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wow.....the whole USA is out to get Bonds aren't they?

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    wow.....the whole USA is out to get Bonds aren't they?

    when i have kids... im banning tv period! im gettin them little kid movies and thatz it.

    :Back In Business...

    Well said fizz.... that is true though., Just saw it on in the sports section of the USA today..


      Originally posted by RyderzUnlimited
      when i have kids... im banning tv period! im gettin them little kid movies and thatz it.
      thats retarded

      Owner of


        bonds is a pussy, hes guilty. he ratted out everyone else to cover his roided ass. hes a piece of shit.
        [deevergote]" It's not the car that makes the ricer... it's the ricer that ruins the car!"


          mcguire never admitted, sosa never admitted, palmero never admitted but they went in front of congress. fuck bonds.
          [deevergote]" It's not the car that makes the ricer... it's the ricer that ruins the car!"


            i think kids should watch tv, but whats sports coming to, if these so called roll models are setting horrible examples for those who want to grow up and be like them. Yes, people make mistakes, but these guys are getting paid millions of bucks and should set a good example for all of their fans, young and old. they need to remember that their mistakes dont just affect them and that it affects the fans, the sport itself, and their team members..bonds you could have done it without the steroids...but now you must suffer the consequences
            Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


              Originally posted by Accord R33
              thats retarded

              Yeah it really is


                i give my kids guns and make them watch BET all day


                  you have your point of view i have mine. get over it. i have watched plenty of espn and there have been concerns that he may have told on some players he knew that take roids. i just dont like him i honestly feel he used roids i know he doesnt anymore.
                  [deevergote]" It's not the car that makes the ricer... it's the ricer that ruins the car!"


                    The information about Bonds provided to The Chronicle was corroborated by a source familiar with Anderson. The source told The Chronicle that the weight trainer had obtained steroids and human growth hormone for Bonds dating back to the 2001 season. That was the year the Giants outfielder broke baseball's storied single-season record for home runs -- hitting 73.
                    [deevergote]" It's not the car that makes the ricer... it's the ricer that ruins the car!"


                      How old is Bonds anyway? I'm with Fizz on this one, if I have kids in the future I dont want my kid looking up to some stranger either..Id rather him look up to me or his mother..better to follow the parents then some stranger they dont even know.

                      Bonds seemingly loves the game of Baseball but no one not even the fucking media cant get off his back. And for the other players..shit if they want their balls to be the size of raisins...fuck it its their problem not ours.

                      This fucking country is so intent on making things right, with TV , the way people live , other countries lives..(including 3rd world countries).

                      We're the supposed world police...Cuba hates us (even though illegal immegrants come here) N. Korea I see loves to taunt us and keep us on edge..and I laugh because the country tends to worry more about countries over seas then anything thats happening here, homelessness, violence rate in cities..unemployment etc.

                      We're going to war still to liberate a country thats always gonna have other people popping up...its kinda like that stupid arcade game where you bop the hit one another pops up..hit another then another pops up etc.

                      We have a drunk for a president whos running a country cant even correctly speak when it comes to making speeches, basically lied about the whole WMD (although we did find some), I just think him winning the election was a fucking conspiracy.

                      In all if any althelete wants to do what ever the hell they want to do, so be it if they want srunken testicles (size of raisins) its their body.
                      Henry R
                      1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                      1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                      Legend FSM

                      'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                      made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                        boo hoo... poor bonds...

                        should we pity him because he made a mistake? no.
                        should he just admit that he did a mistake? yes.

                        everybody is making a big deal over this because he cant fess up and just admit that he made a mistake. bonds is too big headed, too macho to do so. blame the media that yer knee's all jacked up, blame the media that your not able to play. i agree that its getting old, but bonds is a cry baby.

                        S A N D I E G O


                          finally someone sees my point, he is a fucking pussy. hell never admit that he was roided, its so obvious but hey i have my opinion fizz you have cant always be right you know, no need to act like an ass because i dont see your point of view......
                          [deevergote]" It's not the car that makes the ricer... it's the ricer that ruins the car!"


                            Originally posted by phonts69
                            boo hoo... poor bonds...

                            should we pity him because he made a mistake? no.
                            should he just admit that he did a mistake? yes.

                            everybody is making a big deal over this because he cant fess up and just admit that he made a mistake. bonds is too big headed, too macho to do so. blame the media that yer knee's all jacked up, blame the media that your not able to play. i agree that its getting old, but bonds is a cry baby.
                            Phonts damn whereve you been? I didnt realize you were long gone until you just posted.
                            Henry R
                            1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                            1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                            Legend FSM

                            'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                            made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                              I say let him be... Hell, if he says he didn't use roids, he didn't use roids. If he did, so what? I mean, drugs don't give skill, just strength. I SERIOUSLY doubt that if I took drugs, I would an amazing ball player. The man is talented, regardless of what he did or did not take.

                              If he made a mistake, he's NOT going to admit it now! I mean, he would get crucified! I certainly wouldn't admit it once the public has already made up their minds... even if I did do it! (kinda like OJ... we all think he did it, but will he ever say so? probably not, even if he did)

