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    I suppose. I feel like it's just one of those kid in a candy store things where people just want stuff. I don't know what's involved as I'm not very technology savvy, but I just don't see it worth all that effort. Especially considering concerns about not enough traffic to keep ad revenue up. I realize also its been a while since I've donated, but I haven't been able to work because of surgery so I'm just getting back on my feet and will be able to contribute again soon.

    That being said I'll try and help with redoing some diys as well if they haven't already been redone and what not. If any other help is needed let me know.

    The Facebook group


      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
      I don't like browsing the site on my phone all that much, honestly... but I don't think it'd be any better with a "phone friendly" version. Regardless, if I can do it (or rather, if I can get help doing it) without costing me an arm and a leg OR making the site unstable, I'll do it.
      Personally I wouldn't..DSMtuners upgraded their site and god do I hate it...anything that will Mobilize cb7tuner, will certainly make things harder me. I'm 23 but I feel old when it comes to learning new crap like, how to browse this or that ...

      Or im just lazy ..

      And the black background works for me, it's actually good on the eyes, easy to read texts, unlike some other forums.

      Originally posted by deevergote
      .......If they seem smart, and just trying to learn, I'll offer as much help as possible. If they seem stupid and lazy, I'll do my best to piss them off so they leave and never come back... while still answering the question.


        Originally posted by turboAccordHSF View Post
        Personally I wouldn't..DSMtuners upgraded their site and god do I hate it...anything that will Mobilize cb7tuner, will certainly make things harder me. I'm 23 but I feel old when it comes to learning new crap like, how to browse this or that ...

        Or im just lazy ..

        And the black background works for me, it's actually good on the eyes, easy to read texts, unlike some other forums.
        I agree, I am part a couple of other forums that updated their sites and made it extreamly difficult to relearn how everything was set up. also I really like the black too, it is definitely easier to read. One of the other forums I am part of made it completely white which gave me a headache for the rest of the day after they changed it.
        1997 Ford Explorer V-6 AT (what a piece of junk)
        1993 Nissan Sentra M/T (front end damage, off road for now)
        1999 Mercury Mountaineer V-8 A/T - RIP (rolled: totaled)
        1992 Honda Accord A/T EX - RIP (transmission shot: sold to junkyard)


          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
          I don't like browsing the site on my phone all that much, honestly... but I don't think it'd be any better with a "phone friendly" version. Regardless, if I can do it (or rather, if I can get help doing it) without costing me an arm and a leg OR making the site unstable, I'll do it.
          It might be expensive (maybe not that much since its an upgrade) but vBulletin 5 has mobile friendly capabilities..I would hope it could be a seamless upgrade that doesnt disturb the base site.. migth be something worth looking into. Id gladly chip in some money if that option was viable.

          edit: 199$


            Originally posted by ninethreecoupe View Post
            The phone thing is bullshit. Every known competent person I've seen on here hasn't had any complaints about browsing from their phone. It's the same damn site just more scrolling! And the people that bitch about spelling and looking for stuff are just too dam lazy to take two seconds and fix it; much like they do when they're on a desktop/laptop so what's the difference?

            Edit: also like to mention I made this post from my phone. I must be a wizard or something!
            I joined this site right after my laptops where both stolen. I did not replace them untill about a month ago, so thats like 275+ post from nothing but the htc evo 4g. A four to five year old phone at that and I never got yelled at for spelling or grammer, it had spell check. Now I keep a dictionary next to my laptop, kinda went backwards.

            Its just plain facts, these cars are old and they dont make new ones so they get more worn out and forgotten everyday. Less owners=less members.
            ......father in law has it back again. Time to shine


              hard to come by maybe??

              Originally posted by Juice21
              thnx pimpette, your car inspired me to go lower
              Originally posted by GameChewer
              Shiit i heard that, you heard the queen!


                Originally posted by cb7 calling View Post
                I joined this site right after my laptops where both stolen. I did not replace them untill about a month ago, so thats like 275+ post from nothing but the htc evo 4g. A four to five year old phone at that and I never got yelled at for spelling or grammer, it had spell check. Now I keep a dictionary next to my laptop, kinda went backwards.

                Its just plain facts, these cars are old and they dont make new ones so they get more worn out and forgotten everyday. Less owners=less members.
                That's very true. Probably much of the reason for it. Plus, the "new generation" of CB7tuners are different. They're the ones that started on their cars with Facebook on their phones. To them, this IS too slow. Just like for us, reading through books was too slow.
                Fewer members, a format that is no longer "user friendly", and "asshole" moderators that have the balls to ask you to type coherently so we can understand you... of course this place is dying!

