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    When it comes to guns, I fully support our right to own firearms.
    Personally, I don't want a gun. I believe that guns are meant for killing someone. Not scaring someone. Not wounding someone. Killing someone. I'm not prepared to have that power in my pocket. It's far too easy to pull the trigger and think about the consequences after the fact.
    My job puts me in very dangerous situations. I wear a level iiia bulletproof vest, with additional protection against a blade. I carry a small knife with me (and I know how to use it beyond "stick them with the pointy end"), and I also have a bit of hand to hand training. I'm capable of disarming someone with a knife or gun, if I'm able to get close enough to them.
    If an attacker is close enough for me to kill them with my bare hands, I would have no trouble doing that... as that would truly be life or death. With a gun, though... even if the other person had a gun, some part in my mind would say "maybe they won't shoot", and i will hesitate. I would die. Having a gun would probably increase my chances of getting shot considerably!
    That's just my own personal reasoning, though. That is why I don't own a firearm, and why I doubt I ever will.

    I support the rights of everyone else to own and carry (though I believe that right should be forfeit for anyone that has been convicted of a violent crime involving a firearm.) My only reservation is that there are some truly STUPID people in this world.
    Compare firearms to automobiles. Automobiles are extremely dangerous things to operate, even when done so by a competent, aware, cautious driver. Many people behind the wheel of a vehicle are not such people. Not 100% of the time, anyway. They are careless. They are aggressive. They are intoxicated. They are distracted. They are uneducated ("what does 'yield' mean?") They are selfish. They are often ignorant of their vehicle's condition. Far more deaths and injuries involving motor vehicles are due to pure carelessness than anything else.
    Average people. Stupid average people. Operating their death machines without proper care and foresight. Even if it's just for a moment... that's all it takes to cause a 15 car pileup, or to send a 6 year old kid tumbling over the roof of your car.
    Road rage is something I see very often (I live in New Jersey... it's a way of life here.) I've had little old ladies in SUVs cut me off, brake check me, and try to run me off the road because I wouldn't let them change lanes (in the particular incident I'm referencing, I was already next to her when she put her signal on... going 50mph.) This lady ATTACKED me with her 2.5 ton vehicle. She didn't hit me, but she certainly threatened me with a 2.5 ton weapon. Had I not been fully aware of her intentions, I may have crashed. Had I panicked, I may have hit someone else. Had I not had my girlfriend in the car with me, I may have retaliated, escalating the situation. My suspension is already shot, so my braking and handling are both compromised. That woman didn't know that my car might not have been able to avoid hitting her when she stomped on the brakes.

    In a situation like that, someone is attacking with a deadly weapon. A weapon that requires a bit more maneuvering and forethought to intentionally use in a deadly manner than a firearm. Remove the car and add a gun to that situation. A situation with unreasonable anger that escalates to deadly levels. An average person that is enraged beyond reason over something utterly stupid could very easily pull a gun in anger. If they don't shoot, they may get themselves shot by someone else carrying a gun.

    I'm not using this as an argument against people owning and carrying guns... but it is a reason why the idea makes me uneasy.

    Ultimately, no system is foolproof. People rely on the government for protection, and give them what may be too much power to provide that protection. What some people consider protection, others consider a violation of rights.
    Put it in the context of hiring a bodyguard. You can have a bodyguard sitting in his car outside your house. He'll prevent anyone from entering through the front door to attack you in your sleep. If they sneak in through the back, you're on your own until the bodyguard realizes the threat and makes his way to your bedroom.
    If the bodyguard is sitting in your living room, he can respond faster and see/hear more. However, a good intruder could still slip by him and stick a knife in your ribs before the bodyguard is able to intervene. The intruder may not make it out alive, but neither will you. Additionally, you're not going to be able to come downstairs to the kitchen to eat that midnight snack stark naked.
    Now, put the bodyguard in your bedroom. Nobody is going to get to you without going through him first. It's the best protection you can get. However, in an effort to be protected, you've sacrificed all of your privacy. No more jacking off under the covers to the new Victoria's Secret catalog before you cry yourself to sleep!

