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I hate our country sometimes

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    I hate our country sometimes

    If you had a chance to run things, what would you change?

    I'd bring the boys back home to secure our borders for a few years, cut off all foreign aide and rebuild our damn country. I think its in complete shambles and shit has seriously turned upside down from what I can tell.

    I just read in the paper yesterday that now 1701 US troops have been killed in Iraq since we've gone over there. What pisses me off is that 1500+ have been killed AFTER the official "end of the war" announcement. Why in the hell do we still have guys over there?

    If the majority of the population no longer like what Prez Bush is doing right now, how come he's still in office? We be some lazy mothafuckas when it comes to politics, cuz no one wants to do shit about this tyrant attempting to police the globe.

    Thats my rant, but what do you think should be changed? Discuss.

    "Sticker this, censor this, ban this
    We got something to say!
    Police this, condemn this, damn this
    We'll be heard anyway!
    Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!" - MuDvAyNe, "Silenced"

    Yes, I've heard this same "rant" many times before. Many people don't want our men and women dying , especially since their losing their lives doesn't seem to make victory any more realistic. They risk their lives, and they ask in return that we only send them in harms way when it's really necessary. Even many Bush supporters are getting weak in the knees as to whether it's necessary for them to continue to fight and perhaps die in Iraq. The overall sentiment I've heard from returning troops is "I don't know what we're doing there." It's not like the wars of yesteryear, where there was a clearly defined enemy. Today's war reflects more on Vietnam. "Why are we here?" "What are we fighting for?" were heard in that era, although the combination of events in America at that time had a lot to do with the opinions. It's no reason to hate the country, maybe just to doubt it's leadership. Let's just try to keep him from doing too much damage until 2008.

    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
    where you been, is something wrong?
    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


      I don't agree with the war either. Actually I served in operation enduring freedom. I am to still confused on why exactly we went in there, I have heard so many different reasons. As far as just pulling our troops out, that is unfair and not going to happen. We invaded the country of Iraq and took away there government against there own will. We can't leave until we set something up for them. If we didn't, it would defeat the whole purpose of even going there. Terrorist's would take over and the country would be 10x worse off then when we first invaded them, well I don't know how it can get any worse but . If we are going to force somebody to redecorate their house then we better stay and help them do it.
      my ride


        Originally posted by accordaffair
        It's no reason to hate the country, maybe just to doubt it's leadership.
        Good point and well said. Your right, I don't hate the country, I hate Bush and our leaders. I'm also very saddened by the apathy of my fellow citizens.

        As far as helping "redecorate", why bother? They don't want us there and there seems to be no end to the arguing over who should be part of the commitee to draft their constitution. Add to that the fact that they keep assassinating officials, and you have to wonder if they even care about a government and want to live in a state of perpetual anarchy.

        I understand a little of why we're over there and especially why we can't just pack up and leave, but I really wish we could. Can you imagine how much better this country could be if we stopped giving "help" to countries that don't want it? Look at what we did over in Africa too, and tell me those people want our help. I say we should quit policing the damn globe and focus on our own problems for a change. Maybe then the rest of the world would appreciate what we actually do for them rather than booing and hating us every chance they get (Olympics).

        "Sticker this, censor this, ban this
        We got something to say!
        Police this, condemn this, damn this
        We'll be heard anyway!
        Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!" - MuDvAyNe, "Silenced"


          It's always easier to say waht should be done, after the problem has developed. So, I'm not going tos ay what I would have done different, just what I would do now.

          1. Liberate Taiwan, fuck china, they piss the shit out of me still being communist, who the F do they think they are.

          2. Create cultural awareness of the middle east, showing not all arabs are terrorist or that they want to kill you

          3. IMprove education, no don't just say you will do it, fucking start doing it, our math scores are pitiful when compared to the rest of the world.

          4. Get rid of some of this fast food, holy shit are we getting fat, and it's not even just being fat, we're getting cholestorol problems like you wouldn't fukin believe! Who wants to die @ 50?!

          5. Seriously consider raising the speed limit in certain areas, 55 just doesn't cut it, and the main reason we go 55 is because during the 70s there was a gas shortage and it was believed 55 would cut back on fuel consumption..boy were we wrong.

          6. The elderly MUST, by federal mandate, 65 (For accordwarrior) and over be Re-Tested for their driving test, just like when they first got it...If they fail, they lose their license, that's it.

          7. While we're on driving, make 18 year old's pay for their license, it works in Italy and most of europe, when you pay for a privilege you appreciate it more. Amen to that.

