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the best petition ive ever seen...

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    Originally posted by wildBill83 View Post
    Have you ever been here? Threaten our land and you don't deal with "a few thousand citizens" you deal with the entire population. We like to shoot guns here. How much training do you think the cartels have?

    If average citizens were so easy to overcome, explain insurgents in the middle east. I promise you we are more capable than what you think. We won't need luck, we will need more ammo.
    I did my Army training at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio.

    San Antonio rocks and Texas over all seemed pretty cool.

    I also took a Greyhound down to Kileen to visit someone at Hood.

    I thought about living there once or twice.

    Some neighborhoods are gorgeous, and they have invested in Tech ten fold.

    Houston and Dallas both rank high on cities to raise a family.

    What I mean't was what Deev said.

    Im sure to defend their land, there will be plenty of Texans ready to kick ass and shoot people lol.

    But like it has been said, doing and saying is two different things.

    Not everyone can walk down that path when they know over the hill there are people that they are about to kill.

    So I just think it would be hard pressed to come out on top in a fight against people who have been killing and fighting/kidnapping/raping/torturing for the better part of their lives.


      Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
      I dont see people becoming politically educated any time soon. I see people that voted for Obama because hes black, gave them $10 extra dollars in food stamps a months or got a free phone. I see people that voted for Romney because hes white, new and for hopes of a quick change. With that being said what do you see in the future for America?
      I hope people voted for more than just those reasons... I see America degrading further reguardless of who the person is we call President.


        Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
        I dont see people becoming politically educated any time soon. I see people that voted for Obama because hes black, gave them $10 extra dollars in food stamps a months or got a free phone. I see people that voted for Romney because hes white, new and for hopes of a quick change. With that being said what do you see in the future for America?
        So instead of pushing people to become educated and informed, it is better to divide the country up or even overthrow the govt?

        Idk man.

        Yes, a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black.

        Just the same as people come out to vote JUST because they HATE an opponent...knowing nothing about the one they are voting for but only voting so that the guy they HATE does not win.

        Until we fix what is broken within our communities and ourselves, the have's will continue to take advantage of the have-nots.

        It isn't rocket science.


          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
          I wouldn't have a problem... but I've learned over the years to "turn it off", so to speak. I go to work every day prepared to defend myself, and I know in some of the areas I work, it could very possibly come down to my life or theirs. Under Obamacare, therapy is cheaper than a funeral

          But the cartels, while not highly trained soldiers like our military, will still be an experienced, hardened militia. They'll be armed, and trained (or at least experienced) in organized combat. I would venture to guess that one cartel member would equal 3-4 average adult citizens... maybe more.
          There will also be the effect of "this can't be happening!" or "if we're real quiet, maybe they'll just go away!"... and undoubtedly, the first few towns will fall pretty quickly for those reasons alone. Once the attack is underway and the shock of surprise wears off, Texan resistance will be more effective.

          Regardless, it'd take a total of 1-2 days, TOPS, for the US military to intervene. Even if Texas had just seceded, the US wouldn't allow hostile cartels to invade and take over. That'd be a danger to the US.
          I'd also say that not only would the cartel have better weapons etc, but things like body armor too


            Originally posted by Amiss View Post
            I'd also say that not only would the cartel have better weapons etc, but things like body armor too
            They only have better weapons because the US gov't gave them to them during the "fast and furious" scandal (no not the horrible movie).


              Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
              I dont see people becoming politically educated any time soon. I see people that voted for Obama because hes black, gave them $10 extra dollars in food stamps a months or got a free phone. I see people that voted for Romney because hes white, new and for hopes of a quick change. With that being said what do you see in the future for America?
              I see the same. I've heard countless people voting for one candidate or another because they believed that candidate would do something that wasn't even in the president's realm of control!
              When Obama ran the first time, part of me wanted to see a black man in office... but it wasn't why I wanted him as my president (and I did support Obama... McCain scared me... a former POW as president during wartime is a terrifying thought!)

