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Who else is into the current comic-book/superhero TV and movie trend?

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    Who else is into the current comic-book/superhero TV and movie trend?

    I know we've pretty much always had comic-book/superhero movies and shows pretty regularly. However, it seems like we're at a major high point right now. The sheer volume is astounding!

    The Flash

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    Agent Carter

    Walking Dead (though in a bit of a different vein than the others...)

    Not to mention the stuff that's been ordered for next season... Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow (featuring characters from Arrow and The Flash that deserve more screen time), and Lucifer... among others.
    That's just current and upcoming TV shows (and not even all of them! Just the ones I watch... aside from Agent Carter, which I haven't managed to fit in just yet.)

    I'm tired of typing now... so I'm not going to start listing movies. I'll leave something for the rest of the discussion!

    What are you guys (and girls) watching?

    Not I.

    I mean, if you are a superfan and follow all of it, I am sure there is plenty of good stuff.

    As a kid I didn't collect comics. Only thing I was into as far as comics were concerned was Batman. I liked the movies more then the cartoons but I did enjoy the Adam West one.

    I never really liked Spiderman/Superman.

    I guess that is because my enjoyment has always been stories that don't end well. I never liked the stuff where the superhero gets the girl. I always wanted evil to triump lol. Maybe im a sadistic fuck but I just wanted the bad guys to win once in a while.

    I think that is why the Dark Knight did so well, besides the great writing etc, people are tired of the good guys always winning.

    That's why my fav adapted movie is Watchmen. Dark, gritty, and the psychology behind the characters, especially Rorschach, is awesome.

    As far as TV, we watch TWD but I do not watch anything else comic related on tv. Wouldn't even have time for it(barely have time for TWD)

    Now that Mad Men is over maybe we can fit in another show but it would have to be something the wife is into since its a joint venture haha.

    I did see a preview for Suicide Squad and it looks interesting.


      Im in the same boat as Ralphie, I was never into comics however my dad was. I do watch the walking dead and enjoy it, simply because I love the character build ups and they aren't afraid to kill main characters. But as for the other shows im not into.

      My buddy tried to get me into arrow when we were deployed 2 years ago and I gave it a try. But I just find it hard to believe the story lines and being hit through a brick wall doesn't break bones or kill you.
      FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" Lucky #13
      MR Thread:


        yeah, some suspension of reality has to happen to follow any such thing.

        Arrow is probably favorite out of all of them. Once you get immersed in the world, it makes sense. It could never happen in real life, but the rules of the world become clearly defined, and they don't conveniently break them to further the storyline.

        The common trend seems to be that the good guy doesn't always get the girl, and most of the series I mentioned have the main characters going to some seriously dark places by the second season. Today's superhero shows are far from the corny, always-victorious Superman of the 80s!


          We need a new Flash Gordon.
          Be unique, like every other person.

          CB7 Sold________________________E34 Sold________________________E39 Current


            Yeah, dude needs to get off his ass and stop spending every day doing drugs with Ted!

