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    You're missing the point. And you just copied and pasted that. Found an article kind of supporting you. This copy and paste isn't referencing the chemical output of e85 exhaust fumes. This is simply a study of the current (at that time) levels of the chemicals. My turn.

    It has been proven, multiple times, that e85 will increase formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in the atmosphere. These chemicals don't treat humans very well.

    Acetaldehyde is "one of the most frequently found air toxics with cancer risk greater than one in a million."

    Formaldehyde is classified as a "known carcinogen".

    Both of these chemicals increase ozone levels.

    "Breathing ozone can trigger a variety of health problems including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and congestion. It can worsen bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. Ground level ozone also can reduce lung function and inflame the linings of the lungs. Repeated exposure may permanently scar lung tissue.

    Ozone can:

    Make it more difficult to breathe deeply and vigorously.
    Cause shortness of breath and pain when taking a deep breath.
    Cause coughing and sore or scratchy throat.
    Inflame and damage the airways.
    Aggravate lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.
    Increase the frequency of asthma attacks.
    Make the lungs more susceptible to infection.
    Continue to damage the lungs even when the symptoms have disappeared."


      If you're only going to focus on the negatives, i am only going to focus on the positives.. You are more than welcome to keep promoting the oil companies if you so chose.
      I will continue to promote framers. the oil toxins are not naturally occurring. The ethanol toxins are naturally occurring.
      tell me this oni, what happens when you drain all the oil from your motor and continue to run it?

      Man’s incessant drilling for oil and removing water from subterranean aquifers from well drilling is creating a much greater problem than CO2 production. It is causing increased tectonic plate shifts
      Tectonic plates are the natural segments of the earth’s crust and their movement causes volcanic and seismic activity. As we remove more oil and water from the earth, thus robbing the earth of it’s natural lubricant, the plate shifts are more jarring, causing a tremendous probability of far more severe earthquakes than we have seen in the past.
      Copied a pasted for supporting proof of what i believe, so not to be accused of making things up out of thin air.

      Why Are you supporting oil while downplaying organic fuels?
      I certainly never suggested increasing the inefficiency of cars.
      Educating each other one car at a time.


        You're obviously not paying attention to what I am saying.

        The toxins from oil and ethanol are BOTH naturally occurring. However, neither of them occur in the same concentration as from the exhaust of combustion engines.

        What does removing the oil from an engine have anything to do with e85? If you run an e85 engine without oil, then it's going to do the same thing as a gasoline engine.

        You are blindly praising e85. I have not said one good thing about gasoline and have even stated that the pollutants from gasoline are very bad. None of what I have said has supported oil.

        I am advocating that e85 as a complete substitute for gasoline is not a good idea. Yes, it can help. However, leaving emission levels at its current rate isn't going to help no matter what type of fuel is used.

        The only solution to the issue with the emissions from any combustion engine is to simply reduce emissions across the board. Not assume that e85 is better and let them pollute in different ways.

        Not to mention, the ethanol content of e85 is not the same from one pump to the next. Multiple tests have proven that the ethanol content of e85 can range from 50-85%.

        In addition, it also takes more water to produce the same amount of e85 as it would gasoline.

        You see, there are downsides to e85 that you need to understand before you praise it as being a replacement for gasoline. It is not a replacement. It is a band-aid to a problem that needs way more than that.

        Here's my point. You aren't paying attention to my posts. If you were, then you would understand that I am not supporting oil, only providing information that is often ignored when discussing e85. Don't take it as me saying that e85 is terrible, but that there are issues with e85 that are often not discussed. Everyone tends to ignore the downside of e85 while praising all of the positive aspects.


        Is gasoline the best fuel? No.
        Is e85 a complete replacement for gasoline? No.
        Can e85 help the state of air in the world? Kind of.

        The best course of action: Reducing emissions worldwide no matter what type of fuel is being used.


          not a fan of the sludge like material I get in the fuel system while running the local gas that has ethanol. although there is a station near me that is about to open with ethanol free gas. I think I shall start running straight gas when it opens.

          cant imagine how much more clogged up the fuel system will be with e85 lol.

          93 Accord LX Sedan (sold)
          01 Civic LX Sedan (sold)-93 Accord EX Wagon (totaled)
          93 Accord SE Sedan (sold)-92 Accord EX Sedan (sold)
          93 Accord SE Coupe (sold)-97 Accord SiR Wagon (sold)

          95 Accord LX Wagon (CURRENT)-05 Impreza WRX Sedan (CURRENT)-02 Ram 1500 (CURRENT)-20 VW Jetta (CURRENT)


            I haven't been pushing e85 as a full replacement, The first mention of it I made was in reference to MODIFIED cars, I fully understand there is no one solution to the current problems. You have been glossing over the problems of gasoline while ignoring the benefits of e85. Too many racers are still using leaded race gas. I am only trying to reduce tailpipe emissions. You wanted to say how bad it is without acknowledging its benefits. I am not here to tell commuters what to burn while stuck in rush hour traffic. The only thing I got to say about that is live closer to your job and quite wasting resources and time. I travel the opposite direction of rush hour traffic on my new to me commuter job. You seem to have missed the whole point of what I have been advocating, which is to help OLDER modified cars run a little cleaner. I WANT TO SEE HIGH COMPRESSION AND OR TURBO CARS BURNING ALCOHOL INSTEAD OF PREMIUM FUEL.
            Nightwolf, the sludge is the cleaning action of ethanol cleaning up the sludge of your gasoline. Ethanol can cause some algae like substance when used on occasional use vehicles. I have been running it for over a year straight with no sign of sludge or sticking injectors. It will strip the varnish from your tank that the gasoline deposited there. I replaced my fuel filter before swapping fuels. The Honda original fuel pump is still humming along nicely with its 284,000 plus miles on it.

            I have thought these problems out in full, to me it seems i have thought it out much further than you have oni. If you have a better liquid fuel I can run my high compression vehicle on that is readily available to me that is not fossil fuel based, please for the love of man share your solution.
            I have hope for the future of algae based fuels, but they are not yet available to me.
            Educating each other one car at a time.





                Originally posted by oni_cb7 View Post

                about time bro. I didn't think you had any solutions anyway.
                Educating each other one car at a time.