    That's how the government works. The government is run by politicians. Politicians are businessmen. Businessmen sell to the highest bidder. In the case of politics, votes are the currency of choice. The politicians, and therefore our government, will cater to whoever votes the most. If the strongest demand is for more protection at the cost of privacy, they'll do that.

    Our government, as a whole, is not some shady conspiracy machine. Yes, shady things do happen, and there are certainly crooked officials everywhere. However, as a whole, our government is a largely reactionary governing body, performing the duties demanded of them by the general public within their abilities. Those duties are restricted, limited, and thoroughly confounded by our extensive laws.

    Just from running this site, which functions as a benevolent dictatorship, I know how difficult it is to please everyone. I know how my actions can be interpreted in a way that I did not intend. I know that my "laws" can often seem unfair and far too strict by those that don't understand them. I know that the people working under me can occasionally get overzealous and abuse their power (that's happened maybe once or twice... very rarely!)
    To the uninformed, my actions may be seen as elitist, exclusionary, or targeted harassment. My actions are ALWAYS for the good of this community, regardless of how it may seem.
    I know our country's government isn't exactly the same in that regard, as things are much deeper, and there are far more people involved to be corrupted... but the government as a whole is not evil. Our government is still OUR government, with all positions of power being limited. If we don't like something, we have the power to change it. We also have the freedom to leave, if changing it is too much work.


      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
      When it comes to guns, I fully support our right to own firearms.
      Personally, I don't want a gun. I believe that guns are meant for killing someone. Not scaring someone. Not wounding someone. Killing someone. I'm not prepared to have that power in my pocket. It's far too easy to pull the trigger and think about the consequences after the fact.
      My job puts me in very dangerous situations. I wear a level iiia bulletproof vest, with additional protection against a blade. I carry a small knife with me (and I know how to use it beyond "stick them with the pointy end"), and I also have a bit of hand to hand training. I'm capable of disarming someone with a knife or gun, if I'm able to get close enough to them.
      If an attacker is close enough for me to kill them with my bare hands, I would have no trouble doing that... as that would truly be life or death. With a gun, though... even if the other person had a gun, some part in my mind would say "maybe they won't shoot", and i will hesitate. I would die. Having a gun would probably increase my chances of getting shot considerably!
      That's just my own personal reasoning, though. That is why I don't own a firearm, and why I doubt I ever will.

      I support the rights of everyone else to own and carry (though I believe that right should be forfeit for anyone that has been convicted of a violent crime involving a firearm.) My only reservation is that there are some truly STUPID people in this world.
      Compare firearms to automobiles. Automobiles are extremely dangerous things to operate, even when done so by a competent, aware, cautious driver. Many people behind the wheel of a vehicle are not such people. Not 100% of the time, anyway. They are careless. They are aggressive. They are intoxicated. They are distracted. They are uneducated ("what does 'yield' mean?") They are selfish. They are often ignorant of their vehicle's condition. Far more deaths and injuries involving motor vehicles are due to pure carelessness than anything else.
      Average people. Stupid average people. Operating their death machines without proper care and foresight. Even if it's just for a moment... that's all it takes to cause a 15 car pileup, or to send a 6 year old kid tumbling over the roof of your car.
      Road rage is something I see very often (I live in New Jersey... it's a way of life here.) I've had little old ladies in SUVs cut me off, brake check me, and try to run me off the road because I wouldn't let them change lanes (in the particular incident I'm referencing, I was already next to her when she put her signal on... going 50mph.) This lady ATTACKED me with her 2.5 ton vehicle. She didn't hit me, but she certainly threatened me with a 2.5 ton weapon. Had I not been fully aware of her intentions, I may have crashed. Had I panicked, I may have hit someone else. Had I not had my girlfriend in the car with me, I may have retaliated, escalating the situation. My suspension is already shot, so my braking and handling are both compromised. That woman didn't know that my car might not have been able to avoid hitting her when she stomped on the brakes.

