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Homeless man beaten to death by police

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    Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
    I personally think the race issues arises for minorities stems from the fact that people treated blacks like shit for so long, and what real reason? The negative black people (just like any negative people in any race), came from years of hatred and disgust that was fueled by negative America. It didn't happen over night. More like decades of hatred. It wont be corrected overnight either.
    I agree ^ and have my own view that you may not like. But they weren't the first to feel true racism, the natives were. But blacks got equal rights could enlist in the military all that but it was segregated then after segregation or around there HIV/AIDS was created. Real shit. 70's came heroin 80's crack 90's machine guns 00 entertainment just senseless shit coming out of TV with black people partaking in it. And now 2012 so many black people with privileged how could their be racism right? HA yeah its really out there. Making people stupid with entertainment keeping them doped up and and spreading AIDS that's real population control.

    See there was conflict in Africa, then there was the slave trade. Whom the Portuguese traded with the East India Company (Britain) in America. Because America is founded on drugs and addiction. Weed, cocaine, coffee, tea and sugar were shipped over the pond. And the east india trade company wanted more laborers to fill the addiction of Europe. It was easy. Now the thing is that Only about 15% of all slaves ended up in America (united states) as we know it. About 40% ended up in Brazil. I believe under 3% ended up near what is considered today mexico to panama (because Spain didn't actually sell slaves they only transported them). The rest is scattered abouts. So you could blame Portugal or Britain for bringing your ancestors over here or blame your ancestors for being sell outs and selling their own people. Honestly with out slaves america would not be where its at now. Thats the truth.

    Now it brings me to my second point. Africa IS HUGE!!! It has all the resources and everything any one would need there. Truthfully, do you think That white people have suppressed africans in there own land? Hell no, the africans just blow donkey kong winnie and have never accomplished much. Think about that. Since the begining of time people havent hated africans. But you do have to ask yourself WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY THE ONLY ONES IN ONE BIG ASS CONTINENT ? If all people supposedly started in africa wouldnt you think africa would be ruler of the world by now? Look at the project buildings in Chicago hell any city now, they get brand new buildings mainly filled with africans and with in under 10 years it turns to shit. IT TURNS TO SHIT! Why would that give any one a bad preception on a community? IDK... Just my opinion I dont think slavery was right hell if it was up to me the British Portuguese dutch and Spanish should have kept there asses across the pond and never have brought Africans. But that's not how history goes.

    Sorry ive digressed so much and the spelling and puncuation errors.


      I don't care what any of y'all say. Y'all have y'all out looks, and I have mine. If you don't like it, kiss my ass. My point stands, and it has logic to it.

      ...and I still have love for the forum, no matter how opinionated you all are. Even if it's the complete opposite of mine.
      The Lord watches over me!

      "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

      - D. Chappelle


        The white male- The group that feels the most oppressed.


          Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
          You were correct about one thing, Scott. Racial tension is more hidden than spoken, to paraphrase your thoughts. I personally experience this while in school at the present. I really don't need to go into details as I'm too tired to debate. The rest you are ignorant about because you never walked in anyone else's shoes. You can only go off of what you see and read, and the same goes for Mike and myself as well. You don't/can't understand what some people experience. We are all in different parts of the country involved with different classes, clusters of racial groups, bias, stereotypes, etc.

          To reiterate, what is sooooo damn suspicious about a man walking through a gated community in the rain with a hood on?

          I can tell you what raises concern when police receive a call about vandalizing property. Was the color of his skin a factor? I have the slightest, nor do any of you. For all we know, the officers weren't getting laid at home.

          The older I get, the more I see how ignorant the world can be. I very rarely use the N-word, but was called it by someone of Asian decent recently. Did they mean it in a negative way? Probably not, and if it wasn't for having an understanding of language barriers and ignorance, I would've gotten upset.

          Change of pace to get back on topic, does racism exist? I'm sure it probably does, but it's hidden and subtle. I think for most of America we've passed a huge point that now suggests everybody comes together during needed times. Things are probably more class basis if anything (and this probably isn't the case for most of America after what we've been through for the last few years).
          Actually, I was right about EVERYTHING.

          You know exactly as much about walking "in other people's shoes" as anybody else. Probably less because not only are you NOT a race changing individual (just like everyone else), but I beat you with life experience by quite a number of years. Don't even TRY to tell me what I know about life kiddo. You have lost that war before it ever began. It also takes some pretty big, ignorant balls to even insinuate you know a damn thing about me, my life, or my experience.

          The cold hard FACT is that this crime has as much chance for "racial" motivation as the Treyvon Martin case you got your panties into an uproar about... Like it or don't, it is a FACT, because ultimately we don't know in either case. Don't preach objectivity to me son unless you can back it up.

          The funny thing is that you just proved my point even MORE clearly, because you just attempted to slide a reverse racist comment by with your attempt to tell me I don't know anything because I am not a "minority." Not only is that total bullshit, but it is a CLASSIC illustration of my point. You essentially discounted anything I attempted to say and attempted to belittle my position based on my race. Because your comment just now was racially motivated, I find it humorous to point out that you must be racist.