                It's also true that there are many forums that I used to frequent that I now dislike because they upgraded. Just like our cars, this site thrives on being simple, familiar, reliable, comfortable... and slow
                Or maybe it doesn't thrive... whatever.

                I won't be upgrading the software to a newer version, but if I can make the current version more phone-friendly, I'll try to do that.
                We're going to push for a content improvement, so maybe that will help as well.

                As for donations... they're always appreciated, and always a help... but if we can keep traffic coming, they're not necessary to keeping the place afloat. They're more like "rainy day" funds... for when times get tough.


                  I was going to make a long post here and wrote it. But, I changed my mind.

                  I just hope whatever the improvement be made on the site will work to retain current members and attract new ones. I still see a lot of our cars on the streets around me. So, there are a lot of candidates for new members are still out there, I think.


                    I can see myself being a lot more active on here again. Last night I had it out with a member on here who also happens to be an admin over there with three other guys.

                    Started over an unrelated Accord post that was just a 'Who do you root for NFL team post' and it got deleted.

                    After a pretty good exchange, the admin in question called me a 'bleeding cunt' for asking for a slight revision and my argument of the pinned post (where my suggestion was abruptly deleted) to the rules and told me Deev had no say within that if they call it official I would think of it as an extension of this place of which Mike would have control over.

                    Yeah that's conducting your maturity level and a way of representing your site well.

                    Henry R
                    1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                    1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                    Legend FSM

                    'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                    made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                      Someone whether it be one person or several people, has been in control of the FB page since it's existence. Whoever that is evidently didn't do their job very well.

                      People are not at all happy with the page. People have been offended, cussed at and cussed out. Horrible advice has been given so much it has become "fact". The rudeness and disrespect for each other is jaw dropping. It's a cesspool. It reminds me of Youtube.

                      What one can clearly see is such a disaster now was once a grand opportunity. Now the "repair" that is being attempted to mend the page is also aiding in it's destruction. Why? Because the problem starts at the very foundation of the page. And by foundation I mean the people and their ways which it is now built upon. If you use cow dung and sticks to make a house your going to have a house made of cow dung and sticks. If you make a group out of ignorance and bullies you get a group made up of ignorance and bullies. Plant shit seeds you get shit weeds.

                      It may last, in fact I almost know with certainty that it will continue on in some form. But it will always reek with the stench of the spoiled potential it was handed.

                      Deev, the responses to your post the other day on there were pretty mean and uncalled for. I kinda felt bad even though I knew none of it really bothered you. What that says to me is they don't want anything to do with this site. And for for that I wish you had to be a member to view the site and all of it's content. They want to do it on their own? Screw CB7tuner and screw the owner? Ok cool.

                      With that being said I hope the FB page is something for us all to look at and it remind us of why we should be courteous to each other and why it's imperative to have patience and understanding. And to remember the primary reasons for this site is for us CB7 enthusiasts to have a place to come together, to help each other and help others.

                      People are going to leave the FB page. They already are and have been for several days because it's that unpleasant. Who wants to post a pic of their car and worry about responses like "Damn bro, you got some work to do..." "It looks like someone took a shit on your hood." "Worst color they ever made a CB7." Or to ask a technical question and get an answer like "Take that piece of junk to the scrapper and find a new one."

                      Some of those people will come here. How many? Who knows. But what those people are looking for is a community to be a part of and they are not going to want to see anything resembling the place they just left. Not that we have that here, I'm not saying that. But during our "down time" it was very pleasant here. Comfortable. More than before in fact. I hope that continues as the traffic here increases like it has gradually been lately.

                      I think Deev's way of handling things and his precise words on the FB page upon his departure will net us the people we want from the FB page while warding off the ones we don't want.
                      Last edited by H311RA151N; 09-09-2014, 04:08 PM.


                        The Facebook page will always be, to some degree, an extension of this forum. Until (if) I decide to make a new official group, the current one does the job. It's going to exist whether I like it or not.

                        However, I have washed my hands of that mess. I don't need that in my life.
                        I honestly feel a great deal of remorse for dumping it on the remaining admins, as they have their work cut out for them. Hopefully they can achieve what I was unable to.

                        Henry, I understand that you wanted to talk about football on a car forum. I understand that the post was deleted for being off topic. I understand that it upset you.
                        However, if you think that admin was a dickbag... think of the other 2 dozen other dickbags (I'm being quite literal here) that admin was dealing with at the same time.

                        What those guys put up with on there is unreal. Asking them to maintain some sort of control in that group, to even TRY to come close to achieving the level of maturity found on this forum, was rather unfair of me. For me to walk away and leave it in solely in their hands was borderline cruel.

