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Mj Is Legal In Colorado Washington

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    All im going to say is I don't look down on anyone who smokes.

    I am a former smoker.

    It may not be as bad as cigg or alcohol, but it isn't just the lighter chemicals that are the problem.

    The scorching heat also ruins your lungs, mainly the aveoli that lines them and are soley responibile for gas exchange.

    Not to mention that there is also the medium in which it is smoked.

    What tests has anyone done on inhaling the chemicals from wrapping pappers, or cigar leafs.

    Glass pipes might be ok but they say heated glass gives off chemicals. Pyrex might be exempt from that but Idk.

    At the end of the day there is no scientific argument that it is any worse then them, but why chance it? The lungs were not made to perform that way.

    And LOL at them working as they should for coughing up shit.

    Yes obviously they are working but it's because your body is REJECTING that shit.

    It has no other way to rid itself of the contaminents then to expell it through coughing.

    And trust me when I tell you just because a dude has MD after their name, does not mean shit. I work alongside them all the time and it's freightning how dumb half of them actually are.

    He is feeding you bs probably because he gets a kick out of it lol.

    Can people operate daily moderately high? Of course they can.

    Do I want random people being responsible for my life or my children under the pretense that THEY feel they can perform better high? LOL No thank you.
    Last edited by Ralphie; 11-19-2012, 03:04 PM.


      While reading toycar's post, the only thought that came to mind was those "I'm a Mormon" commercials... Someone should re-shoot those to be "I'm a pothead"...

      But really, I could give a shit less if everyone smoked pot in their personal time, chances are it wouldn't change a thing.


        Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
        Do I want random people being responsible for my life or my children under the pretense that THEY feel they can perform better high? LOL No thank you.
        While I agree with most of what you said I thought this was particularly important.

        Just because I smoke weed doesn't mean I feel different about this. Just thought that was worth pointing out.

        Now, if I was welding your charge pipes you would want me to get bombed first. Trust me.

        No leaks, better looking welds-the whole nine yards.

        As far as the "matter" you speak of that you consume when you smoke;

        While its true that you ingest plant matter when smoking MJ, it is not true that it can cause cancer. NOt the plant matter. The carbon on the burnt plant builds up and can lead to cancer. That is true.

        Smoke with a bong, you'll never deal with the carbon bi-product. It gets trapped in the water. Just like the carcinogen that is passed from the burnt gas.

        The only reason heat is bad for your lungs is that it makes them open up just like pores do. When the heat provokes your lungs to open up like that, smoke gets imbedded and trapped in your lungs. This is what the black stuff is I was previously talking about.

        The black discharge is your lungs rejecting the matter. Yeah, it is foreign and yeah it happens from smoking. It does not cause cancer though. Another plus for using a bong. No heat(use cool water), no carbon bi-product(trapped in water) and no plant matter(trapped in the watter)

        If your lungs stop discharging the black stuff, then as it builds up in your lungs it limits your lungs ability to absorb oxygen. Again, it is bad for your health but it is not because it causes cancer. It is because you have less surface area in your lungs to transfer oxygen into your blood, and the long term effects of this can cause other problems. Not cancer, but health related issues like emphysema. That is no joking matter either, it is serious. Your lungs grow weak and basically start to go dead after a long time.

        Nobody in history has ever died from Emphysema caused by MJ. This is a fact. Emphysema is a reversible condition most of the time.

        If you dont consume the plant matter in the first place you avoid the entire issue all together. Cooking with MJ basically does the same thing for your high, but is 100 times easier on the body.

        You cook MJ down into an oil, and then substitute the oil in your regular cooking.

        You could also use a vaporizer that only heats the MJ to a needed point to get it to smolder. This approach really stretches out the MJ, keeps the heat out of your lungs and does not produce carbon at all since the MJ is never burned at a high enough temp for carbon to be formed.

        I didn't post anything to argue with anyone, and Im not trying to go tit for tat against anything anyone is saying.

        I have been a smoker my whole life and consider myself fairly well educated. I feel like its my duty as a life long smoker to shed some light from my side of the fence.
        Originally posted by wed3k
        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


          No see If you were welding ANYTHING on my property(car or home) and you were doing it as a friend, MAYBE id let you do it high.....maybe .....but probably not.

