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Blowin' off some steam

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    Blowin' off some steam

    Okay this might not be as bad as some of you got it, but when you're desperate for money, and you feel like you're in the hole so deep and something stacks on top of that, it really pisses you off.. with that said:

    FUCK I-95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was on my way to work when this ****** ass company service van cuts me off. I was in a good ass mood even though the fucker slowed down to about 50mph, so I was at my exit (Sunrise, i was going S on 95) so I switch to the far right lane from the middle right lane, as SOON as I get in the lane I see the tread of what looks like a big truck or SUV sitting in the middle of the lane, smiling at me. Could I jerk to the right more towards the shoulder? NO, there was another piece of tread there, and to the left? That big ass VAN. I held my breath and hoped that maybe that shit would go OVER my car, nope, I think the rear of my car actually hopped off the ground for a second. I roll up my windows and turn down the music to listen... It's that sound, the one that sounds like you're driving on a rocky road, the sound of the nuts and screws that held my lip together smacking against the underside of my car. I wanted to be pissed, but of all the bad things happening lately, it did nothing to me. As I begin to slow down up the hill at the red light I hear what I believe to be the fenderwell rubbing up on my wheels, I park the car and run out, and my 5th gen lip is connected on both sides, however the middle is pushed all the way back, having rubbed off on the asphalt of the highway, I notice the traffic stopping so I hop back into my car and continue to drive until I am almost at work where a block of wood happen to lay in the middle of the road, I figured what more damage could that do? It would surpass my expectations as my dragging lip caught the piece of wood and thrusted it up towards the bottom of my car, and back down onto the ground shredding it into pieces, at least from what I see in my rear view. I pull over a block away from my workplace to take a look. I pull out my lip and frantically search my car for zip ties, at least to get rid of the annoying scraping sound of 2 hours of work that was once, to me, a beautiful front lip. So I managed to ziptie one end of the lip to the bumper, which I notice is cracked as well. As I move my hand I noticed something dripping on the drivers side behind the bumper. I take a glance and it looked like water. I pop the hood, and it seems to be my windshield wiper fluids.. oh nothing to worry about then. I then close my hood and turn around to get back on the road. I hit my signal which begins hyper blinking, oh joy, a bulb is broken. So I park at work and get out to look at it again, shaking my head I noticed I was almost late for work. Work passes and I'm back outside with intentions to rip the poor injured lip from its owner. I yank the lip off aggressively, throwing it into the back of my trunk, maybe I could fix it with some bondo... but it'll never be the same because even now my bumper is cracked. I go back up front and noticed how much higher my car looks, trying to be optimistic about it, I realize the things I can go over without worrying now... That was until I noticed a leak of green fluid right under the radiator. It pulls me back to early january when I had purchased a couple cans of dyed freon to help stop leaks that I had fixed, well it leaks. I drive home, not upset, but probably depressed. My brother's suggestion of selling the car started to fill my mind.. and I am confused now, should some moron ram his car into the back of mines, I feel like I wouldn't be surprised anymore...


    I'm buying a sunpass.

    That sux, but it could have been much worse. At least you are ok, and the car has no severe damage. "If it breaks, upgrade it"

    Your car looks good, it'll all work itself out.


      that blows man. do what i did, pray for an accident. i know it sounds bad, but i didnt really like my car and didnt think i could sell it so i hoped everyday that someone would hit me enough that the car would be totaled but i wouldnt be hurt. hahaha lol im thinkin back now and it doesnt sound like a good idea


        Well i remember when i was in a much worse situation than yours. Tryin a dumptruck speeding by you then dropin a shitload of rock pebbles after hitting a tiny pothole. Anything makes those trucks pop up in the end my nicely waxed painted and buffed cb7 caught baby dimples and chips int he paintjob i was pissed.

        Then someone cut the dumptruck off and made him almost crash. Ive seen drivetrained and undercarriage axles on the highway your best bet is to do the speed limit with enough distance to keep your safety as an option for these assholes on the road.


          ive had something similar happen to me. Only instead of hitting a tire tread, i hit a tree on the highway. it was an old thin christmas tree that fell out of a truck bed. Like your situation, no other lane to change to. Result : broken bumper turn signal and a fairly large crack in the side of the bumper. And 12'' of a tree stuck in your bumper.

          I feel your pain, but unfortunatley thats just the way things go i guess.


            you have reason to vent, that sucks...and yes I95 does suck ass, I avoid it at all costs. I'll take US1 if it's an option.

            on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
            where you been, is something wrong?
            i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


              dude...that fucking sucks...

              it probably sucks more when i hit a rock and dented the shit out of my header, lol.
              I <3 G60.

              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                At leat it was a tire that ripped your lip up, and not roadkill! I hit a bloody mess last Thanksgiving, and it tore the lip in 3 pieces (left a chunk behind). It also smeared the underside of my car, so it smelled like burning bacon for a week!

                Sucks about the bumper and leak though... Nothing is all that hard to fix though, remember that!


                  yeah but its the simple thought of other shit that i havn't told you guys, im in like not REAL debt but much personal debt. I love accords and all but with the way things turn out on this car I really just want to start over with a fresh, clean stock accord.. 5spd at that.



                    you know why APRIL sucks? because of TAXES And FLORIDIANS WHO CANT DRIVE.

                    Today while working this guy in another CB7 [i know because I just know what I park next to, always], parking is so tight at the bank i work at that I usually fold in my mirrors just in case, well today the lovely cb7 owner pulls out, hearing a "rubbing sound". He left a note with his number [which i am so thankful for] and a note saying "I think I might have damaged your car". Which is good, but now I have a cracked dangling bumper. But he's agreed to get it fixed and i'm not worrying about a police report or insurance thing... what do you guys think? The bumper was pulled from the bumper support and was cracked, its hanging down bad. I'll take pics. thanks.



                      Shit man... this is NOT your month


                        it's supposed to be.. cambodian new years was the 14th.. and this BS happens, aint it great?!


