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Buying a motorcycle but the title is in bankruptcy?

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    Buying a motorcycle but the title is in bankruptcy?

    He assures me his dad is paying a bill every month, and he will have the title to me in November... Do I trust this guy? Like I've never dealt with something like this before... Salvage title sure, but this is something I've never seen before... He was going to sell me the bike with a bill of sale, then mail me the title.. What do you guys think?

    I mean can he claim it stolen or something even if he signed a bill of sale?

    As someone who has been screwed over with title issues before, stay away. I don't care what kind of bike it is and how good of a deal you think it is, stay away.
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      I wouldn't mess with anything where the other person doesn't have a clear title in hand. In this day and age, you can't trust anyone.


        This throws red flags right away stay away It could possibly be a stolen bike then if you buy it you can be charged with receiving stolen property.


          Hell no! Theft by receiving is a big fat felony!


            The title IS the vehicle. Without that, you're not buying anything.

            I made that mistake when I was 19. I bought a 75 Grand Am from a guy that was going through a divorce. $1000 was the asking price. He said he couldn't find the title, so I could give him $500 up front and take the car, and he'd find the title and I'd give him the other $500 then. Well, the dude lost his house and disappeared. I never got my title.
            Then my dad died and I had to sell my house... but without a title, I couldn't take the car with me (and my stepdad wouldn't allow me to park it in the driveway of his fancy townhouse anyway!) My old neighbor allowed me to park it on his property. A few weeks later, the car magically disappeared. I never checked, but I GUARANTEE that the dude that "sold" it to me came back for it... and I can't do a damn thing about it. He has the title, and I don't.



              Thats crazy!