              But you're right. People want instant change, they want it handed to them on a silver platter, and they don't want to do any work to get it. They think that by fulfilling their duty at the voting booth once every 4 years to vote for our new king is all they need to do. They make their decision based on television ads, campaign promises, and hearsay. They ignore the other areas of government. They ignore LOCAL government.

              To be honest, local government is where change begins. Small changes inspire larger changes. Those changes in a small town inspire similar changes in larger towns and cities. State government takes note, and those changes affect state laws. Many states, like California, serve as the template for other states, and even federal law (I've been told by an old law professor of mine that if something happens in CA, look for it to eventually be adopted by other states, and even the federal government.)

              I have no idea where this country is going. IMO, I think the internet provides us with two drastically different scenarios... 1) an endless resource, which can be used by the intelligent to learn facts... or the misguided to develop conspiracy theories and one-sided arguments, and 2) a forum for the exchange of endless opinion... based on fact, misinformation, or propaganda (or a healthy mixture of all three.)

              Sadly, I don't see the average American choosing the better paths (ideally, the first parts of each scenario.) I've been told by far too many people that Obama is a non-US-born Muslim to believe that anyone has any sense left.


                Originally posted by Amiss View Post
                I'd also say that not only would the cartel have better weapons etc, but things like body armor too
                I have body armor.


                  Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                  I have body armor.

                  most average people don't though hahah


                    If Texas became its own country it would fail, although it could be stable. First we would have to base our money on something. Next just like brazil and california we would have to be able to make our own goods and grow our own food in a First world type. Again texas has some of the fattest people in the country and some of the richest since we drive down the street(everythings bigger). Second the laws could change you think that right there would cause a "civil" war or revolution?? Think about how much border is shared with mexico, unless Texas hires the USA them self to kill border hoppers on sight its getting invaded. Texas also has a high crime rate and prisons are packed as it is. I think it would fail because Texas has too many radicals here. Then if you consider just how fast LOS ZETAS took over mexico (in a span of 2 years) if the cartels really wanted to take over a state they could. Especially Texas, remember fellas Mexico WAY out numbers Texas in population, that and the gov is losing the drug war yet it spends billions on it, you think they are gambling billions of dollars to stop little million dollar industries ? LOL Texas is 50% hispanic as of now that only places that its not is the pan handle and parts of west texas. The Valley Part of west texas and san antonio is 85% mexican. Houston and Dallas are 50% and Austin is like 30%. The odds are not in Texas Favor.


                      i think id rather listen to someone talk about sports over politics.

                      anyways, i didn't vote because i didn't care. im an american that eats meat and drinks beer.

                      carry on
                      I <3 G60.

                      0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                        Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                        i think id rather listen to someone talk about sports over politics.

                        anyways, i didn't vote because i didn't care. im an american that eats meat and drinks beer.

                        carry on
                        Better not to vote if you don't care, or don't actually care to learn facts. No vote is better than a careless or misguided one, IMO.


                          a lot of people say that one should vote because a lot of people fought for the freedom of voting. I will say that i will fight for my country but i won't partake in any civil wars, only if foreigners invade (but thats a given).
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            I don't want to get into this political conversation (just because i don't want to get carried away and get banned) but i will say that Florida also wants to secede from the US but i KNOW that we wouldn't make it. Too many retiree's and those dependent on federal programs. If I could, I would move to Australia because their government is at least standing up for their belief's and standing true to their foundation that the country is based on rather then straying.
                            1997 Ford Explorer V-6 AT (what a piece of junk)
                            1993 Nissan Sentra M/T (front end damage, off road for now)
                            1999 Mercury Mountaineer V-8 A/T - RIP (rolled: totaled)
                            1992 Honda Accord A/T EX - RIP (transmission shot: sold to junkyard)


                              Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                              i think id rather listen to someone talk about sports over politics.

                              anyways, i didn't vote because i didn't care. im an american that eats meat and drinks beer.

