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Discussions on Money (The FED and shiz)

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    Watching this intently to see how long it takes for it fail and get closed. You have some decent points and information, but it seems as though you aren't really explaining as you intended to, or at least claimed to intend to.

    Also, I am not totally surprised by your position, but you still have a very clear, us vs them, anti-corporate mentality.

    You also probably need to choose some more official sources, as those so far have been media documentaries, which are inherently biased and aren't necessarily forthcoming with sources and biases(even if it seems they are).

    Second, your assertion about the "transfer" of wealth that occurred during the bailout is also false. First, they were issued with funds from the reserve AND the Federal government, but they were issued as loans, with interest rates, and we're NOT free handouts. Second, your theory seems plausible until you consider the alternative of allowing the financial system to fail, which would have resulted in a transfer of wealth nearly 10x larger because the collapse of the backbone of the economy would have preceded the collapse of our entire economy. When put into light with those facts, it doesn't seem unreasonable. Also, the Federal Reserve is not directly run by the government for very specific reasons. However, it is also not a completely privately controlled entity either.
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      Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
      The figures change constantly but last time I checked the funding was WAYYYY past that.

      And where it comes from.....well being that we owe China more money then we could ever pay off, that is where.

      We outsource every fucking aspect of our life, and then borrow money when we need it.

      Great fucking system.

      The NYC manhole covers CLEARLY say made in China.

      WHY THE FUCK can we not make our own fucking manhole covers here in the USA?

      All it takes is one fucking mold and a few hundred people to operate one plant.

      Think how many jobs that would create?

      Ill tell you why.

      Because we would want an honest dollar for that work.

      But the Chinese I guess work like slaves, packed in to huge plants, probably get a fraction of what we would have to pay here, god knows if they even get health benefits or any exta packages, and they kill each other over these positions because its guaranteed income.

      And here we are taking these items that come from some fucking plant in some place ive never heard of, not even sure if the item is covered in fucking bird flu and its my 3 year olds fav toy!

      Shit is fucked.

      Now tell me how voting is going to help fix that system.

      Or reading a book.

      or youtube videos.

      It is just not that simple Ralphie...
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        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
        It is just not that simple Ralphie...
        Ya I know but some things are easy enough and it is still outsourced.

        Customer service for some HUGE companies are outsourced....why?

        There are probably thousands of people who would take customer service jobs right now manning phones for a decent buck and some benefits.

        Its just easier to ship that shit overseas.

        Ill admit, when times are good, most people probably don't want to do that kind of work....thus why it ends up overseas....

        but why not bring those jobs home when we need it.


        Some things I agree, have a certain complexity and are much more invested then I realize.

        Others are actually quite simple and because of ignorance or laziness, it remains the way it is.


          Things to consider

          People are paying us to hold their money (yields on T-bills are negative)

          Much of the official $$$ "given away to banks" during the bailout was paid back (though w/the unlimited audit of the Fed some truths are coming out that could change that)

          Economy is def doing better now than it would have been had shit hit the fan...

          My only gripe is we didn't make the changes to safeguard from the same things happening again. If anything we have become emboldened to take more risk.

          This whole Fed thing is getting played out. People find out about the Fed and all of a sudden they feel like expert economists with the inside scoop. I think they should be more accountable to us as citizens of the US, but I also think Joe Schmoe needs to defect to the fact that he is generally clueless in the realm of the shit the Fed does.

          Truthfully the system of fiat currency and central banking is not bad... there will always be economic ups and downs, and now with oil becoming a growing concern we are coming up on problems even the Fed won't be able to solve. The main things are really just holding people accountable and preventing the consolidation of power. I would say shit like the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the looming debt, the current income tax system, and other federal follies are way more of a threat to the country than the Fed.

          Its also getting pretty corny that people are blaming everything on them... again not saying there isn't any foul play... but you have to have something more concrete than just a feeling they are evil from watching some Youtube videos. Lets be real folks

          Originally posted by lordoja
          im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