                        I applaud those guys for doing what they do... and I urge anyone that chooses to be a part of that group to understand that they put up with an unreal amount of shit. Show them your respect and support. They need it.


                          It is what it is. Somehow it got as bad as it is now. It's like someone was asleep at the helm. I get that the mods have a tough job. But they shouldn't have if it would have been maintained. Have there not always been as many mods on there as there is now while having a large amount of members? If so that might explain it. And no, I haven't done it myself so I don't know exactly what it takes. But other FB groups with the same exact purpose, the same number of members (in some cases even more), based on the same make of vehicle but no where near the issues. The mods now are getting after it pretty good. Not that I'm trying to say who's doing a good job and who's not. If things were handled like they are now all along it simply wouldn't have gotten as bad as it is.

                          My hat is completely off to those mods who are sticking it out. I mean holy crap do those guys have it rough... I hope I'm wrong about it continuing to suck. Like I said, it has/had a ton of potential. It's like having a business where your products market themselves. People just flocked in.
                          Last edited by H311RA151N; 09-09-2014, 04:44 PM.


                            I take the blame for that. I walked away initially, and it got out of control. When I was there the first time around, it was with a great deal of disdain. I started more fires than I put out.

                            The group was made without my permission. It was never intended to be affiliated with this forum, but by the time I even knew it existed, it already had thousands of members, and was bearing the CB7tuner name. By the time I decided to make it "official", it was already well out of control.

                            As for other groups of similar size and activity being better... certainly none that I'm on! Accord-Nation is full of crap. It's also full of spam, off topic junk, and horrible information that never goes corrected.

                            CB7tuner is bad mainly because of the people that are fighting to make it better. The "flaming" going on is more often than not just the knowledgeable people correcting the ignorant "experts", and getting attacked for it. The admins are often attacked for trying to give people a chance to delete a rude comment, or apologize for it. The last thing I told them when I left was to simply delete anything that doesn't contribute positively to the goal of the group, and adhere to the ideals of the forum. They are doing so, and from the fallout I'm witnessing from it... they're doing a damn good job of it.

                            There was a time when this forum was out of control, much like the Facebook group. The staff and I had to strongarm it into submission (the creation of the Beginner Forums was a big part of that effort.) Here, we had the benefit of the forum software providing structural control (posting limits, etc...), as well as a proper punishment format (temporary bans.) Facebook doesn't provide that. It's delete, remove, and permanently remove. Those are the options. That, or wade into the shit waist-deep and take on the dickbags on their home turf. That's the path I chose. That's the path that burned me out.

                            Here you squash ignorance, and your efforts remain for others to learn from. There, you squash ignorance, get insulted for it, and nobody learns. The Facebook group, as a whole, has no memory. They have no retention. They have no frame of reference. It's the same crap over and over and over again. The same questions. The same misinformation. The same lack of respect.


                              I think the best way to handle that place is for them to start creating more admins within the group. I understand it would be difficult to do that since you need to find someone you trust to give that sort of power. But realistically there is not much they can do if they want to maintain control.

                              Or just start ruling with an iron fist. Being a dumbass, BAM! insta-ban. But again not easy to implement and still be seen favorably among the users.
                              Be unique, like every other person.

                              CB7 Sold________________________E34 Sold________________________E39 Current


                                Deev, I think I understand quite a bit better now after you just explained it in detail. I remember how things were here a while before I joined. That's actually why I lurked for 2 or 3 years before joining. With the efforts going in the FB page and the history you just just provided about this site, I see what's really going on and it does have more hope than I initially thought.

                                You also painted a great picture of the ordeal. Therefore I'm going to cease my redundancy on the matter!

                                I don't understand how your iron fist, for lack of a better word, is a bad thing or was for the FB group. I like it even if it's pointed in my direction. It represents structure. It's not like you or any of the mods are loose cannons. But, again, I just don't know a lot of things too and only have one perspective.

                                This site is really the bees knees and it makes it hard for anything to come close in comparison. Friends and I often talk about how things were back when we were kids and most of them think high school was the best time. They act shocked when I say how much I liked middle school and hated high school. They always say "man, you got in so much trouble in middle school... how in the hell is middle school a good memory for you?" The fact is it was the teachers. The principal. It's kinda like this forum. Have I "got in trouble?" Yup. Have I gotten talked to? Yup. More than once? Yup. But much like middle school and my middle school principal I still genuinely liked the guy (and school) even though I got in trouble all the time. And he liked me too. Same with the teachers. I screwed up, he did his job, and that was it until next time. And until next time we were friends. That is when you know your around good people and in a good place to be. When you feel that way you know your where you belong.
                                Last edited by H311RA151N; 09-09-2014, 05:27 PM.

