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anyone have the RAZR Maxx?

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    anyone have the RAZR Maxx?

    I'm starting to price out phones since I'm up for an upgrade in October.

    Had my eyes on the nexus s but no Swype is no beuno.

    I'm trying not to root anymore so I need Swype without rooting.

    The new galaxy s looked promising but I hate touch wiz and hence why my fascinate is rooted.

    So I stumbled on the RAZR maxx.

    Love the 3300 mah battery.

    Swype, 1080p, 1.2GHz, and the update to ics makes this a solid sounding phone.

    So if you have one how do you like it?

    Only problems I've found was fragile screens and connectivity problems.

    I swore off Motorola in the past but I might take the jump on this one.


    I upgraded from the Droid X to the Maxx.

    The things i like about it are,
    Awesome battery life in between charges.
    How vibrant the screen is.
    How slim it is even though i have a case on it.

    The things i don't like about it are,
    I can't do a battery pull if the phone has a brain fart.
    I don't have great reception in my house.
    If i have wifi turned on, i still can't connect to the internet or it takes an uber long time to load up anything; if i switch to 4g then all is well.

    I just tried out swype for the first time ever, it's too weird for me. Haven't had any issues with the screen except that i have oily skin and hair so the screen needs cleaning frequently. I'm not rooting this phone either because i need it to last longer than my droid X and after rooting the X, it got all glitchy.
    Last edited by Leung; 06-25-2012, 12:15 AM.


      Originally posted by Leung View Post
      I upgraded from the Droid X to the Maxx.

      The things i like about it are,
      Awesome battery life in between charges.
      How vibrant the screen is.
      How slim it is even though i have a case on it.

      The things i don't like about it are,
      I can't do a battery pull if the phone has a brain fart.
      I don't have great reception in my house.
      If i have wifi turned on, i still can't connect to the internet or it takes an uber long time to load up anything; if i switch to 4g then all is well.

      I just tried out swype for the first time ever, it's too weird for me. Haven't had any issues with the screen except that i have oily skin and hair so the screen needs cleaning frequently. I'm not rooting this phone either because i need it to last longer than my droid X and after rooting the X, it got all glitchy.

      Hmmm ok well thats not so bad.

      Weird you can't connect on wifi or it takes too long.

      Ive been using Swype on my Sammy Fascinate for like 2 years now.

      Love it!

      I don't hold records for speed texting but it makes it a fuck load easier to send texts especially when your hands are occupado lol.

      Have you dropped yours at all?

      Do you have an otterbox or any kind of case?

      I just googled it and it appears it is possible to swap out the battery but it is a lot of work for just doing battery pulls.
      Last edited by Ralphie; 06-25-2012, 08:52 AM.


        I thought the Maxx had Gorilla glass? I used to have a regular Razr, it was a nice phone, but with Verizon, around here, you don't have reception for shit. I have AT&T and get reception in places Verizon customers don't. I have an Atrix 4G and absolutely love it. I've had HTC phones in the past (Inspire 4G) and loved them. I'd advise shopping around, as you stated you have been and don't settle. Think of it like this, are you going to want to be stuck with that phone for possibly 2 years? Do some side by side comparisons of different phones online. I've done that in the past, but it all boils down to what I like and what works best for me.



          Weird you can't connect on wifi or it takes too long.

          Yeah it's weird, when i'm at home trying to get onto the internet connected through WIFI, the browser takes forever to load anything up. I've even tried switching browsers and it does the same. I'm not sure why it does that but if i turn it vertical like a cell phone then it loads up fine but if i have it sideways then that's when its slow as molasses.

          Have you dropped yours at all?

          Not yet, i don't want to find out what happens if i do drop it.

          Do you have an otterbox or any kind of case?

          I have a silicone skin and a screen protector i got off of Amazon for 2 cents; shipping was 2.99.

          I needed something right away so that's what i got. I'm thinking about ordering a Trident case because i like green then again it also comes in blue so it'd match the blue lights in my Civic.


