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So next year I have a plan

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    Originally posted by toycar View Post
    Sounds like a bad plan yo!

    I wouldn't do it.

    And christ, get another job. Jesus, i know its hard juggling everything but seriously $300/month?

    WTF are you doing, donating blood? People here make more than that giving up blood plasma. Get serious about making some coin if you are really thinking about moving out.
    to receive unemployment you have to have worked else where and made some money. IN a diff thread i basically explained how i got fired.

    BTW thats $300 take home. Unemployment and food stamp look at gross income. So i guess I should pick up another part time job but I want to wait till after surgery and the semester is over.

    thanks guys for the help


      Fuck freebies like unemployment and food stamps.

      When you are serious about making some money you'll see that by accepting those handouts, you are actually holding yourself back.

      Get a real job, and you wouldn't need foodstamps or unemployment.

      Jesus, wait a minute, what am I saying....

      You get food stamps and unemployment and obviously live at home with parent(s)?

      Wtf is up with that?
      Originally posted by wed3k
      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


        actually I dont free load of my parents. I moved from out of town to this metroplex and started school for that reason.

        I know I was late, 23; but hell I wasnt THAT LATE. Even 21 is late to start college.
        Had I known what I know now I would have Immediately went to school after high school. I wouldnt be this old not knowing wtf Im doing. And no I didnt make that much with the two jobs combined maybe 20k a year Working 45 hours and going to school full time. I think its not a waste of money or a hand out since I really need it.

        Thanks for not judging me or jumping to conclusions.

        Any way Ill see whats up with the loan for next year. Im going to go both subsidized and unsubs loans to there max but not exceed 3500 in total.


          First of all I'm sure I'm not the only person that interpreted your post as one coming from a free loader.

          Secondly, 300/month is nowhere near 20k/year.

          3rd, you'll know what I'm talking about if you ever make it off the help. It might seem like help now, it'll seem like an obstacle later.

          Heinsight is always 20/20, so, either take it from someone who's been there and done that or when this idea comes clearer to you, remember I told you so.
          Originally posted by wed3k
          im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


            Originally posted by 92turboaccord View Post
            damn maybe i should just quit my job to go to school and let the system take care of me
            no kidding, all he forgot to mention was that he had an obama phone

            Originally posted by 92turboaccord View Post
            my neighbors kid get all kinds of grants and he uses very little of the money for school and the rest he uses for booze and musical instruments
            when i was going to school (way back in the day) i barely even qualified for financial aid. I had to stop going to school because i couldnt afford tuition and books out of my pocket. I hated the fact that a few others made the same as me (at the time) and was getting thousands of $$$ through financial aid and 90% went to non school items.
            DONT LET
            ROLL ON


              Originally posted by 8ball View Post
              actually I dont free load of my parents. I moved from out of town to this metroplex and started school for that reason.

              I know I was late, 23; but hell I wasnt THAT LATE. Even 21 is late to start college.
              Had I known what I know now I would have Immediately went to school after high school. I wouldnt be this old not knowing wtf Im doing. And no I didnt make that much with the two jobs combined maybe 20k a year Working 45 hours and going to school full time. I think its not a waste of money or a hand out since I really need it.

              Thanks for not judging me or jumping to conclusions.

              Any way Ill see whats up with the loan for next year. Im going to go both subsidized and unsubs loans to there max but not exceed 3500 in total.
              man, my sister finished UC Santa Barbara by 21.
              I <3 G60.

              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                Yeah I know man. I am fucking late.

                I told my self after I graduated I would go to school six months after highschool; so I did. It all started when the recession came and I was ineligible for grants, I paid out of pockket for some bogus community college in a podunk town. That was 6 months wasted. I found out I had to work really hard to even try to make it in the reccession. Pushing fucking carts and shit at walmart and working at a waterplant. The podunk doesnt have any jobs.

                I finally said fuck the recession at 21 and went to Cali to work at DirecTV. That was a bust too another fucking 6 months wasted. Didnt realized that I actually missed some people back home. Emotions cant live with em or with out em. (i really at the time did not know this)

                I came back to Texas and wasted 6 months-12months doing drugs. ( i have fully rehabbed by my self it was intensely hard to do)

                Then I said fuck it Ill go to Job Corps and Learn something. I passed pharmacy tech and transcriptions/ insurance all that shit only to find out that my fingerprints were declined be the DEA another fucking 9 months wasted.

                By this time Im appraoching 24 so I went to school in dallas and I hope I dont fuck nothing up or something gets in the way as it usually does.

                I cant say I didnt try. You go live in a podunk for a while you'll see how depressing and fucked up a Texas Podunk is. I hate it. Had I grown up in NYC or SF maybe even fucking Houston I would be very well off by now.

                Podunk = arrested development.

