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Discussions on Money (The FED and shiz)

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    Discussions on Money (The FED and shiz)

    This is NOT a political thread, this is a thread about the FED.

    Too many people know nothing, that isn't offered up on the Main Stream Media (MSM) channels.

    I know, you work hard- go to school- try to take care of your life.
    You think that you "can't understand the complexities" or "You don't have time".

    I want to offer you the bibliography of MY research. Links to facts that you can digest as you choose. You CAN understand and you CAN change things.

    I don't care what "side of the isle" you vote for, you are getting bent over regardless. The incestuous relationships between the FED, Banks, Regulators and Legislators can only stop if we educated ourselves and demand change.

    Ask me questions, I'll give you direction to make your own choices. I'm not pushing a view point here- I'm attempting to educate.

    Needless to say: IF ya'll cannot be mature in this discussion- it will be closed. Please leave partisan comments/political butthurt at the "Add Reply" button.

    Come at me, Bros.
    Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

    That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16

    It always comes down to the politics. Look at the ObamaCare, not carrying insurance? It's gonna cost you, why? Because the government wants their money someway or another. $695 penalty for not having insurance if you make more than $9,500 in a year.

    The Middle East, I just read an article the other day about 6 more soldiers killed. Seriously, WTF are we doing there anymore? Pull out and let them kill each other who the h*ll cares. If you don't want to pull them out then let us take our gloves off. It's BS.


      Im coming at you bro!!!

      Just kidding.

      The fed is bullshit, and I dont think anyone really has any idea how deep the bullshit is.

      Pretty broad subject, where are you going with this?

      Im in for some education, and a good conversation. Just dont want to start talking about China if we are really talking about inflation or the value of the dollar you know?

      Come at me bro!!
      Originally posted by wed3k
      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


        just start telling me all about it....considering i dont have a clue about it because i dont pay attention to this type shit. mostly because i dont give a shit and partly because i spend my days at work and my nights with family and very busy......only time i have to pay attention to this shit is when reading it on here. so, tell me more....


          Lets start here.

          This is a very entertaining, easy to understand video about the FED and our money.

          Burton-This is not a thread about Politics.

          I know its a broad topic- and primarily this thread serves two purposes for me.
          1. I am sick of trying to educate those who prefer to remain ignorant.
          2. I have all this info in my head (with citations, lol) that I would love to discuss, but have few people to talk about it with.

          I figured, if you open this thread- you have an interest in the subject; and if you have a question, are curious, or have something to add, you'll hit reply.
          Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

          That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


            Originally posted by LadyG View Post
            Burton-This is not a thread about Politics.
            FED as in the federal reserve right? The central banking system for the US right? What gives our dollar value, right? How the h*ll are politics not involved? The more the politicians spend us into oblivion the less the dollar is worth. The more they want to bail out banks and automakers the more we have to pay. The only way to get change is by voting. Even that doesn't help.


              Watch the video.
              You clearly think that the Federal reserve is a government agency.
              You're wrong.
              Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

              That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                Originally posted by LadyG View Post
                Watch the video.
                You clearly think that the Federal reserve is a government agency.
                You're wrong.
                I never once said anything about it being a government agency. It's the fact that the actions of the politicians affect the FED. Hence my reasoning as to, how are politics not involved? Telling me to watch a video isn't educating me either. If you know what you know then you would have a reasonable debate. I'm waiting to hear it.


                  The fed reserve isn't a gov agency at all. They are however basically the bank of gov. The gov spends money and the fed produces it-sometimes. Sometimes we borrow from others, and lately we have been robbing peter to pay paul.

                  How exactly, well this is how;

                  SSI investments are controlled by the fed, and for decades now the fed has rolled ssi payments into gov bonds-so the gov can spend money it doesn't have. They sold the idea as a way to expand the SSI fund, but it has actually flopped because we are invested in a bond that cannot pay its dues.

