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anyone have the RAZR Maxx?

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    Ya man im surprised you haven't heard more.

    As soon as I started researching the phone for specs I saw countless references to ICS updates....of course most of it was people bitching about how it hasn't arrived yet lol.

    That was what sold me.

    A FULL days worth of battery
    1080P video recording
    8mp camera w flash and autofocus
    The smart tasks which I loved on my Tmo slide 3g...basically you can set the phone to automatically adjust settings based on time or location(via GPS) shit is sick!
    Back made from Kevlar
    Thin as fuck
    and getting ICS? Which will bring a whole new look and functionality(like disabling or removing bloatware without having to root) and making the phone global to work in 255 countries.

    Sign me the fuck up!

    Just wish the screen was a composite and not glass.


      Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
      Oh trust me Ive done this before. This will be my 6th Android device....something like my 10th cell phone.

      I don't just buy shit anymore....I heavily research it, even moreso if it's a very pricey item.

      That is the only phone im really interested in in the VZW lineup.

      Wow that's weird....the rotation affects the browser?

      Do you have ICS?

      I know they are suppose to be rolling out the ICS updates...not sure if they did, in the middle, or did already.

      See im not worried about anything with this phone except for cracked screens and random freezing reboots(which I haven't heard, but Motorola is notorious for)

      I've had two Motorola droids before and both froze/rebooted....fucking drove me crazy and I swore Id never get another Motorola again.....

      but quite frankly....Verizon's phones suck!.

      The ONLY phones even remotely interesting to me from their lineup would be.

      1. Maxx
      2. Nexus one
      3. new Galaxy III
      4. Droid 4

      Nexus one dies way to quick and doesn't come with a 3300 mah like the maxx and has no swype(although id probably be able to install the beta on it)

      And the Galaxy III has fucking touch wiz which I can't stand.

      Right now my fascinate has a cracked screen....been that way for 2 months or more now...

      can't afford to get another phone and I didn't want to do an early upgrade(and Verizon said no 4g for me this early and im not getting another 3G phone)

      So right now....waiting game and research....but since I have a cracked screen now I would shit a brick if I cracked a brand new phones screen.

      This is the first time in my entire time of owning a cell phone that ive cracked a screen, and it sucks lol.
      You forgot about the droid 4. It is a razr with a keyboard. And too is also due for ics, personally Ilike it better than the razr but that is because Ilike the keyboard that Ican use.

      Don't discount it either

      (Droid 2g, 3, and 4)
      Droid 4 rooted rommed and on leaked ics version 219

      Just my 2 cents
      The CB7 Collector.
      Team Kindred Impulse Member #3
      92 LX Coupe F22A1
      2013 Toyota Corolla S
      92 EX Sedan F22A1
      Originally posted by deevergote
      Do you really need to make a thread asking if having your car like this /---\ will cause uneven tire wear? Try walking like that for a few weeks and see if your shoes wear funny! (hint: they will.)


        Originally posted by HappyGilmore View Post
        You forgot about the droid 4. It is a razr with a keyboard. And too is also due for ics, personally Ilike it better than the razr but that is because Ilike the keyboard that Ican use.

        Don't discount it either

        (Droid 2g, 3, and 4)
        Droid 4 rooted rommed and on leaked ics version 219

        Just my 2 cents
        Shit I compared those and except for the global ability and the battery, theyre identical.

        I want that battery.

        If the maxx didn't exist I would be getting the 4 lol.


          No RAZR Maxx here. I don't think I'll be purchasing another Motorola product in my lifetime; at least not anything cellular or telephone related. (That said, Google bought Motorola Mobility, so it's possible they may change their ways and I'll be eating my words.)

          I'm still rocking my HTC Incredible; 2 years plus.


            Originally posted by reklipz View Post
            No RAZR Maxx here. I don't think I'll be purchasing another Motorola product in my lifetime; at least not anything cellular or telephone related. (That said, Google bought Motorola Mobility, so it's possible they may change their ways and I'll be eating my words.)

            I'm still rocking my HTC Incredible; 2 years plus.
            Ya I said the same things but as of now, they have the sickest phones on VZW.

            HTC makes amazing phones but I dont like anything in their lineup currently.


              Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
              Shit I compared those and except for the global ability and the battery, theyre identical.

              I want that battery.

              If the maxx didn't exist I would be getting the 4 lol.
              This is very true. My D3 is just like my D4 only diff is the 4 is 4G and is 200mhz faster and 512mb more of ram!

