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the best petition ive ever seen...

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    the best petition ive ever seen...

    deport everyone who signed the petition for their state to separate from the US. yes. the best thing i've ever seen.

    sorry. i dont need radiation added to my diet because the US wanted to take back the state and the state didnt want to go back...

    I made a deal with myself that I wouldnt converse in politics on this site because all it does is start shit, however I will say this. Yes please, deport me. Find a place for me to go and Ill go there.


      Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
      I made a deal with myself that I wouldnt converse in politics on this site because all it does is start shit, however I will say this. Yes please, deport me. Find a place for me to go and Ill go there.
      lol. i dont get into politics much either. but this is just idiots being idiots. wanting to secede from the US. thats fine. but deport them and leave the rest out of it. i love the fact that the gas in my area is $319/gal. if the NC were to actually secede from the US, gas would hit an all time high. no thanks.


        United we stand divided we fall...

        This petition is equally as funny:


          I didnt mean that towards you or anyone. It just has ended up mostly bad recently. This election has people going nuts no matter which way they voted.

          As far as people wanting to secede from the union it seems little overboard and excessive. However most of those states (mine included) have alot of people who felt that Obama winning the election without winning the popular vote means that their vote and their state dosen't matter. Myself included. If your vote for the president dosen't matter then you dont matter as a citizen. I dont want people in office who dont have my best intrests in mind.

          I dont want my tax dollars to go to people who have never had a job and dont have a notion to ever get one. I dont want money taken out of my paycheck for Obama care to pay for other peoples health care when I dont even have healthcare.

          There are numerous things like this that upset me. I spent 4.5 months in Afganistan back in 2009. If I would have known then what I know now about this country there is no way I would have enlisted.

          I feel that I shoudnt be held "prisoner" to policies that I have no say in. I feel like I have earned the right to not like my countries government officials and policies. I feel like its my right by the constitution of this country that I fought for to sign a petition for my state to secede from the union. To deny that to a state or its people should be a crime whether you agree with it or not.

          To prove my point even more 25,000 signatures in a state within 30 days is supposed to get a statement from the president or the Obama admin. Texas has over 40,000 and Obama still hasnt said shit. All thats been said in the white house is "it isnt possible to secede from the union" & "thats not what the statement people are referring to meant" or "its taken out of context". Evidently he dosen't care much about Texas.

          Its said that those states and/or its people are mad because they are holding onto what America used to be. What people fail to see is how much better off we were with the "old America". With that being said anything can be improved on and it wast perfect. But look at how it is now. We could possibly be on the brink of a revolution (that I think is needed to get the attention of the president) because that many people are unhappy.

          To sum up the "secede from the union" stuff think about this. You have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people who are extremely unhappy! THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM! Half a million to a million people cant be so pissed over nothing. A million people should not be ignored. The reason half a million people already have signed this petition is because NO ONE IS LISTENING. If no one cares and if the people you are trying to get to care wont even listen then yes, secede from the union. Your on your own anyways.


            A large number of the voters that have a problem with the election results aren't educated enough to know what the president can and cannot do. Similarly, most of the people that got exactly what they wanted probably voted based on the same misconceptions.

            As a voter, you have the power to make changes. Your votes are most strongly felt at the local level. Not just in who gets elected, but also in how directly you feel the changes made by your local government. The average person don't feel the effects of the federal government nearly as much as they believe they do. The only average citizens that feel it directly would be our military.

            For any state... ANY state... to secede from the union would put this country in such a state of turmoil and weakness that we'd wither and die. We'd be speaking Arabic and/or Chinese within 5 years.

            Simply put... if you don't like it, leave. You are free to do so. We have many freedoms in this country, and that is one of them. There are countries where you will be shot if you try to cross the border.


              I see what you are saying H311RA151N, but also from the flip side this country has been divided longer than Obama has been in office. It has been divided since a little before 2000, and here we are 12 years later.

              Obama won the popular vote by 3 million. I don't understand what you meant by Obama not winning the popular vote.

              If popular vote mattered Al Gore would have made president over George W Bush in 2000.

              I am all for unifying the union under the terms set forth by the forefathers (who didn't get paid).

              I wish it really was a country of the people, by the people and for the people. But as it stands we are a country of debt, by the rich, and for the corporations. To be fair, neither party has the best interest in mind for the people, but their select group of corporations. Like I said in the other thread, it is the failed dual partisan system that is doing this country in.

              IMO we need a petition to fire congress.

              I'm not trying to start a fight, and I will listen to your opinions if they differ from my own.
              Last edited by wildBill83; 11-14-2012, 11:40 AM.


                We have the ability to fire Congress. We have the ability to replace them the next time Congressional election. Although, there has been some very creative manipulation in place there (like a big ol' game of Risk...)
                Why? Because the average voter is uneducated, and they allow such maneuvering to take place right under their noses.
                Educate yourselves, people. Take control through education, and exercising your rights. Don't bitch and complain after the fact. If you allow your government to get out of control, it is YOUR fault for surrendering that control.