          If you were being contracted out, NO FUCKING WAY.

          Im paying you for a service, grow the fuck up and learn to cope without the MJ.

          Come do a job that your getting paid to do without the really isn't that hard.

          For "liability" reasons, I don't even want you on my property if your high.

          Not because I dislike smokers, or because I look down on them, but because im taking an inherent risk allowing you to do work on my watch high.

          Same principle that Scott was trying to explain.

          The liability lies soley with the companies, and since YOU are not responsible for the issues created, but the companies, they decide what you can and can't do and righfully so.

          Also of importance, is that you keep bringing up Cancer.

          As it related to lungs, you kinda of answered my question.

          Cancer is one of MANY diseases that can effect the lungs.

          COPD which includes Emphysema are just other examples.

          Yes, the lungs will lose not only their ability to exchange gases, but also their elacticity and ability to obtain the same inflation as before the damage, thus making it harder to breathe and it only get's worse.

          All of that can be found in great detail on the net.

          If your only worry is CA, that's fine, but Respiratory disease is horrible and very slow painful death so Id be just as worried.

          If you only cook with it and don't smoke it, then more power to you.

          Like I said, I don't judge anyone.

          But I refuse to allow it to become so mainstream ,that everyone can drive around town high and just do whatever the fuck they want.

          I will vote against that shit.

          Its just silly to me.

          There is SOME level of impairment at differeing levels to ALL individuals.

          Why should we change our entire society and the laws just to accomodate the possibility that MAYBE you can do the work just as good or better when high.

          Just do it fucking sober, and get high when you go home.

          I don't get it.

          No one want's to accept it because eventually someone is going to crash a fucking bus and kill a few hundred people and they will be high. "oh I can drive better high at night then sober". And then he swerved to miss a deer when he probably would have not swerved had he been sober but his reflexes and reaction was totally skewed.

          So now how do you explain that to the relatives?

          It could have been avoided...

          maybe sober he would have the same reaction.....

          my point is, why even bother adding in all the trouble and doubt being high raises.

          Legalize it so all you people can smoke your brains out at home, but just be advised it will still be illegal to operate heavy machinery, automobiles, or be uti at work or in a professional setting.

          Last edited by Ralphie; 11-19-2012, 04:15 PM.


            Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
            No see If you were welding ANYTHING on my property(car or home) and you were doing it as a friend, MAYBE id let you do it high.....maybe .....but probably not.

            If you were being contracted out, NO FUCKING WAY.

            Im paying you for a service, grow the fuck up and learn to cope without the MJ.

            Come do a job that your getting paid to do without the really isn't that hard.

            For "liability" reasons, I don't even want you on my property if your high.

            Not because I dislike smokers, or because I look down on them, but because im taking an inherent risk allowing you to do work on my watch high.

            Same principle that Scott was trying to explain.

            The liability lies soley with the companies, and since YOU are not responsible for the issues created, but the companies, they decide what you can and can't do and righfully so.

            Also of importance, is that you keep bringing up Cancer.

            As it related to lungs, you kinda of answered my question.

            Cancer is one of MANY diseases that can effect the lungs.

            COPD which includes Emphysema are just other examples.

            Yes, the lungs will lose not only their ability to exchange gases, but also their elacticity and ability to obtain the same inflation as before the damage, thus making it harder to breathe and it only get's worse.

            All of that can be found in great detail on the net.

            If your only worry is CA, that's fine, but Respiratory disease is horrible and very slow painful death so Id be just as worried.

            If you only cook with it and don't smoke it, then more power to you.

            Like I said, I don't judge anyone.

            But I refuse to allow it to become so mainstream ,that everyone can drive around town high and just do whatever the fuck they want.

            I will vote against that shit.

            Its just silly to me.

            There is SOME level of impairment at differeing levels to ALL individuals.

            Why should we change our entire society and the laws just to accomodate the possibility that MAYBE you can do the work just as good or better when high.

            Just do it fucking sober, and get high when you go home.