      In a situation like that, someone is attacking with a deadly weapon. A weapon that requires a bit more maneuvering and forethought to intentionally use in a deadly manner than a firearm. Remove the car and add a gun to that situation. A situation with unreasonable anger that escalates to deadly levels. An average person that is enraged beyond reason over something utterly stupid could very easily pull a gun in anger. If they don't shoot, they may get themselves shot by someone else carrying a gun.

      I'm not using this as an argument against people owning and carrying guns... but it is a reason why the idea makes me uneasy.

      Ultimately, no system is foolproof. People rely on the government for protection, and give them what may be too much power to provide that protection. What some people consider protection, others consider a violation of rights.
      Put it in the context of hiring a bodyguard. You can have a bodyguard sitting in his car outside your house. He'll prevent anyone from entering through the front door to attack you in your sleep. If they sneak in through the back, you're on your own until the bodyguard realizes the threat and makes his way to your bedroom.
      If the bodyguard is sitting in your living room, he can respond faster and see/hear more. However, a good intruder could still slip by him and stick a knife in your ribs before the bodyguard is able to intervene. The intruder may not make it out alive, but neither will you. Additionally, you're not going to be able to come downstairs to the kitchen to eat that midnight snack stark naked.
      Now, put the bodyguard in your bedroom. Nobody is going to get to you without going through him first. It's the best protection you can get. However, in an effort to be protected, you've sacrificed all of your privacy. No more jacking off under the covers to the new Victoria's Secret catalog before you cry yourself to sleep!

      That's how the government works. The government is run by politicians. Politicians are businessmen. Businessmen sell to the highest bidder. In the case of politics, votes are the currency of choice. The politicians, and therefore our government, will cater to whoever votes the most. If the strongest demand is for more protection at the cost of privacy, they'll do that.

      Our government, as a whole, is not some shady conspiracy machine. Yes, shady things do happen, and there are certainly crooked officials everywhere. However, as a whole, our government is a largely reactionary governing body, performing the duties demanded of them by the general public within their abilities. Those duties are restricted, limited, and thoroughly confounded by our extensive laws.

      Just from running this site, which functions as a benevolent dictatorship, I know how difficult it is to please everyone. I know how my actions can be interpreted in a way that I did not intend. I know that my "laws" can often seem unfair and far too strict by those that don't understand them. I know that the people working under me can occasionally get overzealous and abuse their power (that's happened maybe once or twice... very rarely!)
      To the uninformed, my actions may be seen as elitist, exclusionary, or targeted harassment. My actions are ALWAYS for the good of this community, regardless of how it may seem.
      I know our country's government isn't exactly the same in that regard, as things are much deeper, and there are far more people involved to be corrupted... but the government as a whole is not evil. Our government is still OUR government, with all positions of power being limited. If we don't like something, we have the power to change it. We also have the freedom to leave, if changing it is too much work.

      I prefer to carry because the power to kill someone is also in other peoples pocket. Some of those people may want to do me harm. If that situation arises then I want to have options. I not only have myself to protect but my family and any other innocent people which may be around. I look at a firearm the same way you do. What I hold in my hand, that's death right there. Once that round leaves that barrel there is no taking it back. That thought does create hesitation. That part is a gamble. I can't say I blame you for not wanting to carry a firearm.

      On another note I shoot for sport and game. Not all guns are for killing people, and not all my guns are for killing people. Actually, only 15% of the firearms I own are for defensive purposes. And yes, I own so many I have to go by percentages.

      Totally agree, any violent crime or a crime with a firearm and you forfeit your right to own or carry. I know my state is way ahead of that but I don't know about other states. You get caught with a joint here and you'll never carry. You can still own but never obtain a CCW.

      As far as people getting mad and not thinking, I do see your point. Every scenario is different so a good solution to the instance can never be given. Therefore I don't have a good response to that other than it's a gamble. Everyday, it is a gamble.

      As for government and protection, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

      I am my own security. That's my system. I trust myself with my security more than I can possibly trust anyone else. Who really has my best interests in mind more than me?

      The politicians do give what the general population wants, but they are also lying to them to make them feel like they need what ever the politicians say that they need. And people are simply to stupid to know any better.