            Originally posted by nine_deuce View Post
            I thought the Maxx had Gorilla glass? I used to have a regular Razr, it was a nice phone, but with Verizon, around here, you don't have reception for shit. I have AT&T and get reception in places Verizon customers don't. I have an Atrix 4G and absolutely love it. I've had HTC phones in the past (Inspire 4G) and loved them. I'd advise shopping around, as you stated you have been and don't settle. Think of it like this, are you going to want to be stuck with that phone for possibly 2 years? Do some side by side comparisons of different phones online. I've done that in the past, but it all boils down to what I like and what works best for me.
            it does but even my maxx ended up with a small hair scratch on the glass before i was able to receive my screen protectors.


              I was just reading about Gorilla glass. They were saying it's not shock proof, just scratch "proof" or some shit. I've seen people take ink pens and jab the shit out of their tablet and didn't even phase it. I about shit when I saw it. There is NO way in hell I'd do that to any device I own, just like my luck, I'd get the faulty glass and it'd shatter. Good luck explaining that to the place you bought it. This isn't the video I was talking about, but, check this out.


              Could you imagine doing this, the screen shattering, calling up the store you just bought the device from and explaining to them, "well, I watched a video on YouTube and they were doing the same thing. I figured I'd try it and it didn't work".


                Originally posted by nine_deuce View Post
                I thought the Maxx had Gorilla glass? I used to have a regular Razr, it was a nice phone, but with Verizon, around here, you don't have reception for shit. I have AT&T and get reception in places Verizon customers don't. I have an Atrix 4G and absolutely love it. I've had HTC phones in the past (Inspire 4G) and loved them. I'd advise shopping around, as you stated you have been and don't settle. Think of it like this, are you going to want to be stuck with that phone for possibly 2 years? Do some side by side comparisons of different phones online. I've done that in the past, but it all boils down to what I like and what works best for me.
                Oh trust me Ive done this before. This will be my 6th Android device....something like my 10th cell phone.

                I don't just buy shit anymore....I heavily research it, even moreso if it's a very pricey item.

                That is the only phone im really interested in in the VZW lineup.

                Originally posted by Leung View Post

                Weird you can't connect on wifi or it takes too long.

                Yeah it's weird, when i'm at home trying to get onto the internet connected through WIFI, the browser takes forever to load anything up. I've even tried switching browsers and it does the same. I'm not sure why it does that but if i turn it vertical like a cell phone then it loads up fine but if i have it sideways then that's when its slow as molasses.

                Have you dropped yours at all?

                Not yet, i don't want to find out what happens if i do drop it.

                Do you have an otterbox or any kind of case?

                I have a silicone skin and a screen protector i got off of Amazon for 2 cents; shipping was 2.99.

                I needed something right away so that's what i got. I'm thinking about ordering a Trident case because i like green then again it also comes in blue so it'd match the blue lights in my Civic.
                Wow that's weird....the rotation affects the browser?

                Do you have ICS?

                I know they are suppose to be rolling out the ICS updates...not sure if they did, in the middle, or did already.

                See im not worried about anything with this phone except for cracked screens and random freezing reboots(which I haven't heard, but Motorola is notorious for)

                I've had two Motorola droids before and both froze/rebooted....fucking drove me crazy and I swore Id never get another Motorola again.....

                but quite frankly....Verizon's phones suck!.

                The ONLY phones even remotely interesting to me from their lineup would be.

                1. Maxx
                2. Nexus one
                3. new Galaxy III

                Nexus one dies way to quick and doesn't come with a 3300 mah like the maxx and has no swype(although id probably be able to install the beta on it)

                And the Galaxy III has fucking touch wiz which I can't stand.

                Right now my fascinate has a cracked screen....been that way for 2 months or more now...

                can't afford to get another phone and I didn't want to do an early upgrade(and Verizon said no 4g for me this early and im not getting another 3G phone)

                So right now....waiting game and research....but since I have a cracked screen now I would shit a brick if I cracked a brand new phones screen.

                This is the first time in my entire time of owning a cell phone that ive cracked a screen, and it sucks lol.


                  Closer to OCT ill probably do some research again and see if VZW is adding any new 4g phones and if so figure those in.

