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When a cop rear ends you...

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    When a cop rear ends you...

    Last edited by crazymikey; 03-03-2013, 02:34 AM.

    After a second look at the video if you watch closely the bike actually fully stopped for a split second BEFORE the cop hit him.

    Why would you literally stop in flowing traffic to let a car in that was well in front?

    Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

    My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

    A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

    If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


      I will put in a complaint on him for reacting like that if I get his info.that guy just let him go and could have damaged his bike. The cop involved in an accident shouldn't be writing tickets IMO.

      If that we're me I would would have stopped him from talking to me like that and immediately request another officer or superior.

      In my opinion that white car didn't have that much room to come in safely
      Especially when its on a bike. That cop just used his training to make him feel he was in the wrong so he wouldn't get in trouble. When I've ridden in cop cars I was always watching cuz there alway looking at there computers. He was probably runnin his plate when it happened.
      Last edited by STREET-SPEC; 03-03-2013, 05:05 AM.


        When I was 18, I made a legal u turn(on a green arrow) and as soon as I straightened my wheel out I heard schreeching brakes. I look up in my rear view and see a light bar....BAM.

        Basically I made a legal U and when I did so I checked all three lanes of traffic(the one going the direction I wanted to go, the ones making the right on red and the ones that MAY be making a left illegally.

        NOONE ....there were all cars STOPPED at their red lights.

        So basically I think what happened(because this cop came out of nowhere) either was trying to run the light or made the right too fast and didn't see me and slammed right into me.

        I ended up with a ticket for not using due car while driving. The fucked up part was that I got out to check on him! I was so shaken, I kind of assumed I was going to jail lol but I said fuck it hes a human being too and I got out and he was like mofo stay in your car...he did ask if I was alright but wasn't really interested in talking...

        so I sit in my car and I await them deciding which jurisdiction it is(this intersection is like 3 counties).

        Finally they decide it's Sunrise PD and so a sunrise PD officer comes out and it's a BRAND NEW service aide.

        She appologized to me like 1000 times...


        She was new and she could see that I was not at fault and she felt bad as fuck but she could not not write me a ticket since the sheriffs told her to im sure....

        It wasn't an expensive ticket and I paid it but I was naieve and scared that my dad was going to MURDER ME LOL.

        If that happened today I would blow a fucking gasket. I would not accept a ticket/sign/whatever. Id call a supervisor out so fast it would make his head spin.

        In the video, You can't see how close the officer was following...

        I think it was the cops fault....

        first off if everyone is going 10-15, then he should have had PLENTY of distance to stop at that speed.

        Yes the biker did stop short, but if he felt like he didn't trust that Accord and wanted to stop before proceeding(while not the best idea), he has that choice. That's what brakes are for.

        Let me explain how it works.

        The cop got out and was pissed right? Why? He was guilty and he knew it.

        He controls the situation and snuffs it out so that it doesn't go further. He mentions they both got it on camera.

        IF the motorist was wrong, hearmeyou, that cop would have written him up.

        He didn't though, and he shook his hand like a man and gave him a warning.


        because he knows his dash cam shows he was either tail gating or was far enough back that he SHOULD have stopped but due to negligence failed to stop....both showing the cop in the wrong.

        So even though he was a dick, he let the guy go.

        I would be pissed and I wouldn't want to pay to have it fixed, but if he knows a good body shop then he can just say it was hit on the streets and have the body shop hike up the damage so that his insurance covers all of it.

        You got to know which battles are worth fighting. I guess it's an individual choice, but it becomes expensive when you start suing and if that dash cam video goes missing, then it is just your word against his....with the footage from the helmet cam(which shows nothing really, if anything, helps the officer's case)

        And in court, you gotta come ready because people tend to side with LEO.
        Last edited by Ralphie; 03-03-2013, 10:12 AM.


          Originally posted by evil_demon_01 View Post
          After a second look at the video if you watch closely the bike actually fully stopped for a split second BEFORE the cop hit him.

