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Honest question about Catholicism

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    Honest question about Catholicism

    So, I am not looking for a debate on religion or anything like that-PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT THERE.

    My question;

    Why do Catholics believe that the new Pope was chosen by god, if a bunch of living, breathing men voted to elect him? I understand that the cardinals probably claim to be enlightened by god or guided or whatever on who to vote for, but, if that was the case wouldn't they all agree on the first vote?

    So i was just curious, what is the real reason behind all of that. I figured someone on here was Catholic and would be willing to educate me.

    I will delete this thread the instant I see a debate or negative comment about anyones religion, so please, don't take it there.

    I am uneducated on the topic, and am really interested in being informed from someone who is actually Catholic or factually knows whats up.

    Originally posted by wed3k
    im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.

    You kind of answered your own question... it's because the Cardinals are guided by God's will. However, as for agreeance, they might feel that human error could come into play and that's why all might not agree. The Cardinal's pray for spiritual guidance from their lord. Remember, Pope Benedict wasn't actually voted to be Pope, he lost to someone else, but Pope Benedict still became the pope during that time. This is because they believe that God has chosen the pope.

    I minored in religious studies, however, I am not Catholic. So, some of what I stated may not be true or hold for every catholic. Its just a general idea that I've learned.


      Originally posted by oni_cb7 View Post
      You kind of answered your own question... it's because the Cardinals are guided by God's will. However, as for agreeance, they might feel that human error could come into play and that's why all might not agree. The Cardinal's pray for spiritual guidance from their lord. Remember, Pope Benedict wasn't actually voted to be Pope, he lost to someone else, but Pope Benedict still became the pope during that time. This is because they believe that God has chosen the pope.

      I minored in religious studies, however, I am not Catholic. So, some of what I stated may not be true or hold for every catholic. Its just a general idea that I've learned.
      this explination is probably the closes that you'll get.

      i personally wont rely on actual catholics to answer this because most of the catholics i've come accross really dont know any specifics on "their own" religion. I personally think you're better off googling what you're looking for.
      DONT LET
      ROLL ON


        Originally posted by mugencivic4dr View Post
        this explination is probably the closes that you'll get.

        i personally wont rely on actual catholics to answer this because most of the catholics i've come accross really dont know any specifics on "their own" religion. I personally think you're better off googling what you're looking for.
        Googling will help. Just don't trust biased sources to tell the truth. Its just a process that they believe has been guided by God.

        I just noticed that I said pope way too many times in my first post. It was hard for me to rereard. lol. I hope it wasn't confusing.


          Originally posted by mugencivic4dr View Post
          this explination is probably the closes that you'll get.

          i personally wont rely on actual catholics to answer this because most of the catholics i've come accross really dont know any specifics on "their own" religion. I personally think you're better off googling what you're looking for.
          Oh yeah? And being from San Antonio where would you ever have the opportunity to meet a Catholic? Oh, wait...

          Toycar, with whatever answer you do decide to give the most credit, understand that the Catholics do not view the pope as being God-like. He is a figurehead of the church and the denomination overall. The catholic faith uses priests as a means to guide the followers in their faith. The pope is simply the top of a ranking structure of the clergymen.
          My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


            Originally posted by Jarrett View Post
            Toycar, with whatever answer you do decide to give the most credit, understand that the Catholics do not view the pope as being God-like. He is a figurehead of the church and the denomination overall. The catholic faith uses priests as a means to guide the followers in their faith. The pope is simply the top of a ranking structure of the clergymen.
            No one said that he is viewed as God-like, only that Catholics believe that the pope is chosen by God and that God influences the cardinals in making this decision.


              I wasn't correcting anyone at all. I apologize if I came across that way. He simply put forth that he really didn't have much of an understanding at all. I only sought to offer some clarity. So often people have extreme misconceptions of all denominations of the Christian faith. I don't mean to direct this generalization at the OP, but it's true.
              Last edited by Jarrett; 03-14-2013, 04:53 PM.
              My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


                The power of the "holy spirit" compels them.

                Not fond of ghosts myself. But different strokes and whatnot.
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                That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                  I am sure if there was not an election, a lot of them would claim they are gods choice. How do you decide who is really chosen by god? If only one is truly chosen then the others are have to be liars. That makes their religion look bad. Can't have that, so election it is.

                  I went to a catholic high school, I would not know most of them were even religious except for Sundays.
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                    I was raised Catholic, and I honestly don't know. I never considered the pope to be anything more than a man. Growing up, I essentially viewed the pope in the same light as I did the president... just the man in charge.
                    The clergy has a connection to god, and the higher up the ladder, the greater that connection is assumed to be... but the pope isn't "god-like".


