sissy bitch.....that's what you're being
                Originally posted by ACC0RD22
                no need to get sand in your vagina over this guys.
                So. Cal OUTLAWZ


                  Wow, this was 3 posts when I signed off last night, and now its 10 pages. At first I didn't think Mike (Deevergote) was serious when he posted it, but now I agree.

                  I think the main thing I see wrong with this board is the immaturity which has already been addressed, and the lack of respect among members. I had brought up the lack of respect in an earlier post and did notice a big change in how cars were viewed, and that made me feel good.

                  However, deleting 30-40 posts daily just drives me nuts over here. Maybe its because I'm getting older, who knows. However, I do agree with the thing of as one person does it, more people will do it as far as flaming goes. I mean even I got into it one night (the vtec lever debacle), but like Mike said, even I was kept in check through a concerned post/pm and that showed me a lot. I guess sometimes its hard to stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to repsect when everyone else around you is just creating an issue.

                  I feel that the fee may weed out some of the people. I understand that it is an issue for some people, but think about this, its a quarter a day for a month and then you'll be good to pay. You can still view the baords, you just can't post.

                  I don't want to see this board turn into Honda-Tech. I don't even like posting over there. I just use it when I'm scanning info about other Hondas. I mean I've seen posts where people put 20-30K into their car, and some n00b calls it rice. WTF, if someone put that much into their car, even if it wasn't my taste, I'd still respect it.

                  I dunno, I'm gonna go back and hide in my cubicle now.


                    steve charge a fee. Im sick of the idiots on here too. I hardly post anymore :-/ ahh I think it should be 8$ a year.


                      a couple of things to keep in mind... there are really two seperate issues here, the original complaint, and the money. There have been talks of fees for a little while because the price of hosting jumped significantly to around $90 a month I believe. So in suggesting fees to make the board a nicer place because there would be less people, thats really just a nice side affect. The board does need some way to make money now to pay for the hosting. As for people talking about other boards and whatever, basically it depends each person who would be willing to pay. I've paid to join sites of cars I don't own, and then theres some accord sites where I wont pay. someone mentioned a-t, thats 4 times as much and only to post in the classifieds and have a sig and avatar, so i think this fee would be pretty fair. someone also brought up AD and their nazi mods... I used to mod there as well and I wouldn't exactly say that at all. Yes we wouldnt put up with shit at all but thats because the board has a much more specific purpose... This board you can post about anything, yes even about how to install your altezzas or indiglo gauges or whatever, but over there it was all technical, race/performance related. So its much easier to just delete the non-related questions. They also have about 1/2 as many members, and that site was definetly much nicer in the beginning too... I was the 21st member there and I believe the 3rd or 4th here and they've both gone downhill somewhat imo. but thats what happens with more members. And thats why I don't post on either all that much anymore.

                      cliff notes after my long rambling: We have to charge some kind of fee regardless, hopefully it will bring down the stupidity/flaming level and the maturity level up and if it doesn't we'll go from there.
                      HSHO #3


                        I guess noone read my post on page 2. But anyhow, I would pay more than $5 a yr., alot of times I'm broke, but I can afford it at one point or another. I think a rating/feedback system (where a certain amount of bad rating/feedback results in temp. ban, and later a perm. ban) would be excellent. I also think there should be a 3 strikes and you're out policy. And people should also realize what made this a tightly knit community. The relatively smaller member population, I think closing registration for a little while might be a good idea as well, I don't think we need the new people to come and add to our issues.

                        But along with paying, I'd like some more features, such as avatar and custom titles (the title under your username), that would be pretty cool

                        It'll also be easier for me to pay, now that I have my own paypal account (finally decided to trust e-commerce) and have a decent job (as opposed to the various 8$ an hr. jobs).

                        Like I said before, I'd help clean up the stuff around here, but I doubt people know me well enough to want me in that position, although I been here more than a yr. and 1200+ posts.
                        '93 Bordeaux Red Pearl LX 5MT

                        Prev CBs:
                        -'93 BRP LX 4AT
                        -'92 AGP LX 5MT
                        -'93 AGP EX 4AT
                        10yrs after my first cb, I'm still driving one!


                          I guess if its gonna come down to it, im just gonna be browsing the site. I mean i have been viewing accordtuner(waiting for my banishment) to cease so i can get on their and speak my mind, but while i have been browsing the site, i have noticed, that site has gone down hill and lost over half of their members ever since they did the charge fee thing.! But i also noticed, that their membership fee only last 3months and is also 5$, but thats because tracey cant afford any hair grow supplements, but thats beside the point...

                          ....I think that if you think it will keep this board calm and back on a community track, and not a circus, then go for it and charge, but i dont think its the right answer if you think about the loss of members and stuff.

                          Personally, i think, that you cant blame certain people for starting drama, because if others would ignore it, and just say fuck em instead of replying and eggin the loser on, then it wouldnt be such a big deal. << and the loser will see that no one cares, and he isnt funny, but i guess just ingoring people is just too hard these days .

                          I will stop venting and ranting now, but i had to put in my 2cents.


                            Originally posted by h22akkord23
                            Personally, i think, that you cant blame certain people for starting drama, because if others would ignore it, and just say fuck em instead of replying and eggin the loser on, then it wouldnt be such a big deal. << and the loser will see that no one cares, and he isnt funny, but i guess just ingoring people is just too hard these days .
                            While i agree with that theres more to the story. The loser in this case started spreading false and misleading information that NEEDED to be addressed. He had no proof to what he was saying and some members were given the wrong impression after his statements. Not to mention he couldn't even correctly say what he was trying to say.
                            Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                            FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


                              i say use the,3 STIKES YOU'RE OUT!! if you can't get along, you don't belong.


                                Oh and to add to all the maddness Mick was actually saying "Let the flaming begin" at the end of his posts. He WANTED to stir up shit. And he's not only a problem here he's a problem on other boards too.
                                Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

                                FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12