      If I were given an option to go where I could be with "my kind" I would do so. Let the big city people have all their security. That's fine with me, I'm happy that they are happy. But I don't live in the city, I will never like the city or want to be a part of it. Universal law for all kinds of people don't work. There isn't much place in the city for firearms and I get that. But out here it's a way of life. So in reality we get punished for what the gang bangers are doing in the cities (where most of the people live, thus most of the voters) and then laws are imposed on us where they shouldn't even apply. The city is one place, the country is another. That's like using metric tools on standard bolts. But since there are more people in the cities I have to live with it. I have to be "stripped" like the metric bolt with the standard socket on it based on peoples opinions and feelings on things I have nothing to do with or even understand. That's a problem. And there are millions like me and who are just as fed up with it as I am.

      People out here, the government does not have our best interests in mind. And worse yet, they don't care.
      Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-07-2014, 05:21 PM.


        That's true, I suppose.
        The loudest voices are those in the most populated areas. Those interests are often the interests that are catered to. Those people are also very often the ones that are 1) too busy to take an active role in government, and 2) too unaware of their surroundings, due to there being so many people, to feel secure without "protection".
        Those people are the ones asking for stricter laws.

        In more rural areas, I can definitely see how carrying a firearm is a reasonable way of life. You're not constantly surrounded by people (any of whom could open fire, or could be hit if YOU open fire for a good reason.)

        A concealed carry in a big city, like NYC or Philadelphia, could be disastrous. Open carry would be even worse. In such close quarters, a careless person could easily have their weapon taken by a nutjob!

        It's possible to argue both points endlessly, and for both sides to see the merit of either argument. The very same reasons FOR carrying a firearm are the same reasons for NOT carrying one!

        I feel the only way to offer the best possible protection is to ensure all firearm owners are properly educated regarding the laws and safe usage and storage of their weapon.

        Education is the most powerful defense we have... against ourselves, against a potentially corrupt government, and against any foreign threat. Education is something we can ALL obtain. It's also something that disturbingly few people genuinely seem to want.


          Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
          EDIT... Actually, Google is working on that too.

          The Boston marathon bombs were made using pressure cookers. I think we should ban pressure cookers...

          Because throughout history making something illegal always works. Like drugs for example...
          I saw something o FB the other day, I thought it was pretty funny, went like ....

          The war on drugs brought in more drugs,
          and the war on terror created more terrorists ...
          Let's have a war on money and jobs next year
          and see where that takes us! ...

          My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
            That's true, I suppose.
            The loudest voices are those in the most populated areas. Those interests are often the interests that are catered to. Those people are also very often the ones that are 1) too busy to take an active role in government, and 2) too unaware of their surroundings, due to there being so many people, to feel secure without "protection".
            Those people are the ones asking for stricter laws.

            In more rural areas, I can definitely see how carrying a firearm is a reasonable way of life. You're not constantly surrounded by people (any of whom could open fire, or could be hit if YOU open fire for a good reason.)

            A concealed carry in a big city, like NYC or Philadelphia, could be disastrous. Open carry would be even worse. In such close quarters, a careless person could easily have their weapon taken by a nutjob!

            It's possible to argue both points endlessly, and for both sides to see the merit of either argument. The very same reasons FOR carrying a firearm are the same reasons for NOT carrying one!

            I feel the only way to offer the best possible protection is to ensure all firearm owners are properly educated regarding the laws and safe usage and storage of their weapon.

            Education is the most powerful defense we have... against ourselves, against a potentially corrupt government, and against any foreign threat. Education is something we can ALL obtain. It's also something that disturbingly few people genuinely seem to want.
            Out here, there simply is no need for the "gun control" that may be necessary in big cities. We don't have the problems they have in big cities. At all. When you hear about someone getting shot here it's normally the police who shot someone. Sometimes I feel it's in good reason, other times not so much. But it's mostly the police doing the shooting none the less.

            I totally see how the masses in a big city carrying a firearm would be bad news. I can also see how being stricter on firearms in the cities could be beneficial.

            "I feel the only way to offer the best possible protection is to ensure all firearm owners are properly educated regarding the laws and safe usage and storage of their weapon."

