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Booo, laid off...

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    Booo, laid off...

    Yes, it's true, as of November the 7th I am currently unemployed! I haven't been able to get on since I've been looking for work like crazy and really do not have time for anything else. I thought I'd drop in and see how everyone was doing, especially xplode. Glad to see the site is growing and doing well. Everyone wish me luck in finding a job and if you happen to know anyone in the need of a Network Engineer please let me know! Thanks again and much love to you all...

    what a coinkydink... another Moderator and I were just discussing as to why you suddenly dissappeared. Glad to see you are ok... Best of luck hunting down a job; it's a dry well out there.


      sucks man, i was wondering where you dissapeared to.. i spoke with somone else about that the other day.. good to see you man hope youl be back soon..


        Yeh, thanks guys. Anyways, I'm still job searching but it's a dry market out there right now! But yeah, I'll drop in from time to time to see how my favourite board is doing!...


          best of luck in the job market search.

          i heard on npr that the last quarter was the most productive in the u.s. in the last 20 years. this MAY lead to companies increasing their hiring.

          not sure if it'll translate to more jobs, but it'd be nice.

          again, best of luck.

          absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


            If you know like i know the best jobs now are mostly in the government.


              I worked for the gov't already as a soldier for the U.S. Army. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. I may just have to make a radical career change since up to this point I'm still unemployed...


                no i mean like judicial system like a court officer


                  Oh, oops. I've been looking into that but most of the jobs listed don't pay what I am making in unemployment alone. The search continues however...


                    thats y u went to the army navy best way to go


                      Yeah. The Army got me into an awesome desk job after I got out making 45K a year. I fighting tooth and nail for yet another job that pays as well...