                      I was not raised to question others' religion....only to seek answers in mine. The Torah it is said, was given to us by God to guide us in life. A blueprint on how to conduct every aspect we encounter while alive. It even goes into such things as rightful possession of a found object. We (Jews) have learned men..but they are not "chosen" by God...they are devoted to him and help us to understand the Torah and how to live by it. We ask them for their interpretation of the Torah and it's meanings. They in turn seek multiple commentary on such questions, for God gave us reason..reason to seek more than one solution. To discuss it till not a drop of doubt is questioned.
                      If some believe that God has given them wisdom to choose a spokesperson on his behalf...that is what they believe and it comes to past that it makes ... others beleive it too, then it is a good thing.
                      Remember the point of religion shouldn't be to get to Heaven, or to do good deeds for's to have a relationship with God. Heaven is the reward.
                      The Pope is to me as the learned to seeks for the answer and claims it's who holds the power to quell the masses for peace. Without a Pope there is only the body with no head. Without the questions, rules and laws become concrete and unyielding.
                      Oh! I was just going to just say...they sit in a, drink some wine and smoke and do more talking about who is the best choice and open a window to let out smoke..Where have I seen this before?
                      Last edited by SilverShadow; 03-14-2013, 11:24 PM.

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                        Wow, lots of really interesting answers.

                        I am trying to avoid commenting on a single post or engaging in a direct conversation with any one person-hoping people will continue to offer their opinion.

                        And honest, I am/was just looking for some insight on this hole conclave concept and so the responses I am getting is awesome.

                        Thanks guys!

                        To comment on my own personal beliefs;

                        I have always struggled with organized religion and have always felt a deep belief in god. Probably bass ackwards, I know. But it is what it is. I can't help but feel the way I do.

                        I have a genuine disconnect from organized religion that has been a life long way of being for me. So when stuff comes up in the headlines, occasionally it interests me. This whole pope process has always interested me, and I read a few articles and watched a program about the conclave and it left me wondering. Hence the thread.
                        Originally posted by wed3k
                        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                          Well my father was Roman Catholic and my mother Jewish, growing up we celebrated both holidays and they shared with us the best of both worlds.

                          Wasn't really confusing, as we weren't religious, just reformed if you will.

                          Now since my wife is 100% jewish, and since in jewish law, you follow your mother, I just claim jewish and we will raise our kids that way.

                          From what I know of the Catholic side, is that the conclave is called that because in the early begnnings, they were 'locked' up for long periods of time until a decision was made.

                          I don't remember the longest period, but they were also denied food and drink to speed the process up because it took so long.

                          Im going to ask my buddy who was born in Italy and moved here at 13, he has had all the teachings and should have an idea.

                          Ill post his thoughts when he answers me.


                            the reason they say that the pope is chosen by God. is the same reason that anyone who believes in God, say that every thing that happens is because God has seen it fit.

                            another explanation is because since the conclave is isolated from the out side world , with no communication. they are in deep prayer, asking God to guide them in making a decision for a new pope.

                            now the reason it takes so long is because some cardinals know more of one cardinal than another.

                            what goes into account is how the one who is to be elected: has lived thier life in clergy, what they have done for the church, any decisions they have made to better the church, etc.. therefore giving the assumption of how they would lead the church in a higher role, ( the highest role "being pope"). thus also influencing their decision.

                            to finish it off the answer you seek is in they way the pope is decided , by prayer.(conversation with God) how a person perceives the signs that God sends us depends on how close a person is to God and how they live their spiritual life .

                            yes know they are clergy and they all are close to God and their spiritual life. just know that faith (closeness to god) has no measure nor limit) therefore one clergy member can be closer to god than another.

                            (I am a practicing and active catholic, but i am by no means a "saint" . I teach confirmation at my parish though my knowledge is limited to what I've learn but i hope my answer has helped you in any way. God bless)
                            Last edited by sombra13; 03-15-2013, 11:09 PM.


                              Originally posted by sombra13 View Post
                              the reason they say that the pope is chosen by God. is the same reason that anyone who believes in God, say that every thing that happens is because God has seen it fit.

                              another explanation is because since the conclave is isolated from the out side world , with no communication. they are in deep prayer, asking God to guide them in making a decision for a new pope.

                              now the reason it takes so long is because some cardinals know more of one cardinal than another.

                              what goes into account is how the one who is to be elected: has lived tier life in clergy, what they have done for the church, any decisions they have made to better the church, etc.. therefore giving the assumption of how they would lead the church in a higher role, ( the highest role "being pope"). thus also influencing their decision.

                              to finish it off the answer you seek in they way the pope is decided , by prayer.(conversation with God) how a person perceives the signs that sends us depends on how close a person is to God and how they live their spiritual life .

                              yes know they are clergy and they all are close to God and their spiritual life. just know that faith (closeness to god) has no measure nor limit) therefore one clergy member can be closer to god than another.

                              (I am a practicing and active catholic, but i am by no means a "saint" . I teach confirmation at my parish though my knowledge is limited to what I've learn but i hope my answer has helped you in any way. God bless)

                              Thank you so much for this response!

                              God bless you too!
                              Originally posted by wed3k
                              im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.