          P.S. The rest of your post is essentially fluff to make it appear as though your argument has more merit than it does. Which by the way, you attempted to tell me that I didn't know (which is precisely what I claimed in the first place), and then shot yourself in the foot by arguing what Mike and I had already said.
          Last edited by owequitit; 05-09-2012, 06:27 PM.
          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


            Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
            I personally think the race issues arises for minorities stems from the fact that people treated blacks like shit for so long, and what real reason? The negative black people (just like any negative people in any race), came from years of hatred and disgust that was fueled by negative America. It didn't happen over night. More like decades of hatred. It wont be corrected overnight either.
            1) What did me or any of my ancestors do to treat black people like shit? Especially considering that A) none of my family was even here pre-Civil War, and B) they all emmigrated to parts of the country that would have been "Yankees" anyway? To further the concept, what about all 100,000 or so white men that died so you wouldn't have to live like that anymore? Why focus on the bad stuff and not all of the stuff white people did to HELP you? We tore our country flat apart and had brothers murdering each other so that people they didn't even know could have a better life. Why is that never talked about?

            2) Why don't you explain to me how all of my relatives that were fleeing economic poverty and religious persecution suffered any less that you did, what with leaving their families, dying on the trip over and then being welcomed by hate mobs and racism. Have you ever taken the time to learn about the hatred and intolerance the Irish, German and Italian immigrants were forced to endure? How about the economic squalor they were forced to live in? Nearly 100% of the mobs of the 19th century came to be because of these conditions...

            The worst part? In an attempt to indoctrinate themselves into the society, they literally whitewashed all of their culture and heritage in an attempt to get their children to interact with others. Entire languages and cultures were lost. If my ancestors had celebrated their heritage and culture the way minorities now are able to, we would have National German Immigrant Month, Italian Heritage Month, and we would likely have at least 2 or 3 additional holidays. If language had been preserved, I would be fluent in French, Italian, German, and probably one or two other languages, because they would have continued to be spoken in the house, and carried on (the way Hispanics do now). I would very strongly argue that it is the older immigrants in this country that made it so much easier to be an immigrant now. You don't think the Italian, German, Chinese, Korean etc neighborhoods originally formed because of a heightened sense of camaraderie do you? Nope. Most of them formed because they were huge blocks and neighborhoods of rat infested slums that were all the immigrants could afford.

            The reality is that there isn't a minority in this country today, other than those who have come directly from 3rd world countries, that can understand the kind of shit that was common in the past.

            3) If you look at it from a pure genetic standpoint, "white" people are actually more diverse than any minority, because they have a great washing of genes from all over the world. Include the current inter-racially accepted forms of mating, and the pool is only getting more diverse. Is a white guy really not "diverse" if he is made of 13 or 14 different cultures, races, and backgrounds?

            4) When outrun on the racial issue, you then changed your very pointed previous statement about race and "walking in other people's shoes" to something about economic class.

            Are you aware that only about 5-7% of the US is actually living below the poverty line? According to your own argument, doesn't that mean that only 5-7% of people have the right to be "biased?" And of those 5-7% that have the right to be biased, doesn't it include ALL races?

            To expand on this point, how do you explain that I grew up in a lower class family, with no money, minimum wage jobs and absolutely ZERO financial assistance? Is it ok for me to be biased against those that get financial assistance? Am I entitled to be racist against rich black people who came from wealthy homes? How do you explain that not only did I come from a low class family (we were lower middle-class by the time I went to college), but still got ZERO additional help for college compared to the people who were in the upper echelons of society? How do you explain that I was automatically made ineligible for TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in scholarships because I was white (even though I was also poor)? How do you explain that people making a lot more money than my parents had kids who were eligible for help because of the color of their skin, background, class etc, even though I outperformed many of them academically? How do you explain that the average person who is CURRENTLY lower class has a higher standard of living than I do (more gross income, more TV's, etc), but I don't qualify for help when I am practically unemployed most summers?

            You gonna answer those questions for me, or are you too busy walking in "other people's shoes?"

            But see, I don't dwell on it until called out by inexperienced people such as yourself who try to use their supposed position of inferiority to tell me that I don't understand what it is like to be poor when they really have no clue what I know about. Yes, I have eaten bread for dinner, and yes I have gone hungry on more than one occasion. Not because of my parents mind you, although I know they did for my benefit. Just a word of life advice, you may to learn how to NOT assume that you are in a superior position to someone else because of something that you evaluate to be more significant than it is. To assume that nobody but you has suffered is not only patently false, it is naive. To assume that only you have known poverty, racism, bias, hatred, abuse etc is more of the same. Opening minds works on ALL sides of the aisle.
            Last edited by owequitit; 05-09-2012, 07:00 PM.
            The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


              Again, you have your out look, and I have mine. I'm too old with too much going on to be typing out page long rebuttals about a topic that will always be arguable. America was built on different (fill in the blank with a bias) _________ ist. Get over it. It's present. Some times, actually more times than none, it can't be proven. Some experience it more than others, so understand it happens.

              When millions of white, hispanic, black, and any other race come together and believe that the attack on Mr. Martin stemmed from racial tension, well, that's called a theory. Theories hold a lot of weight in this world. It's one of the reason your able to fly those precious planes that you love so damn much. Accept it


              This incident, as I clearly said, may or may not be. I don't know.

              You always want to argue. Are you sexually frustrated or something?
              The Lord watches over me!

              "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

              - D. Chappelle


                Originally posted by Straight Success View Post

                You always want to argue. Are you sexually frustrated or something?
                Every discussion... EVERY discussion... ends with you flinging direct insults at people.

                I won't ban anybody in this thread simply because I'm the dumbass that started the whole discussion down that path in the first place. I should have known better.