              I always love moto stuff (that and they are far easier to root than HTC). Every phone I have had with the exception of 3 were all Moto's

              Side note: The ARM processor is based on something Motorolla RISC chip back in the day (Old mac and your printers[they still do to this day]) Just a fun fact.
              The CB7 Collector.
              Team Kindred Impulse Member #3
              92 LX Coupe F22A1
              2013 Toyota Corolla S
              92 EX Sedan F22A1
              Originally posted by deevergote
              Do you really need to make a thread asking if having your car like this /---\ will cause uneven tire wear? Try walking like that for a few weeks and see if your shoes wear funny! (hint: they will.)


                Originally posted by HappyGilmore View Post
                This is very true. My D3 is just like my D4 only diff is the 4 is 4G and is 200mhz faster and 512mb more of ram!

                I always love moto stuff (that and they are far easier to root than HTC). Every phone I have had with the exception of 3 were all Moto's

                Side note: The ARM processor is based on something Motorolla RISC chip back in the day (Old mac and your printers[they still do to this day]) Just a fun fact.
                Ya I mean Moto has always had the best designs and setups besides HTC and I guess Samsung.

                I had a lot of trouble with Moto's in the past, rooted and unrooted.

                Im going to be REALLY fucking mad if I get this phone and it suffers from the same Moto bs Ive dealt with in the past.

                The ONLY reason im even considering it is because Im not at all interested in anything else VZW has to offer right now and since my screen is cracked and im up for upgrade in 3 months I really want to upgrade soon.

                The only thing I have disliked about Android sets has been the battery life. No lie there that battery life sucks on them, but its not MUCH better on iPhones...

                its not the OS that is draining(in most cases) but the LARGE bright screens everyone wants.

                Me personally id take a slightly less bright screen because Im not one of those "must watch HD movies on my phone" guys.

                On a bus ride etc I MIGHT watch a movie but it doesn't have to be omgfuckinggawd amazing...I just need to see it and hear it lol.

                Also people don't set their phones up properly....shit is constantly sync and people leave Wifi on when there are NO networks in range which drains shit etc...

                So the fact that this is a phone with Android, ICS for one, and battery life that people claim they can watch 3 or 4 movies back to back and not even dent the shy of amazing.

                Also I won't be rooting this phone unless my life depends on it.

                Im really sick of dealing with the bs.

                I mean the devs are great and a lot of people are doing great things and I appreciate their hard work but its so fucking addicting and half the time everyone I know is like dude you gave up MMS so you can have that one widget or you don't have GPS but look at you with ICS before anyone else had it lol....

                Its just getting old....I want certain things and I want to leave it that way and have EVERYTHING work.
                Last edited by Ralphie; 06-27-2012, 11:32 AM.


                  After only having droids for year (why I have so many in such a short period of time is another story) I do see what you mean.

                  The sole reason I rom is to eliminate bloatware and 4G really suck the battery out of Androids (iPhone doesn't have full 4G and they cost way more). So many tweaks you have to do to get battery life longer than normal. After all it is a linux system and you would think it would handle things a bit better than they do but I guess when big corporations get their fingers in stuff like that it becomes stupid chaos and things get bloated like crazy. Ralphie I deff see you where you are coming from for sure.
                  The CB7 Collector.
                  Team Kindred Impulse Member #3
                  92 LX Coupe F22A1
                  2013 Toyota Corolla S
                  92 EX Sedan F22A1
                  Originally posted by deevergote
                  Do you really need to make a thread asking if having your car like this /---\ will cause uneven tire wear? Try walking like that for a few weeks and see if your shoes wear funny! (hint: they will.)


                    Originally posted by HappyGilmore View Post
                    After only having droids for year (why I have so many in such a short period of time is another story) I do see what you mean.

                    The sole reason I rom is to eliminate bloatware and 4G really suck the battery out of Androids (iPhone doesn't have full 4G and they cost way more). So many tweaks you have to do to get battery life longer than normal. After all it is a linux system and you would think it would handle things a bit better than they do but I guess when big corporations get their fingers in stuff like that it becomes stupid chaos and things get bloated like crazy. Ralphie I deff see you where you are coming from for sure.
                    Well supposedly with ICS, you can uninstall/or disable most if not ALL the bloatware that is installed on the droids.

                    Usually that is why I Rom....for looks, performance, and to use apps I normally couldn't use.

                    The looks of the stock ICS will be good for me, its JUST like my fascinate now.

                    The performance should be fine as it is twice the phone I have now.