          8. *sacrastic entry* eliminate all racist bitches and stick them on the island of guam, I figure these assholes should be life mates, that way they keep their shit contained, and maybe work it out...right...

          9. Stop bullshitting about the fucking aliens, we know they came, we know they might be here. Enough of the cover ups, let's just be honest.
          Last edited by Nycxeracer; 06-14-2005, 02:11 PM.
          My Member's Ride Thread, Comments Welcome!!!


            Originally posted by Nycxeracer

            6. The elderly MUST, by federal mandate, 60 and over be Re-Tested for their driving test, just like when they first got it...If they fail, they lose their license, that's it.
            60? I'd fight you on that, just because I think 60 is too young. My mom's older than 60 and she's a better driver than probably most people on here. She's had her license probably over 40 years, never gotten a ticket, and never been in an at fault accident. In fact the only accident she was in, she wasn't even in the car at the time. But I do agree that once you get into the late 60s early 70s something needs to be done.


              In reply to nycxracer

              1. Well it can't be that simple though. I don't know how much we need them, but they become stronger everyday. Not that they're building an army to attack or anything but if we should go to war with them it would not be a "point and click" war, they would make for a serious resistance. At this point I wouldn't want to fuck with them unless they want to fuck with us....why am I saying this anyway I have no reason to say I want to attack China! I'll stop

              2. Welllllllll ummm I don't want to say something troll related about the current government/republican fear machine about that...whoops

              3. We do need our education to improve, but the blame can't be solely on one group, the education state is decided by the state of the country overall, just because you're not a teacher doesn't mean you can say "it's not my fault" and throw your hands up. In fact, education is affected more by how they are taught at home. At least 90% of the kids who I *personally* would consider "a failure" at learning are due to bad parenting. And the state of parenting the way I see it has much to do with the mindset of the American people.

              4. Well we are the ones eating it, but I agree there should probably be some control, not to get rid of it necessarily....but it's usually cheaper for people to eat unhealthy food then it is to eat a well balanced diet. Self control must be addressed until the rest can be fixed.

              5. I never knew that, interesing factoid, and it's not such a bad idea.

              6. I agree but that age is too early as warrior said, but the idea I agree with.

              7. Ummm....I paid for my license, it was like 40-50 you mean per year or...what?

              8. We should just like put them in some big...... Canister, yeah, and then just...dump em in the ocean (obscure reference)

              9. I've never had a problem with foreigners in America, the more the merrier I say, but then I'm hispanic so I'm biased....I guess

              on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
              where you been, is something wrong?
              i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                Originally posted by accordaffair
                9. I've never had a problem with foreigners in America, the more the merrier I say, but then I'm hispanic so I'm biased....I guess
                I think he was talking about aliens from outer space and shit. Area 51 type shit.
                But yeah I agree with that. In my opinion we are all foreigners to this land we call U.S.A. except for the native americans. We have no right to bitch at other people moving in.
                my ride


                  Just pretend that you were part of a coup to overthrow the government and now your in charge. Fuck what everybody else did before you, what would YOU want to change that you think impacts us as Americans?

                  The speed limit thing is a good idea, as well as making people pay to take the driving test. Why do you think Europe has the Autobahn? Because they make people pay like $300 in american to take the test and pass (which is rather difficult mind you, not like here)... you better believe they're qualified to drive as fast as they want!

                  As far as aliens, they do exist. But why would they stick around here. You better believe a race that has mastered intergalactic travel doesn't want to spend time with us dumb asses quibling over things as petty as ideas... (or religion *ahem*).

                  As far as immigrants are concerned, think of what kind of policing job we could have the military do if they weren't over in Iraq dying? We could just have em go door to door with the Census people and pass out citizenships. They're already here working, might as well make it official. At least that way the goverment will get to tax them like they do everybody else.

                  Oh, and social security wouldn't be hurting so bad if it weren't for freeloaders. 3 month maximum to get your own job, or the feds give you one doing jobs that only illegals would want to do for the same pay... that way we won't have to worry about illegals taking our jobs or a labor crisis!

                  "Sticker this, censor this, ban this
                  We got something to say!
                  Police this, condemn this, damn this
                  We'll be heard anyway!
                  Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!" - MuDvAyNe, "Silenced"


                    If I had a chance to run things .. trust me ..

                    First of all .. capitol punishment would be mandatory ... no if and or but's about it.. period ...
                    Secondly ... *cutting off all foreign aide* .. would have its benefits, I'm sick and tired also
                    of fighting wars with countries, that we fund and sell our *outdated weapons* to,
                    only to have them, be used against us ..Jesus H Christ !!! That's almost like me comin after you
                    with a knife, only to have YOU take it away from me, and stab me in the heart!!!

