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What would you do????

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    What would you do????

    I can't get a non bias answer from anyone eles, so I'd figure if ask y'all .

    I worked at a automotive shop for 7 1/2 years. It was a two man show. Me and the owner. We never had any problems. We both got married, me and my wife had a child....blah, blah blah. Well in 2008 when the economy bottomed out, we were on hard times, shit was bad. We scratched and clawed to stay a float. Well a chance came up to buy the property next to where we were located. The loan payment would be half of what the rent was, so the boss man jumped on it, and we turned a run down, 60's gas station into out shop. Well his wife, who owned a convince store, decided she was part of this too, and put in her 3 cents. She hated all the "shit" as she called it at the old shop. It was cars, used stuff that we either took off or bought on the low to "flip" and this is where almost half my income came from. Me buying and selling rims and stuff to people who couldn't afford new stuff. The new shop opened, and business picked up. It wasn't unusual to work 13 hour days,6 days a week. I knew the boss man was stressed out about dumping his entire savings into the new shop. Me with a son now, my wife started letting it be known she wanted me to leave. As time went on, the boss mans wife got more involved, then one day about 7 months ago, she sold her gas station, and became full time at the shop. To put it nicely, shes a old bitch. 16 years older than my boss man, everyone thinks he married her for her money, they think she married him so she could continue he partying lifestyle. The more she was there, the more she bitched.....the boss man would pull me to the side and say "please listen to her for me, so I don't have to hear it". As thing got worse, I was taking my frustrations out on my family. My wife told me to get a new job, or eles. I told he find me one and I'll go. Well she did, she found me a job I couldn't turn down. I put in my 2 weeks, and we parted on good terms. In the 2 months since then, shit has gone bad. My boss mans wife stalks my Facebook page ( I built the shop one, added the almost 5,000 people through networking, all while she bitched how dumb it was, but has since taken the shop page over as her personal page) I made a comment as to a paid Holliday, at the shop, if it closed for any reason, I didn't get paid. They want to got to the lake for a 4 day weekend, I was just shit out of pay for those days. So my wife made the comment "you should, like a respected employee". Well 5 days later, the shop page replies back to my post "glad you lily your new job, just. Thought I tell you that from a respectful employer" I was on that page everyday, I know nothing stays in the news feed more than 30 mins because there are so many friends, so to find that, you had to look. I wasn't worried about it. So I stop by last week. No one will talk to one. Finally the customers clear out for a minute, the boss man walks back in, and I say"damn, y'all busy!" He replies back "yeah, you leaving was the best thing, you must of held me back, I got more shit now than I can handle" and he walked out. I just left. 2 days later I got my business licence and got on the phone.

    I still have all my connections, and my phone still rings constantly. So here comes my reply to what he told me. Third shift motorsports group. It is a network of already established repair shop, and car customizes who I have became friends with over the years, who can't chance leaving their day jobs to go into business. Right now there are 9 places...that gives 9 garages, 4 lifts, 16 bays, and 24/7 hours. These people do not need to sell anything we sold at the shop to stay afloat. I know the price points at the shop I worked at, so I know where to tell them to price it to be lower. It's just extra pocket money to them.

    Before I pull the trigger, I have a bit of a reserve. I take great pride in that shop, I was there for 7 1/2 of the 10 years its been open. When I left, more people called and asked "what's he going to do now?" I was very honored. I know the place isn't that busy, he just has to work now, something I did 80% of while I was there. I put in the labor, he sold and ran the front. All those months his wife was there, all she wanted to do was play with the sticker machine. So she never learned to price out jobs, or anything. And everything that was there the day I went was lined up when I still worked there. And the kicker, if and when he ditches his bitch wife, he was a really good friend. Theres no doubt if I hit the go button I will destroy his business. We live in a very small town. It's not big enought for 2 shops, let alone 9.and none of mine have overhead related to aftermarket parts, and the installers are night and day better.6 of them have had cars in national publications. All of them have a degree in something. Asc, mecp, ones a certified Harley mechanic, 4 are engineers that I've know form my days at they shop, and work with now.

    Sorry for the long read. Here's the question

    Do I ruin his lively hood just because of what he said to me to put him back in check?

    I need to do what you think needed to do regardless of what the outcome might be. If he fails with his business, that is due to his action and his problem.

    You should look ahead instead of what's left behind.


      If you start your own shop, will you be doing it out of spite, or just for fun? Or will you be doing it to make money and provide a better life for you and your family?
      If it's the first scenario, then don't. If it's the second, then do. He chased you away (well, she did... but it was his shop.)


        Don't do it to ruin someone's life. Do it to better your own.


          do it for ALL would be bettering your situation and making his, win to me.


            You will get out of this, what you put in it.
            Start with good energy, do it for you.
            Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

            That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


              he probably told you what he did due to his wife feeding him nonsense, if you need to provide for your family then do what you need to do. IMO even tho it was his shop, you were the one doing all the labor, so technaclly he's hurting already any ways. if he ever does get rid of his wife then you can talk and straight things out when (if) it happens.
              DONT LET
              ROLL ON


                I say pull the trigger and start your own business.

