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Military black hawks fly over Miami Florida firing blanks

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    Nothing is going to happen. I don't know what is going on with all those illegals but a huge huge majority of them aren't even Mexican, they are guats.
    H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

    190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

    ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


      Originally posted by phatdoughnut View Post
      Nothing is going to happen. I don't know what is going on with all those illegals but a huge huge majority of them aren't even Mexican, they are guats.
      Word is the border issue has been created to get more democratic voters. I know some states allow illegals to obtain a drivers license like California which provides a way for illegals to register to vote. So far Arizona and Kansas passed laws that prevent illegals from obtaining a valid state driver's. And voter fraud is the #1 reason for passing those laws.

      "I am thoroughly convinced that the only reason liberal Democrats are so anxious to pass their immigration reform bills is to set up the means for millions of illegal aliens to vote in US and state elections even though it is not legal for them to vote.
      In many states, all someone needs is a valid state driver’s license to register to vote. On voter registration forms, it asks the question if you are a US citizen and whether you are or not, all you have to do is check ‘yes’ and you will be registered to vote. This is why Obama made his illegal DREAM Act executive order to allow millions of illegals to remain and work in the country. Many states like California allow the illegals to obtain a valid state driver’s license, thus paving the way for illegals to register to vote."
      - March 21, 2014 by Dave Jolly

      I have not studied this issue as much as I could have. So I don't agree or disagree as I don't feel I am informed enough yet.
      Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-06-2014, 06:41 PM.


        Originally posted by phatdoughnut View Post
        Nothing is going to happen. I don't know what is going on with all those illegals but a huge huge majority of them aren't even Mexican, they are guats.
        Not to mention the 170,000 ROMANIANS that are coming into Germany the same way.
        Oh yeah and (I forget the number) but the drones of ETHIOPINS to Australia ...
        What IS going on .. on this magnificent "marbled bowling ball" we all live on?

        SOMEthing is .. and ain't gonna be pretty! Thousands of coffins in the state of AZ and CA and where-ever else this is happening?
        WTF's happening? Like H311RA151N says, and who, BTW, is as articulate on this matter as anyone is ..
        Really good stuff H311RA151N! thank you!

        But I don't know what they're planning either. I can however, tell you that what-ever it is,
        they are definitely planning for a SHIT-LOAD of people dying ..

        Oh and H311RA151N .. le me add one, to the list of questions ...
        13). Just how the f&^#, can anyone with a half a brain-cell
        after ALL the havoc that one individual chief of staff has created ...
        still support such a narcissistic, arrogant, pompous, and downright LYING man?

        Oh and, then there's the matter of The Supreme Court striking down Obama's recess appointments.
        Yeeesh .. a Harvard Constitutional Scholar ? .. and you didn't know that was "unconstitutional"?
        This guy is a hack, and he's in way over his head ..
        It would be a miracle if he indeed was impeached, but we all know that ain't happening.
        It would "look bad and only reaffirm the fallacy of (non-white) people in the work-place."
        Besides, it would probably invoke riots, and cause mayhem world-wide.

        If some of you don't know what "Martial Law" is .. and apparently many do NOT,
        I beg you to study up on it. For example: Did you know that during Martial Law ..
        there can be no elections ..? Yep. All we need in this Country is, before O'Hussien get's out of office,
        is a full-blown "un-rest" and complete "chaos" annnnnnd ..You'll all be saying KING OBUMMER .. instead of PREZ ..

        Here's the video of the what looks to me to be .. HUNDRES OF THOUSANDS of coffins.
        edit: dammit, I forgot how to insert a video, if someone could insert this properly? thanks
        Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 07-06-2014, 07:26 PM.

        My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


          ^^^ You are very welcome PakaloloHonda and thank you!

          ^ Fixed.

          I do have a fair amount of knowledge regarding these matters if I do say so myself. As soon as something new comes about I typically study it thoroughly from several different aspects. Although one cannot know everything which is partially why I take a neutral standpoint on most topics. I poke people with a stick instead of bash them on the head with a rock.

          The reason being is I'm just worried for the future of our families and the future of our country and I want people to wake up. I don't know whats going on but there is so much evidence to lead one to believe that something is going on.

          PakaloloHonda, I too wonder how anyone can still support that narcissistic lair. That is quite puzzling. However, more and more are waking up and seeing the truth daily. That is a very positive and encouraging fact for those of us frustrated with the way others appear to be completely blinded by the lies of the dear leader his self and his administration.

          What you are referring to is called "rule by decree". If Obama initiates martial law he can continue to lead the nation even after his term would end. I have a fair amount of knowledge on that subject. A leader ruling by decree can simply sign a law into effect without it having it pass in a legislature.


            No, thank you!

            And I have no problem with "bashing them on the head with a rock" myself.
            I'm 62, fought in Vietnam, served my Country proudly, all-tho like any other war ..
            we all know Vietnam was as big a cluster-fuck as WMD's and Afghanistan.
            I've owned 6 separate businesses, and have paid more than my fair share of taxes.
            I have 2 degrees .. and I've paid my mother fooking dues ..

