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Real talk: If there were no women, would guys...

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    Real talk: If there were no women, would guys...

    ...not dress up and buy nice houses and shit? I mean it's obviously nice to have nice stuff, but seriously, most guys I know with nice stuff have it because they have to (i.e. my dad's a doctor, he can't drive a hooptie as his patients would think less of him), or to attract chicks (i.e. my friend has a big '04 Maxima w/a system because it catches the birds' attention; he'd be fine w/a beat up turbo CB7 with a system). Me personally, I'm fine with just a house w/ room to record my music and work on the CB7, and a decent job making ~$40-50k, with some room to invest in real estate...

    The reason I ask is because parents are always like 'you should do better than me'...which sucks if your parents are doctors or lawyers or something crazy like that. Is it all really worth it? Does money and status really equate to happiness?
    Last edited by gloryaccordy; 04-28-2005, 09:28 AM.

    Originally posted by lordoja
    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

    We would still do that shit even if women were not around. Us guys love to play the who has the biggest or best of everything with other guys, that's the way we are.
    my ride


      parents always want there kids to do better than them...but i dont really care about that kinda stuff...they want me to buy a house, i want an apartment...they want me to buy an expensive car and stopping modding my cb7, im boosting the accord soon...just do what you want and youll be happier for it.

      Originally posted by fizzbob7
      first off, don't be a sissy bitch.....that's what you're being
      Originally posted by ACC0RD22
      no need to get sand in your vagina over this guys.
      So. Cal OUTLAWZ


        eah on top of that try to break their habit and never truely follow in there footsteps just do a bit better than they have . I just say try not to make the same mistakes they have and learn from it.


          Originally posted by gloryaccordy
          ...not dress up and buy nice houses and shit? I mean it's obviously nice to have nice stuff, but seriously, most guys I know with nice stuff have it because they have to (i.e. my dad's a doctor, he can't drive a hooptie as his patients would think less of him), or to attract chicks (i.e. my friend has a big '04 Maxima w/a system because it catches the birds' attention; he'd be fine w/a beat up turbo CB7 with a system). Me personally, I'm fine with just a house w/ room to record my music and work on the CB7, and a decent job making ~$40-50k, with some room to invest in real estate...

          The reason I ask is because parents are always like 'you should do better than me'...which sucks if your parents are doctors or lawyers or something crazy like that. Is it all really worth it? Does money and status really equate to happiness?
          Wow, we think almost exactly the same way! That's cool you're happy w/ the simple things in life that really matter. I'm exactly the same, simple is much better!



            but its the american way.. always gotta have something bigger and less efficient than your neighbor. Thats why people pay stupid amounts of money on dumb cars that arent worth it. Ferraris IMO are pretty much worthless, only a status symbol. You pay that much money, cant be a daily driver unless you have godly amounts of money to keep it working, and meh, they are just stupid.

            And im with ya.. i would much rather be happy doing what i do, and not be a millionaire, since most people with crazy amounts of money are not happy.


              Amen Aero, you know what life is really about! A lot of people know I love CB7's, so they ask me if I'd take an Escalade or Ferrari over a CB7. My response is and always will be, give me my CB7. Rappers can keep their Caddy's and "image vehicles." And I totally mean that, it's all about working hard and enjoying life. Helping people in need is so important too, some rich people give the cold shoulder to those who really need help.



                Originally posted by Granite CB7
                Amen Aero, you know what life is really about! A lot of people know I love CB7's, so they ask me if I'd take an Escalade or Ferrari over a CB7. My response is and always will be, give me my CB7. Rappers can keep their Caddy's and "image vehicles." And I totally mean that, it's all about working hard and enjoying life. Helping people in need is so important too, some rich people give the cold shoulder to those who really need help.

                yeah, well i would take the car they give me.. but sell it and use it more wisely. But life is all about enjoying it, having fun, and doing all the things you wanted to do. People always think a newer car is better than any older car.. just cuz its new. But oh well, let those close minded weirdo's think that.