                  This is why the gov was threatening social security payments if an extension was not approved last august. They didnt have the money to cover the bonds that needed to be cashed out so payments could get made.

                  So, the gov needs some money-sell some bonds basically saying we will pay you back double in 20 years. Problem here, is that general population doesn't invest into bonds at the same rate the gov is spending money. So, the fed takes money out of other funds, like Social security, and invests it into the gov bonds to give the gov money.

                  Now that the bonds are coming due, the gov doesn't have the money to pay the bond and people that have contributed to social security forever are going to get the shaft since the gov cannot pay its own bills.

                  Do you follow?

                  On a large scale, the fed has doubled down on our countries debt by allowing them to spend not only the cash reserves they had, but basically every dollar the gov was holding onto-like the SSI fund. So, when the fed dumped SSI money into gov bonds that were never going to get paid in the first place, we the people got robbed.

                  Not to mention they control the liquid cash in the country.

                  Everytime we print paper money, the value of the actual dollar goes down in a global sense. We only have so much worth in the country, so the more ways they split the pie the less a slice is worth.

                  The fed also has power/authority with the economy that is bullshit. They dictate the interest rate that banks pay to finance our shit. So you need a mortgage? Bank takes money from the fed at a given rate(prime rate) and then middle mans that money as they lend it out and makes a profit.

                  Fed raises rates, our rates go up too so the bank still turns a profit. Banks basically sell money. Person taking out the loan doesn't pay, the bank takes the hit. The bank is the middle man here and bears the brunt of the bad when people dont pay-even though the fed is the one really lending the money. When a bank takes a loss on barrowed money, we the consumer take the hit.

                  Now that there are a couple clear angles that the fed is fucking with us, not politically driven-can you see a clearer picture? Im sure the fed and the gov work together occasionally, but the fed is a problem within itself. The fed is not the gov, but the fed has positioned itself into a position of power with more or less no authority to do so in the first place.

                  there are alot of other ways the fed influences things in our daily lives. Recently when the house and senate could not agree on how to finance our countries future, the fed offered to "make" 2 trillion dollar coins, and deposit them into the system. Basically, melt some metal, call it a coin and label it as a trillion dollars.

                  That was the fed's offering to fix the problem-"Lets just make some money"

                  The paper money you see is supposed to represent the value behind it. Print enough paper, and the value is now so minimal its basically just paper.

                  On a global scene, this is fucking our country. As our money loses value, the cost of everything goes up.

                  Also, the chairman of the reserve is in a position of power-but why? Hes not the president, hes not an elected official, hes... Just somebody. We the people dont get to elect the chairman of the federal reserve, they are appointed.

                  So, whats the deal here?

                  We get no say?

                  Yeah, basically.
                  Last edited by toycar; 07-11-2012, 02:09 PM.
                  Originally posted by wed3k
                  im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                    Toycar: I understand everything you've said, but if the politicians in office never spend money like it's going out of style then the FED would never have to print or pull money out of their @ss.

                    The banks were giving everyone and their mother's brothers loans regardless of income, credit, alive or dead. Now the gov't bails them out (borrowing more money from the FED) how do I stimulate the economy? You will get $7500 tax credit when you file your taxes (after buying a home) but you have to pay it back in $500 increments each year (replacing the money borrowed from the FED) regime in office says don't worry about having to pay it back and on top of that I'll bump it up $500 (now you're taking $8k from the FED with no intent on replacing it)....again it's politicians trying to look like a savior to the people.

                    Don't even get me started on SS, the f*cked up thing is I can go tax exempt with my Federal and State taxes if I so choose, but SS and MC I can't and when I retire at 80+ yrs old there will be none of MY money there for me.

                    Now we have healthcare we are going to be paying for, how do we replace that money? We tax the people but since we can't re-coup but so much it will just be a little more debt to the mountain we have now.
                    Last edited by BurtonRiderT6; 07-11-2012, 02:30 PM.