            ^^^ I agree with you completely.

            As for "gun control" I do think things could be done to help keep guns out of the hands of nut jobs. But can out current governement handle it? Fuck no. I can tell how you how that would turn out, "everyone is a nut job."

            "Education is the most powerful defense we have." Again, I agree completely.


              Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
              I saw something o FB the other day, I thought it was pretty funny, went like ....

              The war on drugs brought in more drugs,
              and the war on terror created more terrorists ...
              Let's have a war on money and jobs next year
              and see where that takes us! ...
              I seen something like that the other day on FB, that may have been it, had me laughing pretty good!


                Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                But guns kill people...
                Actually, it's that projectile that's travelling a thousand feet a second ..

                Hey, I read your comment about being armed to the teeth .. so,
                when the shit hits the fan, leave that trap door open for me ok?
                And have that Barrett 50 ready in the corner for me too. I'll bring the pod mount for the chopper.

                One of my FAVORITIST movies ever, was Apocalypse Now
                There's a quote in it, actually some really great quotes, but this one, the one below,
                is just as classic as it gets. Keep in mind, what year that it was, when Francis Ford Coppola made this freaking insanely perfect conceptualization of Nam ...
                and if you haven't seen it yet .. it's only A MUST!

                General Corman: Well, you see, Willard, in this war, things get confused out there. Power, ideals, the old morality, and practical military necessity.
                But out there with these natives, it must be a temptation to be God. Because there's a conflict in every human heart,
                between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil.
                And good does not always triumph.
                Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature.
                What I have quoted in bold ^ still gives me goose-bumps to this day! It's so true too!
                And "the dark side" did indeed "overcome" that "conflict." The Country has never been the same since. Hell, this topic has gone from Helicopters over Miami,
                to Tesla .. to ..... what the hell, this:
                um, H311RA151N, could you post that ^ vid for me, then tell me how to post a YT vid again? This site has a different way of doing this, (there was a thread about it I think) and I figured it out once,
                but .. I'm having a "senior moment" at the err, moment.

                On a side note, maybe even sorta related .. this hit home with me HARD!
                The History Channel put out a documentary called The Men Who Built America.
                If anyone, and I do mean anyone here .. hasn't seen this powerful account of how this place got to be where it is, SEE IT, watch it ..
                It's so well done and put together so simplistically, that even my X's kid (who's 11 in Aug) could understand it!
                There was an audio tape of Rockefeller that I don't have the time to find right now, but it was something to the affect of,
                "If you tell The American public something enough times, they'll believe it."
                Folks .. find this vid on YT, or rent it, fuck it .. BUY the damn thing and spread it around lol!
                It's a must see documentary .. and I'll bet anyone here who starts it, HAS to finish it.
                It'll keep you on the edge of your seat .. it's THAT good ..

                Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 07-07-2014, 07:59 PM.

                My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                  Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
                  Actually, it's that projectile that's travelling a thousand feet a second ..

                  Hey, I read your comment about being armed to the teeth .. so,
                  when the shit hits the fan, leave that trap door open for me ok?
                  And have that Barrett 50 ready in the corner for me too. I'll bring the pod mount for the chopper.

                  One of my FAVORITIST movies ever, was Apocalypse Now
                  There's a quote in it, actually some really great quotes, but this one, the one below,
                  is just as classic as it gets. Keep in mind, what year that it was, when Francis Ford Coppola made this freaking insanely perfect conceptualization of Nam ...
                  and if you haven't seen it yet .. it's only A MUST!

                  What I have quoted in bold ^ still gives me goose-bumps to this day! It's so true too!
                  And "the dark side" did indeed "overcome" that "conflict." The Country has never been the same since. Hell, this topic has gone from Helicopters over Miami,
                  to Tesla .. to ..... what the hell, this:
                  um, H311RA151N, could you post that ^ vid for me, then tell me how to post a YT vid again? This site has a different way of doing this, (there was a thread about it I think) and I figured it out once,
                  but .. I'm having a "senior moment" at the err, moment.