            The true supporters of OBummer are Pharmacist's, IT people, Hospitals, and Teachers.
            Even women dems (that I know) are starting to see the light.

            My lawyer in Hawaii, (of 35 years) voted for this chump twice.
            We talked the other day, and boy is he sorry he did. PISSED? He's beside himself!
            He now has to pay out his ass for health insurance, when he TOLD ME 6 YEARS AGO,
            "just how cheap it was going to be."
            My other buddy that I golf with, voted for OMafia, because he's married to an "illegal."
            He's had 3 children with her in the last 5 years! She can't get work as an "illegal"
            He thought he'd have the whole family on a "hand-out" health care platform .. "free-be"
            but now .. has to pay out of pocket, $5000 for 3 months worth of meds ...
            Wonderful! Way to go there law-school boy ..

            I could go on and on with the friends of mine who voted for this schmuck ...
            and now hate the living shit out of him for what he's done to just health-care alone!

            A leader ruling by decree can simply sign a law into effect without it having it pass in a legislature.
            Pretty scary huh? Just "food for thought" .. for those who are still OMafia-nettes.
            My X, was an NBC Anchor .. in Chicago .. before OBummer was voted in.
            We're still really good friends, and we've discussed many different scenarios.
            This one ^ was mine .. and she totally agreed with me .. IF, and I say if, he proclaims Martial Law, and as you say,
            would rule by decree .. we're fucked!
            Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 07-06-2014, 08:44 PM.

            My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


              Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
              No, thank you!

              And I have no problem with "bashing them on the head with a rock" myself.
              I'm 62, fought in Vietnam, served my Country proudly, all-tho like any other war ..
              we all know Vietnam was as big a cluster-fuck as WMD's and Afghanistan.
              I've owned 6 separate businesses, and have paid more than my fair share of taxes.
              I have 2 degrees .. and I've paid my mother fooking dues ..

              The true supporters of OBummer are Pharmacist's, IT people, Hospitals, and Teachers.
              Even women dems (that I know) are starting to see the light.

              My lawyer in Hawaii, (of 35 years) voted for this chump twice.
              We talked the other day, and boy is he sorry he did. PISSED? He's beside himself!
              He now has to pay out his ass for health insurance, when he TOLD ME 6 YEARS AGO,
              "just how cheap it was going to be."
              My other buddy that I golf with, voted for OMafia, because he's married to an "illegal."
              He's had 3 children with her in the last 5 years! She can't get work as an "illegal"
              He thought he'd have the whole family on a "hand-out" health care platform .. "free-be"
              but now .. has to pay out of pocket, $5000 for 3 months worth of meds ...
              Wonderful! Way to go there law-school boy ..

              I could go on and on with the friends of mine who voted for this schmuck ...
              and now hate the living shit out of him for what he's done to just health-care alone!

              Pretty scary huh? Just "food for thought" .. for those who are still OMafia-nettes.
              My X, was an NBC Anchor .. in Chicago .. before he OBummer was voted in.
              We're still really good friends, and we've discussed many different scenarios.
              This one ^ was mine .. and she totally agreed with me .. IF, and I say if, he proclaims Martial Law, and as you say,
              would rule by decree .. we're fucked!
              Your 62 and served in Vietnam, you have earned the right to do what ever the fuck you want to do several times over. I honestly had no clue who I was talking to...

              I'm 23, turning 24 next month. I find people in my age group with views similar to mine fairly common. Especially where I live. I know that doesn't mean a whole lot, but just know there are people like me who are young, full of piss and vinegar and will not be raped of our rights that millions like yourself fought to protect.

              I have many acquaintances who voted for that "snake", as Oliver Stone calls him. Others that didn't vote for him but support him. I cannot help but let anything they say go in one ear and out the other.

              I know idiots who signed up for Obamacare and now are bitching that their rates when up 30%! Or that they took more money from their checking account than they were supposed to. I say to them "you seem surprised?" The same IRS that handles Obamacare is the same IRS that deleted months worth of Lois Lerner’s emails on "accident". Which is called "obstructing congress".

              It never ends. I don't have enough time to sit here and type everything just like what we have discussed that's going on... it's so overwhelming. The future looks incredibly grim.

              Ruling by decree is extremely scary. And if that happens fucked we will be...


                All Hail his Imperialness King Hussein Obama... anyone want to borrow my roll of industrial foil... At least now the wools somewhat rising for most. Its cute seeing the people just *now* realising theyve been duped get all frothy. I love my country but fuck this government. Pull on your boot straps kids itll be a rough ride sooner than later.



                  I too love my country but I hate my government.

                  I started to become "aware" in about 2005, 9 years ago (when I was 15) right after hurricane Katrina. Sandy Hook reeled me in hard then the Bundy Ranch got me bad. Ever since Cliven Bundy and Bundy's ranch I have been hard on it.


                    Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post

                    I too love my country but I hate my government.