                From what I read it seems like he didn't have the balls to tell his seemingly "know nothing" wife to stay out of the shop like she clearly should have, and then disrespected you after you left their establishment.
                If his business fails after you open then it's due to his and his wife's actions and attitude, only a child would blame you for their failure at that point, and if that's his actions then he's no friend.

                Best of luck, and I hope you'll succeed.


                  My original plan was just for me. I'd still spread the good word and send customers to his shop. In turn I'd still have the use of the shop (getting my own stuff) like I still worked there. I'd be able to help him out if he needs labor for a big build, I'd still get my discount. so on my end, it would be nothing but revenge, an tha ability to get my own stuff at wholesale. Yeah I'd make a few side jobs, but it would be the others "in the group" making most of the hustles. Like I said, they all have jobs or shops that pay the bills. This would just be extra income. Since you don't have to have inventory (we didn't at the shop I worked at, everything was "custom" ordered to fit) its really a win, win. People get play money, customers get near wholesale prices and great installs, I get to see how long they can stay above water. I built that shop. I networked it, I hooked us up with over half the people we delt with wholesale. I'd run other business out, through word of mouth from the large "friends" base I made. We're talking a county of maybe 30,000 people tops. So if only half of them needed car stuff, I was reaching almost 1/3 of them daily. And to now be told I was what was wrong.........I'd rather see hungry people eat than pad your fake life. In the end I would wind up with a business name and licence with a very large span in to the wholesale market. Like I said it would be 8 or more shops ordering off 1 licence


                    I say do it. If you were "the problem" in his shop, then you're certainly no threat to him!


                      As a rule I don't do anything out of reaction to other people's actions-you tend to loose control of yourself in those scenarios.

                      Also, I would NEVER STOP doing something, specifically because of someone's reaction either.

                      If you do it, do it for you and nobody else. If you don't, make sure it's because you don't want to-basically, fuck everyone else and just do you!
                      Originally posted by wed3k
                      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                        After reading what y'all had to say, and talking to a real good friend last night. I think Iam going to go ahead with it. But, at my own pace. I was/am still in such a shocked/angered stated, that I've been pushing for instant results. The money for the year is about gone, with tax time and most folks already got what they needed for summer. I work 3rd and get off at 7am, I try and sleep in the morning, so I can see my family in the afternoon/evenings, and I just bought a house. So right now, I rush what needs to be done at the house, then spend till I have to go to work on the phone lining stuff up and calling people. This week I sent a boat out for new stripes, I installed a audio system in it. Upgraded the water system on a Saleen mustang, had it tuned, sold 3 sets of wheels, and last night put in 3 systems, all while working 56 hours at work. I did it all out of spite. Everywhere I go I get stopped and asked "what happened? Why are you in business now?" My best friend told me last night, all your going to do is create another monster. Just like you did at the shop, it will just be somewhere eles. Money changes people, and when the new place shits on you, are you going to do the same to them?...........that got me thinking. I've already been down this road once building a shop that wasn't mine, and now Iam where Iam at now. So for now, that I got all this hyped up. I'll just tell the local shops the who, what, where, and when....what they do with it is there own doing. I'll start my own stuff up after I get all my stuf in a row worth the new house and all. I'll keep working on what I can, when I want. If someone ask me about something, I'll just refer them somewhere. I'll let karma just take over, she"ll sort all this out


                          i had the hardest time moving on from my last machine shop (my first too) but i was a slave man. I loved the work but the customer relations sucked, i got paid every 3 weeks and from what i calculated it was about 8 dollars an hour.

                          i ran the whole place and i was about 22 years old. one guy came in and told me that the environment might be great and all but at the end of the day, you still need to eat and pay bills especially living in the bay area. leaving was the hardest thing especially the boss kept calling me every other day begging for me.

                          now i work at another machine shop with great rep, getting paid well and respected. i see my last job as a stepping stone because theres never any "best" but just things that get better.
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            Sometimes moving on can both show you that; 1.)you were what was good there, not the job and 2.) what your short comings actually are.

                            Be honest with yourself and make it work. Down the road you'll appreciate this time in your life even if it doesn't workout as long as you learn both good and bad things about yourself in the process.
                            Originally posted by wed3k
                            im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                              That's how I feel now. Iam going to take my time, and built my vision of my shop. If it becomes my "everyday" then so be it, if not, it will just be a side hustle and my hobby

                              As it turns out, the loyal customer base I had built has had a great out pouring of support for me. The boss mans is of course using the "I can't believe he would open a shop to put me out of business" I've got to talk to a lot of people I put out of business, or straight shafted because I had to. Most of them ate really cool people. I've also noticed a lot of the shop logos are removed from cars that had them. When I ask why, most of the time they theyll say " ain't no one got time to support that shit" like its uncool to support that shop anymore.

