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saddam hussein captured

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    saddam hussein captured

    assuming you turned on a television today, i'm sure you're aware that saddam was captured by u.s. troops outside tikrit, his home town. if you didn't know, now you do.

    link to story on cnn if you didn't know

    what do you think this means for the people of iraq?
    will this increase or decrease the insurgence there?
    what does this mean for the u.s. presidential race?
    at the end of the day, where are the weapons of mass destruction that we're supposed to be so rampant in iraq?

    please discuss

    absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Hes caught, hooray. I was thinking that this could go really well for Bush or this could go really bad. On the pos. side, he finally got saddam, which will up his approval rating for a while. On the neg side, we never found the weapons we were looking for, but we did find lots of mass grave, and other pieces of incriminating evidence. On another neg. note, his trial should prove to be quite contoversial. On the one hand, we have some evidence of him being a horrible guy, but on the other hand if we try him by ourselves, with no UN involvement or anything, people are gonna be pissed and say he didnt get a fair trial. And when he is found guilty of crimes against humanity or war crimes or whatever they get him for, people will be pissed that we did convict him, especially the damned french. But thats just one mans construed here and there opinion.
    2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
    2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


      before i start, these are my personal thoughts, being canadaian i have a different view point as you know. flame me if you wish.

      The US was starting to look pretty bad since they had not captured Bin Laden or Hussein. In my opinion they will never find Bin Laden, he’s gone. But the fact that they did find Hussein is exceptionally good. I think the son of a bitch should be shot on live TV to prove a point, however this wont happen. Unfortunately for your solders however, now that the US has captured Hussein, every terrorist group and follower of Hussein is going to let shit hit the fan. A lot of your solders have died, and I think more are going to now. I almost guarantee that the US will be threatened with terrorist actions if Hussein is not released. So I think they should kill the bastard and get it over with. Make everybody a lot happier. As a close, props to your solders for doing a good job over there and finding this guy.

      1992 H23 powered CB7


        just woke up and just heard


          well, the sad thing to me is the way the us media and politicians, i suppose mostly republican, are portraying this... as if the point of going over there was to capture saddam... forgetting the fact that the point was that he had weapons of mass destruction.

          at least, we were told that he had weapons of mass destruction.

          in terms of the trials... the us government supported and helped saddam hussein in the early 80s, but now those will be some of the things that he will be charged with?!?!?! (specifically, iraq vs iran and the use of gas, amongst other things, on the iranian peop).

          i suppose i feel conflicted about it all... yes we found saddam, yes he's no longer in power... but he (saddam) hadn't been in power there since april/may, we haven't found these weapons of mass destruction that we're supposed to be so rampant there, bush landed on an aircraft carrier and claimed victory months ago... and i can't watch pre-game football right now since fox and cbs are showing the president's address, lol. but in all seriousness... i'm not sure if things have really changed in iraq w/ saddam's capture.

          our troops probably won't get out any earlier... it'll probably continue to be unsafe there... our troops will be there for years to come

          absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


            Well in my personal opinion I think who they captured was a fuckin clone or a look alike. Anyone ever played splintercell and ended the game. You see how nickolai was a fake. And the real one was in another location thats what i think is goin on here. On top of that wont we just go to war with some other fucked up country trying to get as us. This shit is a never ending battle so much beef's between different continents nowadays.

            I think they are going to keep sadam alive extract information out of him and try to fuck up shit even more or could this be a extreme trap. Will his people go out of their way to capture bush and trim him down. Or worse off fuck up more shit in the city doin random shit over in pakistan runnin around with bombs strapped to their chests. That worries me alot for my sake as well as for my family. This is a real fucked up situation alot of lives lost over two individuals who act like fuckin kindergardeners. I wonder if they were concentrated on stopping sadam then who will stop bush


              I've heard a few very interesting theories on Saddam... I'm not heavily into politics or anything, so I never really checked the validity of the claims... However, the most interesting of all was the idea that Saddam, and Iraq itself, was serving as a buffer. Saddam and his fatheaded self were in the way of real threats like Iran. He caused us to have a constant eye on the Middle East. Now that he's gone, we'll have a major threat on our hands in that whole region unless we maintain a presence there. If we DO maintain a presence there, then we'd practically be colonizing... THAT wouldn't go over well with the rest of the UN, driving them further away from us.

              That's just an interesting theory I heard from one of my old professors (way before this stuff even happened, back in 99)

              It's certainly something to think about!

              Personally, I think Bush is an idiot. Since I'm sure he has very little control over the things he's given credit for, I think most of the people in charge are idiots.
              We got attacked. Like any hot-headed, spoiled child of a nation would do, we got pissed and lashed out without thinking. We couldn't find the guy who attacked us, so we went after the old standby. We "liberated" Afghanistan, and then we "liberated" Iraq... Basically, we strip-mined the countries for military leaders. At least we went after Saddam and didn't blame Canada! (south park reference...)

              I have tons of respect for the soldiers that were over there (one of them is a good freind of mine, thankfully he came back!) They did as they were told, and did it well.

              Anyway, I think Saddam is terrible in his own right, and he deserves what he got. However, our reasons for going after him were less than justified. If he EVER had weapons of mass destruction, and wasn't afraid to use them on his own people, then he sure as hell wouldn't hesitate to sling them as hard and fast as he could at an attacking superpower!

              (just my uneducated opinions...)

              Weren't things so much better when Bill Gates ran the country and Bill Clinton provided countless hours of entertainment?


                apparently made by one of our troops in iraq

                absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.




                    Originally posted by uncle_el
                    apparently made by one of our troops in iraq

                    lol... The "Domo Kun" owns once again...

                    "Don't meddle with things you don't understand..."

                    1990 Accord LX- Maroon w/Raspberry pearl. Daily driven: NOT a stay-at-home-bitch RIP 8/9/2006

                    Another Gen4 CB7 ryde in the works...

                    Ryde Syndicate... "If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense..."