                    And im no longer needing to run those kinds of apps, so I really shouldn't need ROOT.

                    All I ask for is ICS, Swype, and decent battery life.

                    Im too busy looking for jobs/working around my house to fuck with phones like that now.

                    And your 100% right.

                    The phones come from Google svelt and bs....and then the companies tweak them to meet their expectations of how "our" phones should look/act.

                    I hate it but its all marketing.

                    I remember reading that this phone or one of them, comes with 25 preinstalled apps.

                    Really? 25? Is that really necessary? I don't think so and im sure many agree.

                    Its silly but that's how it goes.

                    If I had money to blow, id buy the Nexus straight from VZW bs attached!


                      Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                      Well supposedly with ICS, you can uninstall/or disable most if not ALL the bloatware that is installed on the droids.

                      Usually that is why I Rom....for looks, performance, and to use apps I normally couldn't use.

                      The looks of the stock ICS will be good for me, its JUST like my fascinate now.

                      The performance should be fine as it is twice the phone I have now.

                      And im no longer needing to run those kinds of apps, so I really shouldn't need ROOT.

                      All I ask for is ICS, Swype, and decent battery life.

                      Im too busy looking for jobs/working around my house to fuck with phones like that now.

                      And your 100% right.

                      The phones come from Google svelt and bs....and then the companies tweak them to meet their expectations of how "our" phones should look/act.

                      I hate it but its all marketing.

                      I remember reading that this phone or one of them, comes with 25 preinstalled apps.

                      Really? 25? Is that really necessary? I don't think so and im sure many agree.

                      Its silly but that's how it goes.

                      If I had money to blow, id buy the Nexus straight from VZW bs attached!
                      well there is an OTA update for the Maxx and the regular Razr. My brother and I are both downloading it now so i hope it is ICS.


                      Yes it is ICS!.

                      Well there some apps that i cannot uninstall like MOG, i don't know what is nor care to use it but all i can do is uninstall the updates. The last time i did something like that though, it kept prompting me to update it in the notification area at the top of the screen. Visually it is very appealing and the new unlock screen allows quick access to text, dialing, and the camera after you pull the phone out of your pocket.
                      Last edited by Leung; 07-01-2012, 12:45 PM.


                        Well, this ICS update has been nothing more than a headache since downloading it.

                        My phone is constantly rebooting if not randomly powering down. Before today, it only had issues where i had no sound when playing any form of media or i was stuck in 3g data when i should have 4g.

                        I have actually been trying to type this three different times today on the Maxx but it always reboots in the middle of doing so. Anyhow, Verizon is going to overnight me a different phone on Monday.

                        So.. if you have a razr or the maxx, don't take the ICS update if you can. Wait till there is an update that fixes the bugs first.


                          Wow that's shitty.

                          I'm still on the fence...I'm worried about cracking the screen.


                            Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                            Wow that's shitty.

                            I'm still on the fence...I'm worried about cracking the screen.
                            Unless you rock climb or have butter fingers, i think you'll be alright with the maxx's screen. I think it uses a different formulation of the gorilla glass so while it is suppose to be shatter resistant, it's not so resistant to scratches like it was on my Droid X. A screen protector will solve that, the scratching i mean.


                              ICS, Swype and one of the slickest phones out


                                Originally posted by Leung View Post
                                Unless you rock climb or have butter fingers, i think you'll be alright with the maxx's screen. I think it uses a different formulation of the gorilla glass so while it is suppose to be shatter resistant, it's not so resistant to scratches like it was on my Droid X. A screen protector will solve that, the scratching i mean.
                                See everywhere I look, I get differing accounts.

                                Gorilla Glass(or any glass) is not shatter resistant. No such thing.

                                It IS, however, suppose to be resistant to scratches.

                                From everything I've read, it says that excessive bending of the phone(like when it is in your pocket and your jeans put pressure on it against your leg) will bring out minute cracks in the glass that occurred when the glass was cut.

                                I have read a lot of people saying that they were using it, put it down, picked it up 10 mins later and found small hairline cracks deep within the screen.

                                Idk...I mean ill probably take the chance just because of the battery, but I don't want to have to baby a phone either.

                                All of my droids were mostly HTC and I put them through hell and never had screen problems.

                                I really hate that companies use glass for screens.

                                Originally posted by DrLove'sKuDang View Post
                                ICS, Swype and one of the slickest phones out

                                That is the version of Swype im running on my fassy now.

                                It's buttery and delicious....and so is ICS.

