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this forum isnt what it used to be.

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    this forum isnt what it used to be.

    And It's really sad. You try to inform people or state your opinion and you get jumped by stuck up people who know less and still care less. People are trying so hard to hustle, or be cool, or jump any comment they don't like leaving negative feedback. This forum used to be so much cooler, both new people toward old members and visa versa. There are great members still around, some old members who are a bit high on their rocker, and there are new members who seem to have nothing good to contribute and don't respect the wealth of trial and error that has been already done for them.

    If you have nothing better to do than give negative feedback to others taking part in constructive conversation, you should leave. I have a feedback making fun of my "sketchers" ... Really? If you are talking about my Sig they are Reebok Iverson shoes.. and that's just so far off topic from someone's member ride thread.. constructive criticism is a big part of the purpose of this board. With no discussion, no comments either positive or constructive, nobody would know what is generally liked, accepted, perhaps stupid or rice. Keep feedbacks to malicious or very poor behavior or don't come here. This was once a tight knit community, and even the most knowledgeable of members have had disagreements, it's what makes us better, and all individuals on a group full of creativity.

    End rant.
    Last edited by Smokinspeeds; 08-07-2012, 10:53 PM.
    My 91 Accord F22B DOHC MR

    My 1996 Civic Ex H23A VTEC MR

    was this brought on because the hid thread?


      Hmm interesting yeah it takes alot not trying to fit in. I commend you on your efforts to prove a point and you have. As far as the rating thing dont let it get you down its a forum.

      There is no prize to having such a high rating unless it's Deevergote lol j/k . But seriously man who gives a crap what others think as long as you know it's cool why should you care. It's just a forum man people are opinionated just ignore it and do you.


        Originally posted by h22sparkle View Post
        Hmm interesting yeah it takes alot not trying to fit in. I commend you on your efforts to prove a point and you have. As far as the rating thing dont let it get you down its a forum.

        There is no prize to having such a high rating unless it's Deevergote lol j/k . But seriously man who gives a crap what others think as long as you know it's cool why should you care. It's just a forum man people are opinionated just ignore it and do you.
        I don't care about the rating honestly.. it's just that the attitudes are a lot colder than they used to be. And no it's not any one particular thread, it's just that in a few weeks of being active I've seen more stupid garbage than I saw in a year on this forum a few years back when I was on constantly. It's just a big turn off to want to come back and stay active. I enjoy some of the members I have been keeping up with lately but I honestly feel like I'm not going to even do that if some random is going to be upset at my opinion on something someone is working esp if I have been following and leaving props and love for a MT thread for literally years. We are a community and constructive criticism is just as important as props for things done right imo and people are stuck up about not knowing much or stuck up because of how.much they know. Be cool! This is a board to help each other! You either are a noob, no offense meant if you are, in a number of ways I still feel I am, or you WERE a noob in the past. Take wisdom shared, because the experience doesn't have to be shared, and share it knowing many will still learn the hard way.
        My 91 Accord F22B DOHC MR

        My 1996 Civic Ex H23A VTEC MR


          Originally posted by Smokinspeeds View Post
          I don't care about the rating honestly.. it's just that the attitudes are a lot colder than they used to be. And no it's not any one particular thread, it's just that in a few weeks of being active I've seen more stupid garbage than I saw in a year on this forum a few years back when I was on constantly. It's just a big turn off to want to come back and stay active. I enjoy some of the members I have been keeping up with lately but I honestly feel like I'm not going to even do that if some random is going to be upset at my opinion on something someone is working esp if I have been following and leaving props and love for a MT thread for literally years. We are a community and constructive criticism is just as important as props for things done right imo and people are stuck up about not knowing much or stuck up because of how.much they know. Be cool! This is a board to help each other! You either are a noob, no offense meant if you are, in a number of ways I still feel I am, or you WERE a noob in the past. Take wisdom shared, because the experience doesn't have to be shared, and share it knowing many will still learn the hard way.
          Well just ignore them if they want to act up let them. They dont pay your bills bro.


            Originally posted by h22sparkle View Post
            Well just ignore them if they want to act up let them. They dont pay your bills bro.
            true blue.


            This isn't the first thread made to complain about this. I've seen it to but I ignore it, sometimes I jump in and yeah in the end it's best to leave it be.

