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Intellectual property and trademark violations regarding CB7tuner.

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    Intellectual property and trademark violations regarding CB7tuner.

    Just for the record, this is not a discussion. This is not a request for advice. This is not a suggestion.

    While I am more than happy to provide and all its affiliated offshoots (such as the Cafepress shop, the products I sell directly, the official Facebook page and group, and any Facebook groups that I have granted permission), the CB7tuner name and likeness are MY property.

    I do not appreciate unauthorized use of the CB7tuner name and logo. CB7tuner is my brand name, so to speak, and I have spent over a decade building it since i have acquired it.

    This has never been a big problem in the past. A few people made their own decals, perhaps... and they got banned from the site they were fraudulently representing. Done.
    A few people have asked permission to produce limited-run products bearing the CB7tuner name and logo, and most, if not all, have been granted permission. Usually without being required to pay anything in return. As long as permission was given BY ME, I have no problem with people using the name and logo.

    However, Facebook has ushered in a new batch of trouble for us in this regard. I am noticing a number of "CB7tuner" Facebook groups that I did not authorize. Some of which are legitimately attempting to replace or falsely represent this site.

    So, let it be clear.
    DO NOT use the name CB7tuner (or CB7 tuner) in any Facebook page or group, any Instagram account, or any other social media outlet that may appear in the future without first getting my permission.

    If I see anything that is using the CB7tuner name, I will ask politely that the name be changed, or the account be removed. I will ask ONCE. If you ignore my request, or refuse outright, I will be forced to take legal action.

    I regret that it has come to this, as I hate to have to make threats against my own community... but there seems to be a popular misconception that since this site is free for you all to use, that you may use its likeness as your own as well. It stops now.

    Sadly, I have already been forced to initiate a trademark violation claim against a CB7tuner on Facebook for two groups he created without my permission. I contacted him twice over the course of three weeks, and was ignored. I reached him through a mutual friend (who I regret having to get involved), and he refused to remove "cb7tuner" from the names of his two groups. The reply I eventually got was "fuck off."
    Charges have been filed. At best, his two groups that he's been trying to build since November will simply be deleted, and he may lose his Facebook privileges. At worst, it may go to court, which will be unpleasant for both of us.

    I will soon be compiling a list of all groups and individuals that I have granted permission to use the site's name and/or logo.

    So I won't be infringing on this forums name if I start my own forum called CB7Ricers ? Lol.

    1991 Accord LX .


      Damn I never knew people jacked the name of this reputable site that strived over the years to keep its head afloat from the vast amount of knowledge and diy's. Talk about plagiarism and bad-credit.


        I'm not a fan of these Facebook pages. I'll always stick to the true forum. Sucks when you have to spend your time defending your online property.

        I say Hang em High!
        MR Thread
        GhostAccord 2.4L Blog

        by Chappy, on Flickr


          Honestly, it's getting to the point where I don't even know if I want to bother. Left and right, I see people talking bad about me, about this forum, about the staff that works endlessly to keep things in order.

          I know they're the bad element. I know they're the kids that just have an overwhelming sense of entitlement. But it's killing me. It's steadily destroying every ounce of enthusiasm I have, and I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with.

          Yesterday, I was prepared to take on the world to defend CB7tuner. Today, after seeing in numerous different ways what people actually think (everywhere but here), I don't know if it's even worth fighting for. Today, I feel like my only two options are to walk away and leave the lights on for you guys, until everyone just drifts away and we sink into obscurity... or to simply take my ball and go home.


            You've already come this far, why quit now? There will always be people who prefer the format of a well organized forum over Facebook groups and pages. Maybe kids these days don't understand it now, but they will eventually.

            Can't give up just because someone doesn't like what you are doing.
            Last edited by bassrock234; 01-17-2015, 05:52 PM.

            I wish I could trade my heart for an extra liver, just so I can drink more and care less.


              Have to rise above! There is always going to be one or two rotten apples that try to make there way in and ruin a good thing. I have been on other forums where the mods are the bad apples and it's unfortunate that there are so many nut swingers who follow them blindly. Those sites never last. Your enthusiasm towards this site and the chassis is a testament to the sites longevity.

              Hopefully it is not affecting your well-being. That would be a reason to drop the ball. The few smart ass, self entitled wankers aren't worth it in that case! It's hard to rationalize with stupid people, they will usually drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
              MR Thread
              GhostAccord 2.4L Blog

              by Chappy, on Flickr


                The only thing keeping me going is you guys, honestly. The people that actually DO contribute to this site. Not with your money, but with your knowledge, enthusiasm, and your presence.