                  If not the maxx will have dropped by then and ill probably take the jump.


                    As I stated previously, around here Verizon sucks (I'm sure it works great in bigger cities). Why not go with a different provider, one that has a better selection of phones, something that would more suit your wants/needs? I was at AT&T looking at the HTC Vivid and the Note, very nice phones. The Note is HUGE, it's like holding a damn tablet.

                    I was just watching a commercial for a phone case, I forget what it was exactly, but they showed a phone being dropped and bouncing from 60 feet. Nevermind, I think it was a case from G Form, if that's the case, they're for the Apple market, nothing good. It may have been another case, I can't remember off the top of my head. If I see the commercial again, I'll try to write it down.


                      Originally posted by nine_deuce View Post
                      As I stated previously, around here Verizon sucks (I'm sure it works great in bigger cities). Why not go with a different provider, one that has a better selection of phones, something that would more suit your wants/needs? I was at AT&T looking at the HTC Vivid and the Note, very nice phones. The Note is HUGE, it's like holding a damn tablet.

                      I was just watching a commercial for a phone case, I forget what it was exactly, but they showed a phone being dropped and bouncing from 60 feet. Nevermind, I think it was a case from G Form, if that's the case, they're for the Apple market, nothing good. It may have been another case, I can't remember off the top of my head. If I see the commercial again, I'll try to write it down.
                      Well simply because im on a plan with the wife and she is fine on VZW.

                      We use to have T-Mobile and I was reluctant to switch but I figured eventually Ill give up on the smartphone shit and just get a reg phone so I didn't care who id end up with.

                      Their service here is great but the company just sucks.


                        Ralphie i'm not sure if you have heard about Verizon restructuring their plans and whatnot but they are going to a "share" based one.

                        you can read more here.

                        I still have my unlimited data but from everything i have read, i will be forced out of it if i switched phones after this new plan goes into effect. I don't use more than 2 or 3 gigs in a month BUT i like having unlimited. The only way i will give that up is if my monthly bill drops to something acceptable to make up the difference.

                        Now back to the gorilla glass, the my droid X came with it and it seems much better than the one on the Maxx. I sometimes keep my keys in my front pocket and i must have mistakenly put them in the same pocket as my maxx which is how it got its small scratch. I always thought that gorilla glass was shatter and scratch resistant not proof.

                        I don't believe i have ICS yet but then again it hasn't prompted me for an update yet. I just read an article that they starting rolling out updates three days ago.
                        Last edited by Leung; 06-25-2012, 05:06 PM.


                          I wish T Mobile would work around here, which is stupid that it doesn't, since they use AT&T's towers. I wouldn't mind getting unlimited everything for like 49 dollars a month. I realize if you use over 2 gigs of data, they slow it down. I've got the Go Phone deal with AT&T, it's 50 dollars a month for unlimited everything (assuming you don't have a smartphone), if you do, you have to pay like 25 dollars for 1 gig of data. Thank God for WiFi.


                            Originally posted by Leung View Post
                            Ralphie i'm not sure if you have heard about Verizon restructuring their plans and whatnot but they are going to a "share" based one.

                            you can read more here.

                            I still have my unlimited data but from everything i have read, i will be forced out of it if i switched phones after this new plan goes into effect. I don't use more than 2 or 3 gigs in a month BUT i like having unlimited. The only way i will give that up is if my monthly bill drops to something acceptable to make up the difference.

                            Now back to the gorilla glass, the my droid X came with it and it seems much better than the one on the Maxx. I sometimes keep my keys in my front pocket and i must have mistakenly put them in the same pocket as my maxx which is how it got its small scratch. I always thought that gorilla glass was shatter and scratch resistant not proof.

                            I don't believe i have ICS yet but then again it hasn't prompted me for an update yet. I just read an article that they starting rolling out updates three days ago.
                            Holy fucks.

                            Man I fucking hate Verizon LOL.

                            Well it says in that article that for now existing customers are fine but obv they broke their promise before when they made legacy unlimited customers take tiered plans.


                              well after watching this brief video about what ICS is going to bring to the razr, i can't wait.

