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I just applied for sponsorship

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    Nah, I let it expire... Just about everything I got as an offer was for a show car. Not bad deals at all, but nothing useful to me... I wouldn't be able to hold up my end of the deal, since I don't participate in car shows! I may sign up again when my car is race-worthy (or at least road-worthy) again! They WILL contact companies of your choosing and try to get you sponsored. No guarantees, but depending on how you present yourself, it may be beneficial.

    It's a good company, and a good idea if you understand what your role is in it. A lot of people think "Ooh! I'll sign up and get all sorts of free stuff!"... but when they realize they have to participate in shows, send detailed diagrams and descriptions of certain setups (Blaupunkt requires this), and *gasp* PAY for some things (the most valuable sponsorships start as partial sponsorships)... they start calling it a scam.

    Trying to get free stuff for nothing is a scam.

    YES, you CAN get sponsored without the help of a company like this. Many of the SoCal guys (like Ghost2.2) have managed to get sponsored on their own, even with very little done to thier cars. If you can do that, great. If you can sell yourself and your car well enough to get someone's attention, more power to you. Not everybody can, though... and not everybody is in an area that has a lot of companies interested in sponsoring old Accords. For those people, this is a very good deal.

    However... I've been a scout since I signed up. I've managed to get $100 worth of signups (oddly enough, very few are from this site!) I've had that $100 sitting in my account there for months. I have not yet recieved a check, and $100 is the payout amount. My one contact attempt so far has been ignored.


      Yeah Deev I sighned up for this 2yrs ago and got the same offers. thought about the audio stuff and snickered at the decals. Now with all the work I'm doing to the wagon its gonna take more that a stereo or decals to get me. Hope it works out lates.
      Out in the driveway building something


        If you play their game and show them you're serious with the decals and other small stuff, you'd see more stuff coming your way... They aren't going to give good deals to people that haven't already shown they're serious.

        And for the record... this is nearly 2 years ago that I did this


          Originally posted by deevergote
          Hmmm... it does sound a bit crappy. They don't mention specific shows in the initial application. It only mentions gatherings, which I figured official CB7tuner meets would pass as.

          I think I may toss this out the window!

          In fact... I just did:

          I would like to cancel my sponsorship application. I have shared my \"good news\" with my fellow web board members, and I got in return a LOT of negative information about your company. Many people on the board apparently have dealt with in the past, and have been less than satisfied. I am no longer comfortable paying $89 for your services. Please disregard my application, and do not charge my credit card. Thank you.

          Let's see what comes of this! Watch them throw something good my way just to keep me... I talked about being all influential on and stuff in my application (hopefully I am... of course, you guys influence me as well, as you can see!)

          Pwned major.
          "This truck is 100% sh*ts and giggles."
          "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson

          You're not JDM until you have a car built in ohio with tons of bolt ons from ebay.
          Disregard females, acquire currency
          BUS 62 AIN'T F'ING AROUND!


            Man I must say like many others you have been had...... Big time... Good luck to you in the future....

            My Members Ride Thread ( Do It )