            I've gotten negative reps for putting some people in their place..couple members on here really annoy the shit out of me but eh it's a forum...what can you do.
            Henry R
            1992 Accord LX R.I.P
            1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
            Legend FSM

            'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
            made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


              Originally posted by HenRoc View Post
              true blue.


              This isn't the first thread made to complain about this. I've seen it to but I ignore it, sometimes I jump in and yeah in the end it's best to leave it be.

              I've gotten negative reps for putting some people in their place..couple members on here really annoy the shit out of me but eh it's a forum...what can you do.
              me too, but the difference in the end, is that i actually work in the automotive industry. everyone else works at safeway or customer support for dell.
              I <3 G60.

              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                me too, but the difference in the end, is that i actually work in the automotive industry. everyone else works at safeway or customer support for dell.
                As do i. Automotive that is.
                Henry R
                1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                Legend FSM

                'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                  I think it is just the cycle of new mwmbers. I remember when I first joined there were a few new members that were trollin'. I have seen my share of banned members.

                  It's the net. Everyone thinks they now more then the next person. They may or may not know more then the next person. Non the less a person should post with some form of respect towards all members. From moderators to a novice.

                  It has changed but there still is more good in here then bad. With that being said, ignore the bad and enjoy the good.

                  CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
                  PSN: JDMcb7TX


                    man don't let one fool ruin your experience.

                    Some people just suck.

                    Like in the official watch thread....someone quoted my post just to write that my cheap ass pocket watch is cheap. Not one nice comment about my nice watches or anyone else's.

                    Bitches on here don't get no ass that's why lol


                      I would say it's mostly people that are fresh out of high school and/or haven't yet matured as adults.


                        Yea like the guy who goes into every HID thread and tells people to stop blinding him and waste hundreds of dollars in projectors. There is a difference between good feedback and just straight out not helping. Give a reason for bad feedback and tell the person why its wrong to do what they're doing wrong. I've only gotten good feedback that actually helped from less than 20 members here. Everybody else just says one word which doesn't always work.
                        10th Anniversary Accord.
                        05 Audi A4 Ultra Sport 6MT.


                          I feel the same way, its not the same no more with every year that passes technology fucks us
                          I know over 20 cb's in Florida that could use some help and direction with their vehicles but ever since Facebook car groups, forums are slowly dying
                          Most people work off their phone, and its awsome that you post something and your phone notifies you, back then it was like crack!
                          Especially if your having an argument with another member, I was constantly searching for a new reply

                          Also back in the days, there weren't that much things to do to our cars, back when H swaps were special, when people would go ape shit over 5lug, etc
                          Now that most of that shit is docummented people forget all that hard work
                          Before, if you made at least 3 diys nobody fuck with you, you were helping the community
                          Its funny because some of my buddies complain about this site being too strict Ni yet the rules have not changed, they're used to the easy shit, asking a question and getting a response
                          Originally posted by deevergote
                          Just do what PR CB7 said.

                          "I'm Going For Wood" (Clickey Clickey)


                            I am fairly new to this forum and I love this place. now there are a few members that I would love to go to their house and punch them in the face. I can't really do that and I am much more mature than that. I work on my own car to save money but usually hate it. this forum has made it somewhat fun for me to work on my car now. I mean hell you guys even tell me what size extension I need on my wrench. we just have to let the children be children. hell I've only been here a few months and I've already been banned. Lol


                              I see I stuck a common note here... And to a few of the replies, there are some older members who seem to need to chill a bit too, I know it's frustrating to not get respect deserved, or wisdom acknowledged but it's like becoming a parent, you did everything your kids will end up doing but they will still repeat much of the same despite warnings. The forum used to, imo, be more forgiving to stupid mistakes, now some of the people left seem to have a chip on their shoulder. Help in the form of a switch sends the kids home crying and not wanting to come back. We need new people to stay as much as old members, they will become the future mechanics who teach further newbies.

                              I've seen first time diy threads, know some locals who did a number of writeups first, and I know how to use search but imo get over the kids who don't search, or send then a pm. I have a hard time finding some threads I know are around sometimes. Fresh threads show life in the forum, we have a beginner section for just this. Now its like... Here's your homework turn to this page... It makes sense to keep it neat but just like high school, people don't like homework!

                              In rambling, but I think it makes some sense...
                              My 91 Accord F22B DOHC MR

                              My 1996 Civic Ex H23A VTEC MR