            I don't get it.

            No one want's to accept it because eventually someone is going to crash a fucking bus and kill a few hundred people and they will be high. "oh I can drive better high at night then sober". And then he swerved to miss a deer when he probably would have not swerved had he been sober but his reflexes and reaction was totally skewed.

            So now how do you explain that to the relatives?

            It could have been avoided...

            maybe sober he would have the same reaction.....

            my point is, why even bother adding in all the trouble and doubt being high raises.

            Legalize it so all you people can smoke your brains out at home, but just be advised it will still be illegal to operate heavy machinery, automobiles, or be uti at work or in a professional setting.

            Dude seriously, this topic fell way off its rocker. I think you took it a little to personal.


              Hell, mj was illegal for only a bit longer than alcohol. It was fully legal at one point in time, even the constitution and the bill of rights were first drafted on hemp paper.

              Reefer madness fears still run rampant today thanks to propaganda.

              I also do not support being stoned at work, America needs higher production not slower or half assed production.


                Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                I personally feel that regardless of it being legal or not, any industry or profession where absoulute focus and skills are necessary should remain with a zero policy.

                I really don't give a fuck what your reasoning is.

                I don't want to have to think about that shit when im boarding a fight.

                When I settle into my cabin on a cruise ship.

                When I hop into a taxi.

                When I pay a contractor to refinish my kitchen...

                and on

                and on

                on and on.

                Your motor skills/reaction/reflexes are definitely impaired, it's proven and you cann'ot debate that.

                Like I said earlier, im all for it being can have some positive outcomes, but I KNOW there will be negative ones....and things that canno't be forseen like Scott said earlier.

                I hate to jump all over the pro MJ people, but a lot of times people have their facts wrong and just hoot and holler because they smoked a few times or know people who have and it's all gravy.

                When you step aside and the fog disappears you will realize there is a whole world outside your little window and actions have real consequences.
                This. This. This. And reffing my own comment about stoner culture. I've heard two sides of the same argument come from the same person at the same time. "Weed is good for you, and the paranoia is just a myth" then in the same breath, "weed makes you a way better driver because it makes you paranoid and thus, more careful"

                Enjoy it at a party or something, not on the roads or anywhere else where safety is a factor. I dont care who you are. Driving stoned is stupid, stupid, stupid.

                My Cars: 2006 Ford Freestyle - 1990 Accord EX - 2001 Accord EXV6 Coupe - 1967 Impala "Metallicar" (for the wife)


                  Originally posted by 8ball View Post
                  Dude seriously, this topic fell way off its rocker. I think you took it a little to personal.
                  LOL na bro. Just going back and forth with Toy.

                  You care to join or just make one off comments?


                    Originally posted by toycar View Post
                    Non smokers speculate on the one person they notice, while the majority of us live life undetected right in front of non smokers, and non smokers are none the wiser. Then, when someone makes some ridiculous claim about "stoners" none of use take it seriously because we all know better.

                    So, your close mindedness actually stops the evolution of conversation dead in its tracks. Why would we listen or take you guys seriously when all you non smokers are just trying to force feed us "facts" based on bullshit shenanigans.
                    See guys, when I said this I didn't realize I was talking about Ralphie. But, I guess he wanted to fall into this category so I will use his post as an example.

                    Ralphie man I really like bs'ing with you online so please dont take this personally.

                    Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                    No see If you were welding ANYTHING on my property(car or home) and you were doing it as a friend, MAYBE id let you do it high.....maybe .....but probably not.

                    If you were being contracted out, NO FUCKING WAY.

                    Im paying you for a service, grow the fuck up and learn to cope without the MJ.Come do a job that your getting paid to do without the really isn't that hard.

                    For "liability" reasons, I don't even want you on my property if your high.Not because I dislike smokers, or because I look down on them, but because im taking an inherent risk allowing you to do work on my watch high.

                    Same principle that Scott was trying to explain.

                    The liability lies soley with the companies, and since YOU are not responsible for the issues created, but the companies, they decide what you can and can't do and righfully so.Also of importance, is that you keep bringing up Cancer.