                  This website has the most loyal, respectful, honest CB7 lovers from around the world. Whether its the outcasts or haters that create a new site or FB page you will always have those who know where home is.

                  On the flip side in every car scene there are the bad apples. They stir up shit, talk shit, and usually have no respect or manners. I think these people will always exist and try to create such pages. In the end there will a line drawn between those who are dedicated true CB7 enthusiasts and those who want "The enquirer FB crap". There seems to be more of them with recent generations but just look at this way; In 10 years you won't be able to find cb7s to buy and all that will be left is this site and its dedicated members.


                    I find this to be a real good forum. I have found a lot of useful info on here and know I will find a lot more. It's nice to have a forum just for my car. I'm a forum guy. I don't do ANY face book, instagram or any of the other crap.

                    1991 Accord LX .


                      Deev, you're stronger and more mature than that.

                      Keep pushing to keep a good thing a good thing. It's hard, but with the proper support (which looking from the outside in is present) this place will continue to be great for years to come. Look at it this way, we are approaching the 30 year mark in 5 years on the first CB7s. If this site isn't around, still solid, and run the way a forum should be run, ...

                      You have support. Keep pushing.
                      The Lord watches over me!

                      "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

                      - D. Chappelle


                        I agree with you 100%. Sucks that there are people like that in the world. There will always be. This is hands down one of the best Accord sites period.

                        I have ideas for expansion and will do my part to keep this site alive. Count me in for any help you need Mike.

                        Black Housing DIY 1991 Wagon Morimoto Retrofit
                        JDM One-Piece Headlight Lens Repair


                          Don't let the ones that can't follow the rules and think they are better than the rules win. You started the fight and if you walk away now all that does is open the door for more people to see that you are not willing to fight all the way for what is yours. This will lead to a multitude more of these no good thieves stealing the name of this community.
                          A community that you gave your time and money to bring us a place to call home, a place for us to exchange knowledge and also a repository of that knowledge to pass on to the newer generation, or just for a quick reference is you are unsure. This place is more than just a forum for the cb7, it is a place to show the world that true car enthusiasts exist. This forum helps people understand how to achieve their goals through hard work and some guidance if necessary and asked for in a mature manner.
                          In all honesty this forum has probably helped more people be able to explain situations better to other people than we actually realize and thus creating a better society around us. So I please ask you again, don't loose your hope or fight in this community.

                          I've been around awhile and don't plan to go anywhere as long as the forum is here.

                          Originally posted by Dr.x
                          You drive an almost 20 year old car, pretty much everyone can pay it off.. you dont need to be "ballin"


                            I know I may have not been the most best behaved member on here far from it. But don't individuals like that get under your skin I know you are better than that most of all and I talked to you and been here since day one forget about them fools.

                            They are biting off your style and your forum trying to take credit which is pretty retarded. Let em have that since they don't even have what it takes to even run a forum like you do.

                            Honestly I think if you and a couple others weren't running the forum I wouldn't even be here because it would be no fun honestly let alone interesting to keep me in it. The last thing I'd ever expect is for you out of all people to have some haters man shit its a small world and a cold one out there keep moving forward and do ya thing man don't let em stop you.


                              Thanks guys, you've at least quelled my desire to give up completely!

                              I really am frustrated by what the scene has become. I'm frustrated that what was once something I was truly proud of is now becoming a disgraceful husk of itself. The forum has slowed to a crawl. Come spring, I plan on resuming the plan for the DIY section's resurrection... but that may be too little, too late.

                              The realization that so many people don't use, or even like the site anymore is sobering. The realization that my own efforts to maintain order and a sense of community are viewed as unfair and selfish is a bit disheartening.

                              It's for you guys that I keep on going. It's the realization that there are people in this community that still do make me proud to be a part of it that makes me reluctant to give it all up.
                              I just can't shake the feeling that we're being passed by. That we're the remnants of a golden age, unnoticed by a new generation that is uninterested and unimpressed.

                              The current issue regarding the unauthorized use of the CB7tuner name just astounds me. Not just that people are selfish and/or careless enough to do it unwittingly, but the fact that when they do, a large number of people actually defend them. I've spent the past decade building as the owner. I spent at least a year before taking ownership putting a great deal of effort into molding this place into what it is today. Before me, Steve put a massive amount of effort into getting this place going, and building the very foundation for which this was all possible. To see so many people claim that I have no right to politely ask that someone refrain from using the name or likeness of this forum for their own purposes without my permission (which is often freely given upon request) is truly saddening indeed.

