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whats that meen?

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    whats that meen?

    well newbs here you go

    AFAIK - As far as I know
    AFK - Away from keyboard
    AKA - Also know as
    ASAP - As soon as possible
    B4 - Before
    BAK - Back at keyboard
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BBS - Be Back Soon
    BCNU - Be seeing you
    BFN - Bye for now
    BRB - Be Right Back
    BTDT - Been There Done That
    BTSOOM BTW - By the Way
    BYOH - Bat you onna head
    CFV - Call for votes
    CU - See you
    CUL - See you Later
    CUL8R - See you later
    DYJHIW - Don't you just hate it when...
    EG - Evil grin
    ETLA - Extended three letter acronym
    F2F - Face to face
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
    FFS - For Fuckings Sake
    FUBAR - fucked up beyond all recognition
    FOAD - Fuck off and Die
    FWIW - For what it's worth
    FYA - For your amusement
    FYI - For your information
    G - Grin
    GA - Go ahead
    GBH - Great back hug
    GBH&K - Great back hug & kiss
    GR&D - Grinning, running & ducking
    H - Hug
    HB - Hug back
    HH - Holding hands
    HHOJ/K - Ha Ha, Only Joking/Kidding
    HHOS - Ha Ha, Only Serious
    HIWTH - Hate it when that happens
    IAE - In any event
    IANAL - I am not a lawyer
    IBN - I'm Buck Naked!
    IDK - I don't know
    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
    IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
    IMO - In my opinion
    IOW - In other words
    IRL - In Real Life
    ****-In before the lock
    IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
    JAM - Just a Minute
    JASE - Just another system error
    J/K - Just kidding
    K - Kiss
    KB - Kiss back
    KOTC - Kiss on the cheek
    L8R - Later
    L - Laugh
    LMAO - Laughing my ass off
    LOL - Laughs Out Loud
    LYLAB/S - Love You Like A Brother/Sister
    MORF - Male or female
    MOTAS - Members of the appropriate sex
    MOTOS - Members of the opposite sex
    MOTSS - Members of the same sex
    MUD - Multi User Dungeon
    NIFOC - Naked in Front of Computer
    NFW - No fucking way
    NRN - No reply necessary
    OBTW - Oh, by the way
    OIC - Oh, I see
    OMFG-O my fucking god
    OTOH - On the other hand
    OTT - Over the Top
    PD - Public domain
    PMJI - Pardon me, Jumping in (when you interrupt a conversation)
    PMFJI - Pardon me for jumping in (same as above)
    PGM-FI- Pretty good mother fucking injection!!!
    PITA - Pain in the ass
    POTC - Peck on the cheek
    REHI - Hello again
    RFD - Request for discussion
    ROTFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing (also ROFL)
    ROTFLMAO - Roll on the floor laughing my ass off
    RSN - Real soon now
    RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual
    RUOK - Are you OK?
    S - Smile
    SB - Smiles back
    SITD - Still in the dark
    SNAFU - Situation normal, all foobared up
    SO - Significant other
    SOL - Stuff outta luck (not us)
    STFU - Shut the Fuck Up
    SW - Shareware
    SYL - See you later
    TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
    TARFU - Things are really fucked up
    TGIF - Thank God it's Friday
    TIA - Thanks in advance
    TIC - Tongue in cheek
    TLA - Three letter acronym
    TNX - Thanks
    TNX 1.0E6 - Thanks a million
    TTFN - Ta Ta for Now
    TTYL - Talk to You Later
    VEG - Very evil grin
    VES - Very evil smile
    VWG - Very wicked grin
    VWS - Very wicked smile
    W - Wink
    WG - Wicked grin
    WRT - With regard to (also with respect to)
    WTF - What the Fuck??
    WTH - What the hell
    WTHDTM - What the hell does that mean
    YKYBOTLW - You know you've been on-line too long when..
    Last edited by micksf22accord; 05-27-2005, 11:46 PM.

    Dynamic racing

    Look out for 4 point cb7 strut bars for dohc!!!

    Originally posted by deevergote
    bleh... i just put like 5 ounces of vodka in a 12 oz cup of mango iced tea...



      wikipedia PVVN5 joO!....


        a little bored there...?


          does anyone know what PGM-FI really stands for? ....pretty good mother fuckin' injection
          00 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.7 V8 4X4

          92 Honda Accord LX

          95 Honda Civic CX


            Originally posted by mrfreddio55
            a little bored there...?
            I was wondering the same thing lol.

            Midwest car club

            Current rides:
            91 accord lx (5spd)
            92 accord lx (5spd)
            93 accord lx (auto )


              wow, you cant be that lazy that you cant just type out the whole phrase on most of those?

              .....or can you?


                I hate all of those. I think the majority of people using them are younger people and geeks.
                Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

                How much does your wheel/tire combo weigh? Post here!
                -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
                MY RIDE

                "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


                  B========D (I) = let's fuck
                  (I) = would you like your pussy ate?
                  my ride


                    are you supposed to feel dumber after seeing all those

                    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                    where you been, is something wrong?
                    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                      Originally posted by deevergote



                        Wow, Micks you must have been really bored in order to post all those. I'm not sure about K = kiss haha. I've seen it most commonly used as Okay, but maybe thats just me. But really i wonder if its that hard just to type out the word or phrase.
                        Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                          Damn Mick, get a job.


                            Originally posted by mrhonda
                            does anyone know what PGM-FI really stands for? ....pretty good mother fuckin' injection

                            sometimes i wonder that myself.
                            Finally Up and Running. Numbers to Follow. Check my MR