                    As it related to lungs, you kinda of answered my question.

                    Cancer is one of MANY diseases that can effect the lungs.COPD which includes Emphysema are just other examples.

                    Yes, the lungs will lose not only their ability to exchange gases, but also their elacticity and ability to obtain the same inflation as before the damage, thus making it harder to breathe and it only get's worse.

                    All of that can be found in great detail on the net.

                    If your only worry is CA, that's fine, but Respiratory disease is horrible and very slow painful death so Id be just as worried.

                    If you only cook with it and don't smoke it, then more power to you.

                    Like I said, I don't judge anyone.

                    But I refuse to allow it to become so mainstream ,that everyone can drive around town high and just do whatever the fuck they want.I will vote against that shit.

                    Its just silly to me.

                    There is SOME level of impairment at differeing levels to ALL individuals.

                    Why should we change our entire society and the laws just to accomodate the possibility that MAYBE you can do the work just as good or better when high.

                    Just do it fucking sober, and get high when you go home.

                    I don't get it.

                    No one want's to accept it because eventually someone is going to crash a fucking bus and kill a few hundred people and they will be high. "oh I can drive better high at night then sober". And then he swerved to miss a deer when he probably would have not swerved had he been sober but his reflexes and reaction was totally skewed.

                    So now how do you explain that to the relatives?

                    It could have been avoided...

                    maybe sober he would have the same reaction.....

                    my point is, why even bother adding in all the trouble and doubt being high raises.

                    Legalize it so all you people can smoke your brains out at home, but just be advised it will still be illegal to operate heavy machinery, automobiles, or be uti at work or in a professional setting.


                    See, I talk about the point of how your perception is off about how "impared" someone actually is, and elude to the fact that people like you are close minded to learning about people like me.

                    Until you experience someone like me in real life, you are never going to understand that we do exist. Its not like a sacred unicorn. I bet 5-10 people you know, that you think you KNOW-smoke weed and dont tell you about it.

                    Its not just me.

                    And stop assuming the worst when someone says they are better at something after smoking a bowl. So what?

                    What if its true?

                    Are you prepared to accept that?

                    You should be. You seriously should think about this. Being close minded to the idea that I am telling you the truth is holding you back.

                    Take business and liability out of the conversation here. Im not advocating for people to get high on the job or go to work blazed. I am not saying that people should risk others lives or safety-and you just assume that I am because I say I am pretty capable when Im high.

                    This is the counter-stigma people like you have created. You assume the worst about people that smoke weed-and clearly you have stated how you feel about this.

                    So, because you and people like you cannot accept the notion that maybe im telling you the truth-it forces people like me into a hole. We have to live carefully around people like you.

                    And that is bullshit. And that is why the law needs to be addressed.

                    People like you need to understand that people like me aren't automatically going to get high at work, or go to the family reunion high.

                    We have common sense too man. Its really hard to turn a blind eye to people such as yourself that live with blinders on to so many of us. How do you think you come across with such harsh judgement about someones capabilities? You think we have to get high to go to work? You really think I need to grow up? You think I need to learn how to do it sober?

                    Just because we smoke in seclusion does not mean you would ever know about it if our only interaction was in a public setting.

                    I am being honest and giving a full disclosure which allows you to merely see through a window into my life right now. If you can wrap your head around this, I hope it doesn't come across offensive.

                    You being the person you are would have no idea I smoked weed if we shared a common factor in real life. If you were my co-worker as an example. You would walk around daily thinking I was some Ok to cool guy. We would get along just fine. I would show you pictures of work I have done, talk about our families and shit.

                    Maybe even catch a game at the bar and split some wings and beer.

                    And you would NEVER have any inclination that I smoked weed. You would base an opinion of me on the person you have grown to know, maybe we would be friends.

                    All the while I would be forced to lie to you or hide the fact that I smoke weed because you cannot help but have a pre-disposition about my habit. Your assumption forces me to treat you differently from square one and any real friendship we may or may not have would be effected by it. This is the hole I am talking about being forced down.

                    So, now do you see where being close minded about people being normal and functional with a weed habit forces us into a hole?