          Why would you literally stop in flowing traffic to let a car in that was well in front?
          Its hard to judge distance with the angle on the lens ..
          When you are on a motorcycle no one sees you so you need to be defensive especially when someone is merging

          Doesn't matter either way though
          The officer was behind him
          The officer was not following at a safe distance
          The officer hit him
          The officer knew he was in the wrong and intimidated him


            In ga, if you get rear ended, it is ALWAYS the other persons fault. It doesn't matter the situation. You're supposed to be in control of your vehicle at all times. So say someone stops in the middle of the road, or more common around here, someone thinks a yield sign is a stop sign, and you hit them, even though they caused the accident, you'll take the ticket.

            I wish I could trade my heart for an extra liver, just so I can drink more and care less.


              Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa View Post
              Its hard to judge distance with the angle on the lens ..
              When you are on a motorcycle no one sees you so you need to be defensive especially when someone is merging

              Doesn't matter either way though
              The officer was behind him
              The officer was not following at a safe distance
              The officer hit him
              The officer knew he was in the wrong and intimidated him
              Even with the lens angle you can perceive the distance.
              I've riden on the road for years, I know you have to be defensive.
              But coming to a stop wasn't necessary.

              I'm not saying the cop is right, In fact he IS in the wrong.
              However the biker is also partly at fault.

              Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

              My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

              A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

              If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


                Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa View Post
                Its hard to judge distance with the angle on the lens ..
                Not really .. actually, if you look at the frame below, you'll notice that the rear of the squad car appears to be about even with the front of the bike.
                Now look at the front of the sqaud car, you'll see that it's almost even with the rear of the van that is in front of the bike.

                This is an ULTRA-wide angle lens, fish-eye like. I have lenses that can create the same angle of view. These lenses are really deceiving. I can take my fish-eye and be less then an inch away from my face, yet capture my entire face.

                I'm not sure of the length of the Crown Vic, or, whatever that cop car is, but I'd safely say that it's in the neighborhood of around 18 feet or so. That's CLEARLY a "car length" away ...

                Which to me, at that speed .. is totally acceptable. Cop .. YOU are wrong.
                Let's turn the table and say that the biker hit the cop .. anyone think that the cop woulda said, "we good?" LMFAO! .... no
                Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 03-03-2013, 07:21 PM.

                My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                  For the short time that he was stopped the cop should not have been so close that he could have hit him. I agree that the guy on the bike probably shouldn't have come to a complete stop for a car so far up... but there's nothing, NOTHING, that says he has to be right up close to that merging traffic. That police officer is responsible for maintaining control of his own vehicle, regardless of whether or not the guy on the bike stopped so suddenly.
                  1) they were going VERY slow, meaning the cop was probably right on the bike's ass... and 2) anyone in a car should ALWAYS leave extra room for a biker.
                  I mean, what if the dude happened to hit a slick spot and spill? The cop would've run the guy right over!


                    But when it comes down to it its a cop what can you do. I know arguing with a cop here when clearly in the right only makes it worse. So sometimes its better to agree and move on.



                      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                      For the short time that he was stopped the cop should not have been so close that he could have hit him. I agree that the guy on the bike probably shouldn't have come to a complete stop for a car so far up... but there's nothing, NOTHING, that says he has to be right up close to that merging traffic. That police officer is responsible for maintaining control of his own vehicle, regardless of whether or not the guy on the bike stopped so suddenly.
                      1) they were going VERY slow, meaning the cop was probably right on the bike's ass... and 2) anyone in a car should ALWAYS leave extra room for a biker.
                      I mean, what if the dude happened to hit a slick spot and spill? The cop would've run the guy right over!
                      everything you said was what i was about to say. i agree with you 100%
                      visit vgruk


                        Originally posted by TracieS View Post
                        But when it comes down to it its a cop what can you do. I know arguing with a cop here when clearly in the right only makes it worse. So sometimes its better to agree and move on.
                        Yeah ... Just let it be on the road...
                        You cant win on the side of the road with a cop
                        That is what attorneys and courts are for.