                    AccordAffair is right in saying that ..*Today's war reflects more on Vietnam*, but at the same time
                    it reflects on *other* wars or *conflicts* that we've had with other countries, not to mention,
                    civil wars we've had amongst ourselves in our own country. It goes way back ..
                    War simply sucks .. end of discussion ..

                    I swear to God .. *we* still talk about the *yankee's* as if it was still fawking 200 years ago ..
                    People .. here's a clue .. the fawkin battle is over .. ok? Get your godamned fawking rebel flags
                    off your damn front license plates .. and that freakin pit bull you ride around with on your front seat,
                    is nothing but a godamned upholstery stain with bad breath ..

                    You're right evol90accord ... this country IS in complete shambles .. and guess what?
                    It's too fawkin late to ever do anything about it .. Why? Once again I repeat ..
                    No budy gives a fuck to care enuff .. cuz their too content in the privacy of their air conditioned
                    home, watching some *sit-com*, and laffin their ass off, while the rest of the country goes blissfully incompetent.

                    Comapny's today push employee's harder, and pay less .. why? Cuz there's about a billion people
                    right outside the door .. waiting for you to quit, so they can replace you. And they will.
                    I was told last friday .. by my boss, after quitting .. that .. "I'll find a Mexican to run the crane,
                    who will do it for less .. and not complain one bit" .. oyeah? Why did I just drive by the place,
                    on my way home .. and see three people trying to operate it ..? Why'd they call me yesterday..
                    and agree with me that .. yeah .. people pop a fuse every now and then ..and uhhh ...
                    we cant find anyone to operate the crane Tomi ... g'head .. see what life at work is like .. *after Tomi*

                    I am so sick and tired of big business, politics, and mother fuckers that think because
                    they swam from Cuba, or walked a fawkin hundred miles to cross a border, that we owe um something.
                    I had a Mexican tell me the other day .. "I no want speak english..I only work here 5 year,
                    then I take my money, and go back Mexico" .. WTF ???????? Anyone here have any idea
                    of just how long $15,000 will last that dude in Mexico? fawkinunbelievable !!!

                    Meanwhile.. we're off fighting a godamned war, just so more imagants from every corner of the world,
                    can waltz right on in ...

                    Last month we hired a guy from Guatemala, that gave the same SS# that his cousin gave us.
                    Real fawkin bright ... what? Did he NOT think he was gonna be busted ???? I fawkin swear!!!!!

                    Yeah .. *secure our borders* .. no fucking shit man .. how about putting a bullet in the mother fucker
                    that got *paid off* to *let* them in?

                    Shambles? Nah .. I would use a much more agressive word .. like *botchery*, or simply ..
                    one big mess

                    And before you flame me for being prejudiced, let it be known that I have alotta cool Hispanic friends.
                    One's that are articulate, educated, and speak fluent english...and have no intentions
                    of going back to where they came from ..because they love this country, as opposed to their *homeland*.

                    War on drugs? easy .. You gonna tell me that our own gov has no idea who or how
                    the drugas make it in?
                    I was a 2nd Lt. 3/7 Air Defense Artillery, Europe ... what I saw, heard, tasted, and smelled,
                    will NEVER leave me .. and YOU, would NOT believe it.. even IF you saw it, with your OWN eyes.

                    Our Gov is all about one thing .. making themselves richer, stronger, and more independent for themselves.
                    If you think for ONE moment, that they care about you or anyone else .. you're in for a very bad day.

                    Aids and gun laws are all about population control .. hear me now and believe me later ...
                    They WANT the drugs shipped in .. HELL .. The gov. ships more drugs into our country
                    then you could ever even imagine !!! And if we can send a fawkin spacecraft around the globe,
                    and into outter space, landing on *other* planets, you mean to tell me, we cant find a cure?
                    Ok .. keep believing that ...

                    Yeah .. we need another Eisenhower, or Kennedy .. those two were never known to *pussy foot around*.
                    I'd love to give it a shot myself .. I guaranfauckingtee you, there would be ALOT less,
                    rapists, child molesters, and drunk drivers .. One only needs to look at *other* countries,
                    to see how THEY deal with that type a criminal ..

                    And how do you think you or I, would benefit, arriving in a new country, refusing to speak
                    THEIR language???? And desiring a *job* ????? LMMFAO !!! America has turned *soft*.
                    We're not even *feared* like we once were, in the 50's or 60's ...not even close.

                    Make me president for a week .. I can guarantee, we'd have a whooooollle lot less *ordnance*
                    then we had before I started ..