                    You guys base an opinion off of the people you come across in life that you associate with pot smokers. Maybe friends or random people. You get my point.

                    Either way, those people have nothing to do with me. Those people could be equated to public drunk's/alcohlic's in this conversation. Yeah, some people are irresponsible with weed. Just like alcohol, there is a category of people that do this. They do not represent all of us though, and they are what the general public see's when they think about people that smoke. They do influence common opinion, and they should not. Most of us get by just fine in life without anyone having a clue that we smoke at night.

                    People need to open their mind about MJ.

                    Nobody that wants MJ to be legal thinks they should get high and go drive a school bus. We dont want to smoke and build houses. Nobody wants to get high and go drive a fork lift.

                    Stop assuming the worst, open your mind a bit and I bet we can all grow from this conversation.


                    I hope you know man that I understand your points. My point is that you assume that in the first place. You must think smoking weed makes me a dumbshit or something.

                    If I thought doing any of the shit you were talking about was OK, I would be a dumbshit regardless of smoking weed or not. Nobody wants to work on someone elses shit after getting high.

                    We dont want to get fired for going to work sober but getting high on our own time either.

                    Alcohol is legal, people dont just assume its OK to get drunk and go drive a school bus. Why is that assumption so different for MJ? You guys think we dont know that already? You think that we are advocating for the right to get high at work? The reason working and getting high is relevant is because of the word "impared" and what it means to people. I am not impared beyond control if I take a couple hits. I can still do stuff just as good and sometimes better than sober.

                    NO, I dont think people should go to work high or anything like that. Yeah, I think you guys should understand that we are not as "impared" as you think when we get high.

                    The reason I can weld better after burning is because it takes so fucking long to weld pipes. It gets boring. Its very tedious. I do a better job when Im in the "zone"

                    Couple beers, bong bowl, nice jams on the stereo just chillin in man mode over the course of 6-8 hours of welding. No bid deal man. Im not risking anyones life working alone in my garage, and my welds do turn out better. I bet Im not the only one that feels this way either.


                    I meant to comment on the cancer part too. Ill keep it short.

                    Simply put, there are lots of legal things people can do to risk their own health. I wouldn't think smoking weed and the health risk should matter as long as people can sacrifice their liver to alcohol and lungs to cig's.

                    Health risk or not, there is a choice involved with an assumed risk. No different than drinking too much soda, eating too much mcdonalds or smoking 3 packs a day. People are allowed to make those choices.
                    Last edited by toycar; 11-20-2012, 10:43 AM.
                    Originally posted by wed3k
                    im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                      Originally posted by toycar View Post
                      or go to the family reunion high.
                      Isn't that the ONLY way to go? Then you can mow down all the food, and laugh at the horrible jokes. It's not like being stoned will make you hit on your cousin or anything (ecluding Arkansas, it seems common there sober or not).

                      IMHO, some things are better impaired. A few shots to calm the nerves, or a bowl, what every your poison is.


                        Originally posted by wildBill83 View Post
                        Isn't that the ONLY way to go? Then you can mow down all the food, and laugh at the horrible jokes. It's not like being stoned will make you hit on your cousin or anything (ecluding Arkansas, it seems common there sober or not).

                        IMHO, some things are better impaired. A few shots to calm the nerves, or a bowl, what every your poison is.


                        Nope, i wouldn't get bombed for a family reunion. There is a time and a place for everything. I generally dont smoke until I get home for the day and the kids are in bed unless its the weekend. Then I just go out to the shop and do my thing.
                        Originally posted by wed3k
                        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                          Impaired gets thrown around to loosely imo just like psycho's and guns. I see people with 3-4 guns get introuble and they call it a weapons cache. God I hope they never bust me for anything.

                          Oooo thats another good one. MJ plus guns in the house???
                          H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

                          190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

                          ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


                            Originally posted by phatdoughnut View Post
                            Oooo thats another good one. MJ plus guns in the house???
                            Shouldn't matter, but of course it does.

                            OMFG, hes got a bong AND A GUN


                            Dont get me wrong, i understand laws have to be writtten to handle all types of scenarios but seriously, weed + guns is probably less harmful than redneck + guns.
                            Originally posted by wed3k
                            im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.



