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first ticket ever!!!...fack!

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    first ticket ever!!!...fack!

    ok so today was my first ticket ever in my sucks, i wasnt even being stupid when i got roaped, i was doing 60 in a 45 keeping up with the flow of traffic coming over a hill and bam one of the smaller city cops gunnin people, decides to cap me outa the 4 cars, im like you gotta be kidding me, this is total BS, im as polite as ever, yes sir this, talkin with him, and he tickets me for 180$$...GRRRRRR, now gotta take that stupid class to get the points takin off and reduce my fine...but fuck, thats more cash outa my motor goodies and stuff fund...arg me matey!!


    damn i got my first ever ticket on sat. it is like mayb 1 in the morn jus got back from street races. got a lil bored my friends and I decide to go riding our bikes downtown, this b the first time i have ridin' around this late with my friends. had a fawking good time riding around till we got tired and head back to where we parked, and outta no where this cop come out pulls us over (we are on our bikes) and tickets us for not having the correct items on our bikes i.e. reflector,bike registration,lights <***.it's a bmx bike we don't need ghey reflectors on them. fuckin 60 bux gawd damn it there goes some money i had saved up for red/clrs. funny tho i had jus told my friend i had money saved up for the tails i wanted sooo long and now i gotta 60 dollar ticket for some stupid shit.

    (129)Transactions and counting


      dont sweat it brothe same shit happened to me before i did 62 in a 45 because there was this old guy driving wreckless and a sanitation city dumptruck weaving into my lane while he was on a cellphone the cop decideds to just get at me instead because i was a honda. If i had my swap before then i would have just outran his ass. BUt anyway just pay the shit plea guilty and send an extra 5 for no points off when they give you a refund dont cash the money thats all and jsut obey the speed limit you can go 10-15 over. Let everyone else go fuck em they dont run your life.

