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Trayvon Martin.

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    Originally posted by deevergote View Post
    I'm interested to see where it goes. Still, Zimmerman pursued against the instructions of the 911 operator, and in my mind, that makes him the aggressor. It will take quite a bit of strong evidence in his defense to convince me otherwise.
    They are actually saying now that when the 911 operator told him "they didnt need him to do that" he went back to his vehicle.

    I dont remember if it was Nancy grace, but it was some BS show like that-that said he was hit in the back of the head as he was entering his vehicle-follwing instruction. The today show confirmed the police report claims he was attacked while getting back into his vehicle, but does not state thats when he sustained the injury.

    They both say that was when the fight ensued, at which point he shot the kid.

    I dunno man, I think this is an evolving story that maybe never made the "press" in the first place because it was an open/close deal. Maybe the cops could've investigated more, and thats what fueled this from square one.

    If the kid attacked zimmerman from behind after going back to his vehicle per 911, and thats where the wound on the back of his head came from-its hard to argue why he shot the kid.

    The parents have also stopped calling it a race thing, and started calling it a "right vs wrong" thing.

    Oh yeah, one more thing. They made it CLEAR on the today show this morning, that even though 911 operator told him to stop following, he didnt legally have to and the operator had no authority to tell him to do anything.

    I mean CLEAR.

    I was pretty surprised since ladyg was saying they are all sheriffs employees or something to that effect and implied that they did have some sort of authority.

    Anyways, its terrible that as the real story is getting released by the police, or atleast the story they put in the report- now it looks more like zimmerman was justified. Look at the national attention this issue is getting, with race in mind, and this guy might have been 200% right for shooting this kid.


    This is quoted from abc;

    Originally posted by abc local news

    Lee, the police chief, said in a statement that the police dispatcher's "suggestion" to Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Martin "is not a lawful order that Mr. Zimmermann would be required to follow."

    "Mr. Zimmerman's statement was that he had lost sight of Trayvon and was returning to his truck to meet the police officer when he says he was attacked by Trayvon," Lee said.

    Shitty deal, people rush to judgement and then you cannot take it back. Theres a lot of black people that genuinely believe this kid was targeted for being black.

    What if he wasn't?

    You cannot unring this bell, the damage has already been done.
    Last edited by toycar; 03-22-2012, 09:10 AM.
    Originally posted by wed3k
    im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


      It's lies. Open your eyes.

      It was once stated the he approached Trayvon asking questions. Trayvon responded with a question. It then sounded like pushing an d shoving from the girlfriend's statement, then the phone went dead.

      toycar, it sounds like, from all of your post, that you are glad Zimmerman shot this kid. Seriously, it's people like like you, who supports Zimmerman's actions, that make/create situations like this. You aren't part of the solution, better yet fueling the problem. Grow up.
      The Lord watches over me!

      "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

      - D. Chappelle


        I agree with that last part 100%. I'm completely against racism, but cries of racism where it doesn't exist do more harm to all races than good.

        If Martin did attack Zimmerman as he was attempting to enter his vehicle, then that changes things considerably. Martin would then be the ultimate aggressor in this situation. I still feel that Zimmerman went beyond his duties as watchman in his pursuit, when he should have followed the advise of the 911 operator (authority or not, that instruction matters in this case.) I also feel that shooting Martin was an excessive use of force, although after getting whacked in the back of the head (if that is what happened) I can see how one could think differently in the moment.

        Going back to mr_naler's thread about carrying a weapon... this is a situation that could be used as an argument AGAINST carrying a gun. Had Zimmerman been carrying a taser or pepper spray, or even a less lethal weapon like a club of some sort, Martin might be alive today to give his side of the story. Then the only charges either would be facing would be assault charges. Martin would not have lost his life, and Zimmerman would not be looking at being in jail until he's well into his middle years.

        I do support gun ownership, but this is a clear illustration of the potential consequences of carrying a weapon that you intend to use. It's the potential for a situation like this that causes me to not carry a gun of my own.


          toycar, just use logic. Trayvon is half Zimmerman's size, unarmed with the exception of some skittles. Where's the threat?

          This is murder stemming from one being racially profiled. Period.
          The Lord watches over me!

          "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

          - D. Chappelle


            Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
            It's lies. Open your eyes.

            It was once stated the he approached Trayvon asking questions. Trayvon responded with a question. It then sounded like pushing an d shoving from the girlfriend's statement, then the phone went dead.

            toycar, it sounds like, from all of your post, that you are glad Zimmerman shot this kid. Seriously, it's people like like you, who supports Zimmerman's actions, that make/create situations like this. You aren't part of the solution, better yet fueling the problem. Grow up.
            He's examining the evidence as it comes in. He hasn't condemned the man on a limited amount of 2nd and 3rd hand information provided immediately after the incident. NONE of us know all the details yet, so all we can do is speculate.

            You've already decided that Zimmerman is a racist murderer... and that's fine. I just hope, for his sake, that such people aren't on his jury. Murderer or not, he deserves a fair trial, with ALL the evidence considered.


              Ok, I was just saying yesterday how proud I was of this community, being able to carry on this discussion maturely, even looking at both sides of things.

              Now it's turned into a "I'm right and you're wrong" game, and we're done. If we can't intelligently discuss all angles, then it's not a discussion. A thread with page after page of people agreeing with each other wouldn't be much more than the beginnings of a lynch mob, now would it?

              A pity. I thought maybe we finally grew up.