                              Na dude you got me all wrong brother.

                              And I do like bs with you on here and I do not take offense to anything you have written.

                              Honestly the "grow up and do it sober" was rough and it was not meant to you specifically....I should have went back and editied it but im a lazy fuck.

                              I totally agree with your entire post.

                              I do have an open mind and that is why I accept the fact that it should be legalized and that people should have the right to enjoy vices on their own time.

                              I don't want to meddle in peoples personal affairs.

                              If you want to smoke recreationally and your going to be responsible and not contribute to minors and not go out and be a nuisance to the public(same laws as alcohol) then Im open minded and I will defend your right to do just that.

                              Here is my single issue.

                              I would bet $ on the fact that you can weld better in the zone.

                              When I burned, I could do a number of things better in the zone.

                              Now nothing is proven, but I felt I did things better and I also felt that I could dicipher music better and learn quicker by ear on guitar.

                              I have no doubt that there are people I interact with daily that are smokers and I wouldn't know.

                              I don't work for the CIA or Mossad....Im not a spy lots of shit goes down under my nose and Im sure Im oblivious.

                              The problem I have is that you, Toycar, can not vouch for the 314 million residents of the US.

                              You yourself, and the 100 or so people you know and interact with daily(being conservative) are the only people you can vouch for(not counting work people)

                              When it becomes legalized and it will, and the time comes where people have a decision to make whether or not they should partake in activities that may OR MAY NOT injure innocent people or disrupt life as we know it, I hope that they have the decency to make the right choice.

                              What Im advocating for is that if they make the wrong choice, they should face the maxmium punishment just as with DWI.

                              This whole culture of "being in the zone" is all fine and dandy for welding pipes, but it would NEVER hold up in court and it will be silly to the majority of the world no matter how open minded I am.

                              Maybe things would be different if people were more open minded, but I doubt it because as has been said, the liability will always fall on the company and they will continue to dump it on the individual because they want to minimize their losses.

                              At the end of the day I understand what your trying to say. Im not saying there aren't people who handle their shit like you.

                              Im not saying there is anything wrong with that.

                              Im not trying to judge anyone.

                              But honestly you know that once it becomes legal then it opens the floodgates for milions of people who CAN"T handle their shit like you and are going to be fucking shit up left and right.

                              Honestly I know it's going to happen, and it will eventually die down once the smoke settles but Im just saying that I totally support harsh pentalities for people who are under the influence when they perform jobs in which absolute focus and sobreity is necessary. It may be closed minded and foolish, but its the easiest way to ensure that the people underneath you are on the same page and ready to go.

                              I guess another way to spin it is war time.

                              I have never deployed but I would push you to ask ANY veteran who served time in OIF/OEF or any campain.

                              Ask them if they would be worried or mind if their battle buddy next to them was in the "zone".

                              Now I could definitely understand why one would want to be blasted while in theather because it is fucking shitty being there for a multitude of reasons.

                              The single reason why I would NEVER want to be high in a combat zone would be the fact that I would want all my senses sharp and crisp and as much as I may "feel" that some senses are heightend in the "zone" it is at the expense of other senses and that is how people get killed.

                              There is plenty of writeups on the negative impacts of drugs during the Vietnam war.

                              So take that for what you will, but there is a time and place for everything, and even though MJ is not this evil drug, it does not need to be glorified either.
                              Last edited by Ralphie; 11-20-2012, 01:04 PM.


                                And as far as health risks, I agree again.

                                Eating fastfood is way worse then smoking a J.


                                Eventually all the smoking WILL wear down your lungs.

                                Its proven.

                                It may be better then ciggs as far as cancer goes, but the human body was not designed to intake gases of any kind besides oxygen.

                                It destroys tissue and the hairs of your tract, and the lining and beyond.

                                So I was just throwing it out there.

                                Anyone who smokes long term definitely knows the risks and has every right to choose to do it.

                                Its like saying well it's dangerous to drive with the drivers door open.....but its safer then driving with the hood open LOL