                      Ah, Yes. Very Good.

                      PBS had a great 4 part series called Money, Power and Wallstreet.
                      It makes the connections (In part 4) about how our financial issues/ mortgage crisis is connected to the European financial crisis.
                      Last edited by LadyG; 07-11-2012, 02:44 PM.
                      Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                      That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                        Originally posted by BurtonRiderT6 View Post
                        Toycar: I understand everything you've said, but if the politicians in office never spend money like it's going out of style then the FED would never have to print or pull money out of their @ss.

                        The banks were giving everyone and their mother's brothers loans regardless of income, credit, alive or dead. Now the gov't bails them out (borrowing more money from the FED) how do I stimulate the economy? You will get $7500 tax credit when you file your taxes (after buying a home) but you have to pay it back in $500 increments each year (replacing the money borrowed from the FED) regime in office says don't worry about having to pay it back and on top of that I'll bump it up $500 (now you're taking $8k from the FED with no intent on replacing it)....again it's politicians trying to look like a savior to the people.

                        Don't even get me started on SS, the f*cked up thing is I can go tax exempt with my Federal and State taxes if I so choose, but SS and MC I can't and when I retire at 80+ yrs old there will be none of MY money there for me.

                        Now we have healthcare we are going to be paying for, how do we replace that money? We tax the people but since we can't re-coup but so much it will just be a little more debt to the mountain we have now.
                        Follow the money...
                        right into the Military Industrial Complex.
                        Right into Multinational Corporations.

                        But on a serious(er) note...

                        Y U try n' make me close my thread?
                        Please stop the political discourse.
                        Anyone who KNOWS about this knows that all sides are to blame, it is a moot point.
                        Last edited by LadyG; 07-11-2012, 02:48 PM.
                        Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                        That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                          Originally posted by LadyG View Post
                          This is NOT a political thread, this is a thread about the FED.

                          Too many people know nothing, that isn't offered up on the Main Stream Media (MSM) channels.

                          I know, you work hard- go to school- try to take care of your life.
                          You think that you "can't understand the complexities" or "You don't have time".

                          I want to offer you the bibliography of MY research. Links to facts that you can digest as you choose. You CAN understand and you CAN change things.

                          I don't care what "side of the isle" you vote for, you are getting bent over regardless. The incestuous relationships between the FED, Banks, Regulators and Legislators can only stop if we educated ourselves and demand change.

                          Ask me questions, I'll give you direction to make your own choices. I'm not pushing a view point here- I'm attempting to educate.

                          Needless to say: IF ya'll cannot be mature in this discussion- it will be closed. Please leave partisan comments/political butthurt at the "Add Reply" button.

                          Come at me, Bros.
                          You contradict yourself in your first post. How do you suppose we demand change? You vote for politicians you think are going to get a handle on the situation. You can't vote for anyone in the FED.

                          EDIT: I'm not trying to get you to close your thread but to think that the politicians don't play a role in the FED is just silly.
                          Last edited by BurtonRiderT6; 07-11-2012, 02:53 PM.


                            Realizing, after reading my last reply, that I sound like a bleeding bitch- because if you are reading this thread- you might not KNOW about this stuff.

                            So let me be clear.

                            It is EVERYONE'S fault.
                            All sides are culpable.

                            This is why it is inherently NOT a political discussion.

                            Politics has served, more often than not as a conduit for the monied interests to make moar money.
                            Whether it is the Koch brothers, Halliburton, ect ect...
                            That's another topic..
                            Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                            That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                              Ah, you are thinking within our current system.

                              A good question in this circumstance would be, "What would this system look like if we changed "x" about how things are done?"

                              I for one, would make congressional pay equal to the median income of the represented area- and place limits on what "gifts" congress people can recieve while IN office....

                              Just as an example. Its not a "political" problem, its systematic.
                              Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                              That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16

