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should she be mad?

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    should she be mad?

    I don't really like posting my problems, cause i'm sure it annoys other people, so i'll just make this short, me and my girlfriend got ina fight, and she said something about me ever having a chance to cheat on her, i said ya on more than one occasion, but i didnt do anything. she didn't care to much, then i told her who it was with and she got upset. i had a chance to cheat on her a few months ago with an old friend i knew before i met her. i took the girl to dinner and a movie for her birthday, it was just me and her, then she took me back to her place and we stayed up til like 5am watching a movie or whatever, and as i finally go to leave, i give her a hug and then she leans in to kiss me on my lips, but i pull away, and so does nothing even happened, i told my girlfriend today, and she flipped out...i mean i didn't do anything. so what do you guys think?

    she didnt even here the whole story, she just heard that i had a chance when i took that girl out to dinner, she didnt hear the rest, she just left all upset.

    shes prolly mad cus u didnt tell her sooner?
    So SIIC...

    SoCal OG bitches...


      Originally posted by nghtrydr23
      shes prolly mad cus u didnt tell her sooner?
      agreed, girls get very upset when they dont know information sooner, which is kind of a catch 22, because on one hand they wont even wanna hear that stuuff, even if nothing happened, but on the other hand they get mad when they dont know something and then find out later...theres no good way to anything, but try your best to explain to her that nothing happened, and that you were just taking an old friend out for her the end im sure your gf will understand, just give her somet ime...good luck dude
      Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


        Dont ever put yourself in that situation I learned... just gets you fux0r3d


          uhhh jboyce..

          WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ????? lol lol Listen guyz .. dont EVER tell a woman that shit!
          Seriously! Threre are *some* things better left UNsaid .. mannnnnn you said jboyce,
          you never did anything .. whats for her to know .. ??? If you *did* do something..
          she'd a found out for sure .. THEN you'd a been dead... but wtf?? NEVER especially if nothing
          happened at all .. NEVER say anything .. thas just suicide man ..

          I've been in trouble for speaking the truth .. and I've had friends lose lovers for the same shit!
          Least you learned this lesson early in life ..

          A Hui Hou !!!

          My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


            i think thats weird as hell that u took an old friend to dinner and then went back to her apartment and stayed up till 5 am. why would u do that if u had a gf, thats just wierd even if u were going out as friends


              Originally posted by 93accordexcoupe
              i think thats weird as hell that u took an old friend to dinner and then went back to her apartment and stayed up till 5 am. why would u do that if u had a gf, thats just wierd even if u were going out as friends
              annnnnd .. that was gonna be the *second* part of my 1rst post ... way to go 93accordexcoupe ..
              People *do* pay attention no?

              A Hui Hou !!!

              My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                Originally posted by PakaloloHonda
                annnnnd .. that was gonna be the *second* part of my 1rst post ... way to go 93accordexcoupe ..
                People *do* pay attention no?

                A Hui Hou !!!

                i aint doin no slackin' here mang,

                haha thanks i just thought it sounded a little off


                  lie, but make your lies believable. Have confidence in your lying skills, they come in handy. Don't bring up past "partners" or whatever, don't bring up any girls that talk to you that they don't know about, don't say you went out to lunch just and and another girl. My knowledge for what I've gotten in trouble for.



                    yep.. ya gotta look at it from both sides tho ...

                    Me: Hon .. sorry baby, but I forgot to mention this a few months ago..
                    Her: umm .. yeah?
                    Me: Well .. you remember Sharon right? Her B-day came up a few months ago, and well...
                    Her: C'mon .. wuddya sayin? You got her somethin?
                    Me: Well, she took me to dinner, then went to her apt.. stayed up til like 5am watchin *Good Fella's*..
                    But, nothin happened ..

                    or ...

                    Her: Baby?.. You ever had the chance to cheat on me? If you did.. would you?
                    Me: Yeah right sweetie .. that collor you got around my dick is kina tite .. ya know?
                    Her: But if you could .. would you?
                    Me: What... are you crazy and lost your mind woman !!? You'd key the shit outta my CB7 !!!
                    Her: Damn right I would bitch !!!

                    See ..?? then you slam her on the bed .. and make her ferget wtf the question was!

                    A Hui Hou !!!

                    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                      being a girl, I agree with her for being mad. It's kind of a lose-lose situation for you.. It is first of all wierd you were with some other girl alone, nevermind the fact that you went back to her place til 5am.. its a good thing she didn't hear the whole story but yeah, like some of the guys said.. at least if your gunna do that stuff and nothing is honestly gonna happen, then its better not to tell her for the sake of both of you. (it'll get you in trouble, and get her mad even though you didn't do anything.)


                        Originally posted by PakaloloHonda
                        See ..?? then you slam her on the bed .. and make her ferget wtf the question was!
                        hahaha thats so bad but its so great lol lol hahah


                          well my girlfriend knew i was taking the other girl out to dinner and a movie, and the girl was kind of more than a friend. my girlfriend is also mad cause a month ago she found a picture of that girl with writing on the back saying "so many things to say, the one that got away"

                          but i didnt do anything, maybe a hug that was a little too long, i didnt kiss her though.

                          i guess i'll just bs my way out of it.


                            Originally posted by 93accordexcoupe
                            hahaha thats so bad but its so great lol lol hahah
                            haha...hope everything goes well dude
                            Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                              Originally posted by 93accordexcoupe
                              hahaha thats so bad but its so great lol lol hahah
                              heheheh .. works for meeeeee

                              Oh and btw .. AI Accord .. thanks for chimin in with the back up .. lol ..
                              It *is* a lose/lose situation ..
                              I've only had it happen once .. and I was 2200 miles away in Cali, when I was livin in Hawaii,
                              I went to Newport Beach to spend some time with a buddy after shooting a Raiders game,
                              and wellll .. I met his g/f's best friend.. and we chatted on the rocks at The Wedge
                              til weee hours of the morning .. never did a thing !!!

                              Told my girl .. wrong .. very wrong .. I'da been better off if we *did* do something ..
                              Least I'da felt bedda lol .. seriously tho .. shhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

                              A Hui Hou !!!

                              A Hui Hou !!!

                              My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