                    I started to become "aware" in about 2005, 9 years ago (when I was 15) right after hurricane Katrina. Sandy Hook reeled me in hard then the Bundy Ranch got me bad. Ever since Cliven Bundy and Bundy's ranch I have been hard on it.
                    Oh now the feds are going after bundy and the people that showed up on the ranch with guns, i caught a blip of it on the radio while cleaning up the basement last night.


                      Have no fear! There be tons of guns here..


                        Originally posted by illinois_erik View Post
                        Oh now the feds are going after bundy and the people that showed up on the ranch with guns, i caught a blip of it on the radio while cleaning up the basement last night.
                        I read about that a few weeks ago. The FBI is looking to charge them with weapons violations.

                        Do you remember Jerad and Amanda Miller? The cop killers in Vegas who opened fire on some officers eating lunch at CiCi's pizza in Las Vegas? They were at Bundy's Ranch. The media used that fact as a tactic to demonize Bundy protesters and actions made by those who stood against the BLM.

                        What didn't the media mention much of? Oh, not much really... Just that Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon, threw them out for being "very radical" and said that they "did not align themselves with the protest’s main issues." Go figure.

                        Originally posted by Bullhorn7 View Post
                        Have no fear! There be tons of guns here..
                        But guns kill people...
                        Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-06-2014, 11:25 PM.


                          Lets take away the guns! and the driver licenses too.. Cause you know we drive 2 ton rolling missiles ..


                            Originally posted by Bullhorn7 View Post
                            Lets take away the guns! and the driver licenses too.. Cause you know we drive 2 ton rolling missiles ..
                            EDIT... Actually, Google is working on that too.

                            The Boston marathon bombs were made using pressure cookers. I think we should ban pressure cookers...

                            Because throughout history making something illegal always works. Like drugs for example...
                            Last edited by H311RA151N; 07-06-2014, 11:37 PM.


                              Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                              The Boston marathon bombs were made using pressure cookers. I think we should ban pressure cookers...
                              Kids get stabbed at school? We should ban all knives.

                              Shits rediculous.. howabout instead of reducing our freedoms, teach our kids right from wrong. We didnt have these problems 50 years ago.. What happened? We suddenly have too lax of gun laws?


                                Originally posted by Bullhorn7 View Post
                                Kids get stabbed at school? We should ban all knives.

                                Shits rediculous.. howabout instead of reducing our freedoms, teach our kids right from wrong. We didnt have these problems 50 years ago.. What happened? We suddenly have too lax of gun laws?

                                What are we teaching our kids today? Homosexuality at 7 years of age (sexual matters period are unacceptable), common core, evolution, how whites enslaved blacks (stirring the race pot, keeping people at one anothers throat), and prohibiting religious speech (unless your Muslim or Islamic.)

                                You ask a good question. I think its because it used to be if someone had a weapon while making threats or whatever with it, you shot him. Police showed up, asked what happened, then went on their way and told you to have a good day. Today there are too many laws and technicalities protecting the criminals.

                                If a criminal has a gun and no one else does the criminal has the upper hand. If a criminal has a gun and three bystanders are also armed them the criminal loses every which way you look at it.

                                A criminal only goes into a situation where he knows he can accomplish whatever it is he wants to do. If he is attempting to rob a store he wont go to a store where he knows people inside possess firearms. If I owned a restraunt or store, I'd want *responsible gun owners in my store. I'd know I wouldn't be getting robbed!

                                *A responsible gun owner doesn't carry a long rifle into a restaurant and hang out. I get what people are doing and why and I agree they should be pissed. But I disagree with taking guns into business just for the sake of taking a gun into a business. I call that starting shit. Got your CCW? Then your good to go. Leave it concealed.

                                I'm a CCW holder and I carry my firearm with me everyday and everywhere I'm permitted to do so. What am I afraid of? Honestly? And were talking pure honesty here? The police. After all the people being beaten to death, shot, their dogs shot, guns thrown in peoples faces and asked "how do you like having a gun shoved in your face?", and the list goes on, fuck yeah I'm scared. I'm scared to death. I have had to come to terms that my life could be ended by a traffic stop. I'm not an idiot, I mean, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box but I know that my fear is in fact very valid. How many people have police killed without reason in the last 6 months? Enough. Enough to make me scared.

                                Easy Rider - 1969

                                George Hanson: You know, this used to be a helluva good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong with it.
                                Billy: Man, everybody got chicken, that's what happened. Hey, we can't even get into like, a second-rate hotel, I mean, a second-rate motel, you dig? They think we're gonna cut their throat or somethin'. They're scared, man.
                                George Hanson: They're not scared of you. They're scared of what you represent to 'em.
                                Billy: Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut.
                                George Hanson: Oh, no. What you represent to them is freedom.
                                Billy: What the hell is wrong with freedom? That's what it's all about.
                                George Hanson: Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different things. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.
                                Billy: Well, it don't make 'em runnin' scared.
                                George Hanson: No, it makes 'em dangerous. Buh, neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Swamp!