                  On a side note, maybe even sorta related .. this hit home with me HARD!
                  The History Channel put out a documentary called The Men Who Built America.
                  If anyone, and I do mean anyone here .. hasn't seen this powerful account of how this place got to be where it is, SEE IT, watch it ..
                  It's so well done and put together so simplistically, that even my X's kid (who's 11 in Aug) could understand it!
                  There was an audio tape of Rockefeller that I don't have the time to find right now, but it was something to the affect of,
                  "If you tell The American public something enough times, they'll believe it."
                  Folks .. find this vid on YT, or rent it, fuck it .. BUY the damn thing and spread it around lol!
                  It's a must see documentary .. and I'll bet anyone here who starts it, HAS to finish it.
                  It'll keep you on the edge of your seat .. it's THAT good ..

                  It's actually a large tornado shelter but will do!

                  No Barrett 50 but I got a Howa Hogue .300 Win Mag and a Weatherby Vanguard .308 that may suffice! If everything holds out long enough I will be adding a Tikka T3 30-06 with a beautiful walnut stock to the arsenal here soon.

                  I have Apocalypse Now but I don't think I have ever watched it, it one that I have been meaning to for some time.

                  You cut and paste everything in the URL after the "=" symbol. Then once you paste it on here you highlight it and click the "youtube" icon. I had to have a refresher myself a while back.

                  I watched all 4 episodes of The Men Who Built America, I love that series and it's on Netflix! And I remember Rockefeller's Standard Oil, one of my favorites! That series is most definitely something people need to see. It really is that good.


                    Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                    It's actually a large tornado shelter but will do!
                    LOL .. perfect!

                    Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                    You cut and paste everything in the URL after the "=" symbol. Then once you paste it on here you highlight it and click the "youtube" icon. I had to have a refresher myself a while back.
                    and thank you! not the way that I remember it, but yeah .. it worked on a test for me just fine.

                    Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                    I watched all 4 episodes of The Men Who Built America, I love that series and it's on Netflix! And I remember Rockefeller's Standard Oil, one of my favorites! That series is most definitely something people need to see. It really is that good.
                    You're pretty up to speed for a 23? year old .. Wow .. You seem quite fluent in world issues.
                    Not very common at all with the people I work with that are the same age +/- ..
                    Hell, I don't even know you, and I'd vote for you ..
                    Tell your parents they did a great job .. you definitely get it ..

                    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                      Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
                      LOL .. perfect!

                      and thank you! not the way that I remember it, but yeah .. it worked on a test for me just fine.

                      You're pretty up to speed for a 23? year old .. Wow .. You seem quite fluent in world issues.
                      Not very common at all with the people I work with that are the same age +/- ..
                      Hell, I don't even know you, and I'd vote for you ..
                      Tell your parents they did a great job .. you definitely get it ..
                      Thank you sir, that means a lot coming from someone such as your self. I was brought up by my father who instilled in me a different way of looking at things and a thirst for the truth at an early age. I have had good teachers and good people around me my whole life who have molded me into what I am today.

                      I have been obsessed with history since about the 3rd grade. I live very near Wilson's Creek National Battlefield so history has always been all around me. It's something I am very passionate about. World issues to me are "history in the making" thus my thirst for knowledge in world issues and politics.

                      "Tell your parents they did a great job .. you definitely get it .." I don't even know what to say to this. That has to be the highest compliment one can earn. I am humbled by your compliments, compliments I will not forget.


                        Just training people! People gotta relax. The military has to be ready for any kind of scenario. We don't just train to fight in the Middle East. You have to be ready for domestic and foreign affairs. Can't train to fight In cities on most army bases. They are buit in land no one wanted and are flat. Here at fort bliss there is nothing taller then two story to train on. Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?


                          Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
                          Just training people! People gotta relax. The military has to be ready for any kind of scenario. We don't just train to fight in the Middle East. You have to be ready for domestic and foreign affairs. Can't train to fight In cities on most army bases. They are buit in land no one wanted and are flat. Here at fort bliss there is nothing taller then two story to train on. Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?
                          This makes complete sense...