                          Originally posted by TracieS View Post
                          But when it comes down to it its a cop what can you do. I know arguing with a cop here when clearly in the right only makes it worse. So sometimes its better to agree and move on.
                          Unfortunately, that's true. I had a issue with an off duty cop last year. The cop ran a stop sign in his personal ML350, and cut me off in a traffic circle. All I did was honk my horn.
                          He did a U turn in the circle and chased me for half a mile. Caught up to me at a stop light, pulled in the wrong lane, and started yelling at me. He identified himself as a cop at the end of our conversation.
                          I got his plate number and called the police. They denied that he was one of theirs. They told me not to bother filing a report, because they won't do anything about it. Turns out the guy was indeed a cop. A lieutenant.
                          I got 3 tickets in the mail: "improper use of horn", "cracked windshield" (that was legit), and "reckless driving" (5 points and $250 fine!)

                          I called a lawyer, who told me I can file my own charges against the cop. So I did. The township shuffled the paperwork around until my charges exceeded the time limit for the "probable cause hearing" (the judge even said it was at no fault of my own.) Of course, there was no hearing to determine "probable cause" for the cop's charges against me. My lawyer got my reckless charge reduced to careless (2 points), I took the improper use of horn charge, and the cracked windshield charge got dropped (the ONLY legitimate charge of the 3!)
                          The cop got off scott free, acting as if he was in the right. The system backed him up.

                          Cop was wrong. 100%. And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.


                            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                            Unfortunately, that's true. I had a issue with an off duty cop last year. The cop ran a stop sign in his personal ML350, and cut me off in a traffic circle. All I did was honk my horn.
                            He did a U turn in the circle and chased me for half a mile. Caught up to me at a stop light, pulled in the wrong lane, and started yelling at me. He identified himself as a cop at the end of our conversation.
                            I got his plate number and called the police. They denied that he was one of theirs. They told me not to bother filing a report, because they won't do anything about it. Turns out the guy was indeed a cop. A lieutenant.
                            I got 3 tickets in the mail: "improper use of horn", "cracked windshield" (that was legit), and "reckless driving" (5 points and $250 fine!)

                            I called a lawyer, who told me I can file my own charges against the cop. So I did. The township shuffled the paperwork around until my charges exceeded the time limit for the "probable cause hearing" (the judge even said it was at no fault of my own.) Of course, there was no hearing to determine "probable cause" for the cop's charges against me. My lawyer got my reckless charge reduced to careless (2 points), I took the improper use of horn charge, and the cracked windshield charge got dropped (the ONLY legitimate charge of the 3!)
                            The cop got off scott free, acting as if he was in the right. The system backed him up.

                            Cop was wrong. 100%. And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.
                            I had something similar
                            Rear ended by daughter of police officer
                            Got a ticket for reckless driving in the mail ... lol k
                            Hire a lawyer go to court.. 2k gone...
                            Everything dropped
                            Officer suspended for 2 weeks or something like that for misconduct
                            Fast forward ten years..
                            Background check.. I was "charged" with reckless driving.. Never convicted.. Nothing... Just charged..
                            reckless driving is criminal
                            If a normal employer checks my background nothing..
                            If the FBI/Gov/ State checks it I was charged at one point with a criminal offense..
                            So another 1k for the lawyer so far.


                              Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa View Post
                              Fast forward ten years..
                              Background check.. I was "charged" with reckless driving.. Never convicted.. Nothing... Just charged..
                              reckless driving is criminal
                              If a normal employer checks my background nothing..
                              If the FBI/Gov/ State checks it I was charged at one point with a criminal offense..
                              So another 1k for the lawyer so far.
                              Ooooh, that's a shady one! I don't like the fact the gov't can see you were charged, but an employer can't. Should be both, or neither.