                              carry on
                              But this is exactly the attitude that lands us in the predicament we are in.

                              Think of how many people have this atttitude....

                              then add in the people who really are stupid and vote because Obama has nice ties....

                              then just the racist people.....

                              before you know it, a lot of the votes are useless and very misguided...

                              I personally think we should change the system and use one more like the Hunger Games.

                              Whoever comes out that bitch alive will earn my vote!


                                I'm all for a lottery election. Those that want to be pres/congress, no matter you financial background, buys a $5 lottery ticket. Proceedes can go to paying the lottery election officials and fund the lottery, extra funds can be placed towards national debt. Any random Joe Blow off the street could do a better job than ANYONE in Washington DC, because they have more real world experience. Hell I would vote for toycar or Ralphie for pres.

                                If the lottery is not your cup-o-tea one change to the traditional election I think that would help fix the bypartisan system would be for the runner up in the election to be the vice president. So who wins popular vote gets president and who comes in 2nd gets vice president. Screw picking running mates, we the people didn't select them. This way the parties would be forced to work together and the American people could still feel like their voice was heard. If you stop the seperation at the top, the rest will follow. We are all Americans and should all work together, if we can't work with our own how can we expect to survive as a country without becoming largely divided.

                                My biggest gripe has to do with the race/religion aspect that has been thrown into the election here in the South.

                                Why are those wanting to stop abortions also wanting to stop WIC/food stamps/health care for the lower income?
                                How can those promoting pro-life want to end planned parenthood? Why do they also want to end the use of contraceptives? Do they think people will stop having sex?
                                Why does pro-life support end at birth? The baby has just begun life, why not support it until adulthood? If a lower income woman is raped and is forced to keep the child and cannot afford the child and the programs to support her have been stopped to cease national debt, then effectively we have forced her and the child to starve to death.
                                I saw a man handing out bumper stickers at church before the election that stated "don't re-nig in 2012"... Why does it matter if Obama is black? Didn't Jesus accept EVERYONE equally? Even harletts and tax collectors?
                                Why don't people see that there are more white people on food stamps than black people?
                                Why does it matter if Obama was ever a Muslim, I thought there was a seperation of church and state? Do they not know that he attends a Catholic church now? Aren't Christians supposed to support and embrace those that join the Christian horde?
                                Why are Christians so hate filled lately, wasn't Jesus full of love?
                                Why do Christians want to stop programs that align with Jesus' practices? Jesus healed the sick for free (Obamacare) and fed the poor for free (foodstamps/WIC).
                                God gave Adam and Eve the ability to chose a path, and if they chose sin ... so be it. God never came forth and said "you are to elect a government, and the government will keep you from sin"... No that is our choice, why is the government trying to stop sin? It was not the wish of the founding forefathers. If I want to go out and sin, I will pay for it. Why is someone else allowed to persecute me for my choices in the name of God? Government is there for a few main reasons, unite the states, protect the states, and improve the states. Anything beyond that should be handled on a personal level, by yourself. As far as taxes go, give to Ceaser what is Ceaser's.

                                A real Christian should be rejoicing that same sex marriage and abortions are legal because it gives the people the chance to chose a Christian path if they so choose and this is the gift that God gave to Adam and Eve, choice of a Christian path and secular path. Also Christians should realise that a nation that allows sins is what is predicted in the book of Revelations and should rejoice that the second coming is near. We shouldn't force a religious belief on a nation.

                                It just seems to me that the far right wing is not Christian, but Satanic and is pulling the wool over the sheeps eyes. All of the Christian policies they are pushing are not in line with what the good book says.

                                Sorry for the rant. If I offend anyone please let me know. Again, if your views differ from mine, I really would like to hear them in a sociable manner. I am open minded and I expect responses to my post to be open minded as well.
                                Last edited by wildBill83; 11-15-2012, 11:12 AM. Reason: edited to not offens homosexuals.