                            [QUOTE=Bcozzi71;3205030]Just training people! People gotta relax. The military has to be ready for any kind of scenario. We don't just train to fight in the Middle East. You have to be ready for domestic and foreign affairs. Can't train to fight In cities on most army bases. They are buit in land no one wanted and are flat. Here at fort bliss there is nothing taller then two story to train on. Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?[/QUOTE

                            We train daily because like he ^ said, we have to be ready to respnd to any scenario, whenever wherever. The enemy doesnt care whether we are here or overseas, they will attack and we will be ready because we are trained and ready to protect this country at any cost. Thanks for the Support
                            Procrastination is a THIEF of time!!

                            MY MRT


                            My First CB7



                              Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
                              Just training people! People gotta relax. The military has to be ready for any kind of scenario. We don't just train to fight in the Middle East. You have to be ready for domestic and foreign affairs. Can't train to fight In cities on most army bases. They are buit in land no one wanted and are flat. Here at fort bliss there is nothing taller then two story to train on. Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?
                              Relax and it's just training? No thanks. I'm going to pay close attention rather than just turn a blind eye to it like I'm supposed to.

                              Practice fighting who? Who's going to be here that your shooting at? What attackers would be in the United States in numbers where you would need to use a force such as the one your describing?

                              Practice fighting in your own country? You live in your own country... I do see some point to this but why the sudden need and such importance to do this?

                              "2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens. Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China. Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.”

                              I mean no disrespect however I have no other way to discuss this matter as I worry that one day someone like yourself might be shooting at me and/or come to my home and attempt to remove my second amendment rights.

                              "Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?"

                              The United States Army has 541,000 active and 205,000 reserve.

                              The United States Navy has 317,00 active and 62,500 reserve.

                              The United States Air Force has 333,000 active and 71,000 reserve.

                              The United States Coast Guard has 42,500 active and 9000 reserve.

                              The United States Marine Corps has 195,000 active and 40,000 reserve.

                              So the United States has 1.4 million active and 387,500 reserve for a grand total of 1.78 million.

                              My state alone has 6.02 million people. I think the United States could defend it's self pretty damn well if they were allowed to. How can 2 million solders protect an area where 314 million people live?

                              Instead of the scenario where maybe 250 million people have firearms and could defend their homeland, there have been threatening comments made for years about taking that right away from people. So evidently the security of the homeland is not a first priority. If it were we would be educating people about firearms, not demonizing them and threatening to take them away.

                              It just doesn't add up...

                              Take for instance:

                              ^^^ 2.5 million people who are concerned about the same issues as I am. That's just one page. More people there who are pro-gun and pro-second amendment than our military has active and reserve combined.

                              By now you realize I'm not going to change my mind. So now I must ask, what harm am I doing by thinking this way or speaking my mind on such issues? If my "prophecies" never come to pass or new information is released in the future then the only harm done is to myself as I look like a fool and lose my credibility.

                              But instead people like myself experience efforts towards them to silence them and discredit what they say. If were wrong then who cares? Let us be wrong. But that's not whats happening...


                                Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
                                Just training people! People gotta relax. The military has to be ready for any kind of scenario. We don't just train to fight in the Middle East. You have to be ready for domestic and foreign affairs. Can't train to fight In cities on most army bases. They are buit in land no one wanted and are flat. Here at fort bliss there is nothing taller then two story to train on. Would you rather god forbid America get invaded and we have zero practice fighting in our own country?[/QUOTE

                                We train daily because like he ^ said, we have to be ready to respnd to any scenario, whenever wherever. The enemy doesnt care whether we are here or overseas, they will attack and we will be ready because we are trained and ready to protect this country at any cost. Thanks for the Support
                                Once I got word of the V.A. scandal and how long veterans were waiting to receive basic medial care I donated to the Harry S Truman VA Medical Center in Columbia.

                                My father was in Desert Storm, my cousin was assigned to the USS Nimitz and was in the Red Sea at the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, my half brother is a Marine who infiltrated Fallujah. He was wounded by a roof he was standing on collapsing and was therefore discharged. Needless to say, my family and I too have lost and sacrificed for the same cause.

                                So your very welcome for the support, I understand what it means first hand.
                                Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-08-2014, 05:15 PM.