                The country will always be divided. Most of us remember "the good old days" when we were happy. United. In a good financial position. Most people, all but the hardcore Republicans, will often say "can't we just have Clinton back? Times were good then!"
                But times were good with Clinton because the US was pulling HARD out of a recession... right into the technology boom. The technology boom heralded the housing boom (which is largely what has crippled us... and why I'm so damn busy doing what I do!)
                Bush followed that tech boom, right into its collapse. As it collapsed, we got attacked. We went to war. However, unlike WWII, which was a unifying war (and the only other time we were so blatantly attacked on US soil), this most recent war pitted us against a shadow opponent. We didn't have a solid enemy. Therefore, we had nothing to unite behind. People didn't understand the war, and people fear and criticize what they don't understand. Meanwhile, the collapse after the popped tech and housing bubbles hit us hard... as did the rise in gas prices because, SURPRISE!, we've been blowing up people from all the major oil-producing nations!
                Good president or not, Bush was handed a losing hand. Things were going to be a sloppy mess no matter what he did (I'm leaving my personal opinion of his performance out of this, because it has no bearing whatsoever.)
                Enter Obama. Obama was handed the mess, and expected to clean it up. Bush had the war to focus on. Obama was expected to end the war and fix the economy. In 4 years. I can't even fix CB7tuner in 4 years!
                Will Obama fix things in 8 years? Probably not. In fact, is it really something that the Commander in Chief of our military is capable of doing? Not really. Partially, but the President is only 1/3 of our core government... and not even the most connected to all things economy-related.
                Would Romney have fixed things? Unlikely. Not only would he have been handed the mess as Obama was, but just as with Obama, he'd be coming in with a whole new direction. His options would be to either stay on course with the things Obama has put in motion, and hope to avoid the iceberg... or attempt to frantically change the direction of the Titanic before impact... and we all know how that ends. Jack dies.

                Right now, this country is in a difficult place... but the man drilling farts into the Gunlocke probably isn't going to change things.


                  Originally posted by H311RA151N View Post
                  Your on your own anyways.
                  No offense by deleting everything else you said.

                  I agree with 100% of what you are saying man.

                  This last part though, is the damn truth.

                  You are right, this many people couldn't be this pissed over nothing. There is an issue here, and I think this is the way to bring attention to it.

                  By all means, to me, its the last civil approach before basically war. I could see the country breaking down, just like when the north and the south fought over slavery and liberation.

                  The shit could happen. This venue to let the powers that be know that this is serious, is valid. Its not like congress can fix this. Pieces of shit. They are worse than the mafia. We got crips and bloods in Cali, we got democrats and republicans in washington.

                  Same red vs blue attitude and all.

                  I dont really think leaving the union would be all that bad. People will argue that the state will suffer without federal funding.

                  I personally would argue that if your state left the union, you probably dont pay federal taxes anymore. The states could use that money to help fund new programs that replaced old ones.

                  Medicare tax, SSI tax(to a broken, broke ass fund) and federal tax are alot more than the state taxes anyone pays.

                  Food for thought in the whole "how would states be better off" arguement. I personally have paid a little over $40,000 in federal/medicare/ssi taxes already this year and I make less than $250,000 so I must be middle class right?

                  The other side of the aisle has pegged me as "the 1%"

                  They can all kiss my ass. Im not rich, and Im not broke. Ive robbed before, I was a crook. I did time in prison more than once.

                  I made my own path in life. That is what America is supposed to be all about. You want to fail, go for it. You want to do great in life, this is the place to do it.

                  I pay sooo much in taxes, and I personally didnt get shit from the federal gov last year. Actually, ive never really gotten anything from the federal gov aside from military protection. I realize that some people do get help from the gov, but in my life its been a one sided relationship and Im sick and fucking tired of it. They want me to pay more? Ill pay more, if you fucking fix the problem(s).

                  I own property as well as a house. I get my statements that show where my tax money(state) goes.

                  Why cant the feds do the same?

                  Shit, if everyone paid 12.8% into a 401k account their entire life instead of 12.8% in SSI taxes EVERYONE that worked would be able to retire.

                  The program is already scheduled to fall apart in 2026. People already know the funding is only good for so many years.

                  If the program is going to be broke before Im old enough to take advantage of it, why do I have to pay into it?

                  On all fronts the gov has turned into robin hood and it pisses me off.

                  You fucks want to put medicare on a voucher?

                  We have 47 million people on food stamps, the health care industry claiming obesity is most expensive "disease" being treated, and 1/3 Americans are soo fat they cannot run a mile(border line obese) while another 1/3 are soo fat they cannot walk to the mailbox(obese).

                  The rest of us "fit" people are now being viewed as abnormal, because there are so many fatties in the country. WTF is that?

                  Why not put food stamps on a voucher? Bet that'd save some money. You could stop people from surviving month to month on banquet dinners, doritos and soda. You could force them to either starve or eat healthy. It would cost less to feed people healthy food over microwave hungry man meals. I bet it would reduce overall healthcare costs in relation to obesity, and maybe help people that are actually saying,"hey I need some help"

                  I mean if WIC can do it, why cant America?

                  If you cant tell, Im pissed about just about everything going on with the gov.

                  Im old balls. I voted for the first time over 20 years ago. I have seen the change in a way that younger people(no offense)havent.
                  Originally posted by wed3k
                  im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                    I'm going to file a petition to divide New Jersey into 2 states if we lose a state... so we can keep 50 states, and hopefully stop all those "Fist Pump! Jersey Shore!" comments I have to deal with due to my idiotic northern brethren.


                      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                      I'm going to file a petition to divide New Jersey into 2 states if we lose a state... so we can keep 50 states, and hopefully stop all those "Fist Pump! Jersey Shore!" comments I have to deal with due to my idiotic northern brethren.

                      Thanks for lightening the conversation yo!!
                      Originally posted by wed3k
                      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                        Light for you, maybe... that North Jersey really pisses me off!


                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          Light for you, maybe... that North Jersey really pisses me off!
                          You are awesome man!!!

                          Originally posted by wed3k
                          im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                            I'll sign a petition to depot the cast of Jersey Shore to Italy. Just tell me where the dotted line is.


                              I don't think I could do that to Italy...