                    A Hui Hou !!!
                    Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 06-14-2005, 03:10 PM.

                    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                      Originally posted by AccordWarrior
                      60? I'd fight you on that, just because I think 60 is too young. My mom's older than 60 and she's a better driver than probably most people on here. She's had her license probably over 40 years, never gotten a ticket, and never been in an at fault accident. In fact the only accident she was in, she wasn't even in the car at the time. But I do agree that once you get into the late 60s early 70s something needs to be done.
                      55. The same age you become a "senior citizen" you have to go in for a behind the wheel driving test every 2 years, same as emissions. And while they are there they should have to submit an eye exam by a *qualified* optomitrist... this blinking light shit doesn't mean squat when it comes to driving. Every 2 years for the rest of their lives, free of charge of course. This way I won't have another blind man driving his Lincoln out of a bank hit the broad side of my big ORANGE van because "he didn't see me"

                      "Sticker this, censor this, ban this
                      We got something to say!
                      Police this, condemn this, damn this
                      We'll be heard anyway!
                      Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!" - MuDvAyNe, "Silenced"


                        It's like Deltron 3030 says
                        Aliens landed and said our planet wasn't worth invadin
                        Cuz all the natural resources are fadin
                        BTW, I never lost a job to an illegal, nor has anyone I know...not even a know a guy who knows a guy so on, so I didn't even know it was a problem...maybe its just hype?

                        Well, uh just read pakalolo's post, guess I should edit, but I'll leave it since you've read his post now too....
                        Last edited by accordaffair; 06-14-2005, 03:10 PM.

                        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                        where you been, is something wrong?
                        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                          I was referring to aliens from outer space, lol. As in E.T.
                          My Member's Ride Thread, Comments Welcome!!!


                            Originally posted by accordaffair
                            BTW, I never lost a job to an illegal, nor has anyone I know...not even a know a guy who knows a guy so on, so I didn't even know it was a problem...maybe its just hype?
                            You don't live in Arizona, a border state to Mexico, with our state laws and our "Right to Work" state. Its totally different in FL bud. You have to worry about cuban refugees and shit, but not like this. "Right to Work" in AZ literally translates to "Right to Get FUCKED" if your white. They can and WILL find someone to replace you if your getting paid too much. They don't even have to have a reason to fire your ass. Just one day poof, your job is gone and they didn't even tell you why. Thats real fun when it comes time to try and get unemployment while your looking for a job. They lower people wages here to make workers find other jobs because a lot of employers don't have the stomach to fire somebody for nothing... they would rather make them quit.

                            I'm not saying we should git rid of all them mex-i-cans (in my southern shitkickin accent), just thats its not a MYTH. It happens everyday here, to personal friends of mine as well as myself. The rest of the country gets paid double what I make because they can easily find someone to replace me...

                            And to PakaloloHonda: Wonderful post. Good ideas, nice to see someone actually get as pissed about this crap as I am. Not saying I agree with all of it, but I want people to understand whats wrong with the country and ourselves as citizens

                            "Sticker this, censor this, ban this
                            We got something to say!
                            Police this, condemn this, damn this
                            We'll be heard anyway!
                            Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!" - MuDvAyNe, "Silenced"


                              Originally posted by accordaffair
                              BTW, I never lost a job to an illegal, nor has anyone I know...not even a know a guy who knows a guy so on, so I didn't even know it was a problem...maybe its just hype?
                              I never said I LOST my job to an illegal alien .. I QUIT my job because some fawkin UNqualified
                              engineer, who shoulda NEVER made it past the freakin beach, tried to tell HIS super, that 2 cables
                              were enuff to lift FIVE tons of steel, instaed of using FOUR cables like he should have ..
                              while he watched my crane fold, like my dick would, if a FAT ugly bitch walked in the room.

                              I have LOST my confidence, in as much as, who we call *educated* and *competent*
                              people in this country anymore ...

                              Its gotta get done they say .. and .. "I dont care HOW you get it done.. just get it done"
                              That attitude is OUT the fucking window with me man .. NO man's life is worth that much.
                              A job is a fucking job folks .. it should never be a life and death situation .. unless you're a cop,
                              or a fireman .. or a grunt .. then it's your JOB .. but to have to see that crane ..
                              wow .. it's UNfuckingbelievable, that NO one was killed .. thas ok tho .. I give those fawk heads
                              a month .. Somebudy will break the new one .. or cost the company more $$$...

                              Whatever blows their fawkin dress up .. they wanna keep hiring *cheap labor* ..
                              They'll get whats comin .. (not that I'd wish that on anyone)

                              A Hui Hou !!!

                              My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

