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pricks with power Thanks for deleting my threadw

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    pricks with power Thanks for deleting my threadw

    Id like the text I typed back too, it was about how I've gotten to here. Returned to say hi to the OG's

    "If we don't believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we don't believe in it at all"
    Noam Chomsky

    I express some serious concern for people and I enlighten them on my turn around the journey that's brought me to here and it gets deleted!

    I swear if this gets deleted *without an explanation or informing me (after all I've contributed to this place) I'm going to DoS the hell out of the server holding this thread so we can all be silenced!

    I was going to post pictures with my thread and my add me now before this gets deleted... oh and I have a new hot girlfriend too ud know all about it if my text wasn't stolen from me. Its not like I wasn't concious about my post. I firmly believe I was being silenced irrationally, and against something called "morally free speech"
    I want my damn text back! Either explain the problem and PM it to me or repost it - please!

    Kenya, Africa:

    I walked a mile in this guys shoes... literally. I gave him mine cuz he kept getting rocks in his shoes cuz they were shit and our group kept having to wait up for him. So I gave him my shoes.

    Again in Kenya:

    Free American Hero Private Bradley Manning - the man responsible for ending the Iraq war! The american mass media won't. Show you this on the idiot box!

    I'm on the left passing out handouts. Trying to inform sheeple, wake them up.

    Me with our group WeAreChangeFL

    Say what you want, I've been researching this stuff for 6 years now. I don't believe anything I hear/see/read, regardless of the source! I use science reason and logic - and an open mind to come to terms with reality. The truth has set me free - I sleep well at night knowing all the horrible chaotic things going on in this world!

    I'm out there fighting for your freedoms!! The NDAA act is a war on the people - says the hundreds of sheriffs vowing to protect you from the militiarys now legal ability to arrest detain kill any citizen they please. This stuff is real don't take my concern for fear or paranoia anyone looking at this with a logical open mind would be rightfully concerned!

    Now i'd like my text back if there's nothing wrong with it this is America I've contributed in cash more than a months worth of server time to this forum and I've been here longer than most not to mention the entertainment and technical Information that I have provided I think I deserve a little dignity to not get my posts deleted. This sort of oprresion isn't cool (I'm aware this is cb7tuner duh) its the kind of oppression that SOPA wants to bring and mostly all of you are our generation so let's get real, our freedoms, our free speech, our internetz is in danger! The global Elite don't care cuz they can just keep disassembling the constitution piece by piece by way of false flag terrorism operations and antipiracy acts etc.

    Please add me on facebook! I'm always speaking out and never getting silenced there.

    WTF is wrong with you? Your other thread was deleted because of your title. And no, not by me, so don't start whining and bitching about it to me. Now you're calling that mod a prick? AND you expect a favor? Good luck.

    1999 BMW M3
    2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
    2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
    2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


      I'm sorry, you're going to DDOS the server with this site? So my server. Very cool my man. I'm half tempted to delete it to start that battle with you. I'm going to leave that up to another mod since it's a conflict of interest for me.

      That's really great that you've been here way longer than anyone else and you've donated money to the site. Of course that should grant you an entitled opinion with the powers that be here.

      I didn't delete your thread but I damn well want to delete this one.

      If any mod wants to delete this thread, don't let his threats get in the way.
      My Car
      FREE Web hosting solutions


        Awesome reactions!

        I'm only here spreading these words for your benefit! The will some of you have not to change, to reply with insult, or just generally reply without intent to comprehend or debate, or to prove otherwise really shows me just how crazy this situation is. There's been a serious undermining of science in this country.

        If all or any of what I am saying is true, how would you even know if you are not open to the possibility of it???

        Please only reply if you want to debate me scientifically... otherwise I'm sorry I couldn't help you or learn from you.

        Martial Law began today in America by the way, here's the news from RT:

        (FIXED LINK)

        I ask (only once) you visit these sites, then tell me why I am wrong. You have no opinion without research or sources or knowledge of the matter.

        Oh and don't try to throw some "debunker website at me - they are all clones of each other and out of date - they all share the same database same code. No rational person who's looked that far into the science believes the cover up anymore! (1600 Architects and engineers and most 911 family members) (911 family members cry for help)

        AE 911Truth: WATCH THIS VIDEO, then present your arguement to me! (PM me) Its 15 minutes (the most important 15 minutes of your life!)

        5 minute video showing everything I'm speaking out about:
        Last edited by Turbo Dave; 03-01-2012, 10:53 PM.


          Originally posted by Pandemic View Post
          I'm sorry, you're going to DDOS the server with this site? So my server. Very cool my man. I'm half tempted to delete it to start that battle with you. I'm going to leave that up to another mod since it's a conflict of interest for me.

          That's really great that you've been here way longer than anyone else and you've donated money to the site. Of course that should grant you an entitled opinion with the powers that be here.

          I didn't delete your thread but I damn well want to delete this one.

          If any mod wants to delete this thread, don't let his threats get in the way.
          No see you and joshm as well as other mods I know would have the decency to message me or inform me, or admit you did delete it... I'm not calling you a prick or anyone.Thats just the title of my thread about the global elite.. I just forgot to hit the period button hard enough. See the capital T next to it?

          And if any mod deletes my thread and they don't have enough human respect to message me why before deleting it again aftter I've threatened to knock down a serverr they are no t making very good judgement calls if all it takes is a little respect the second time around, I'm not threatening anyone I'm just asking to be treated like a contributing OG, If I've posted something that explicit then Its understandable if it gets deleted, just a little courtesy would be nice though.


            Now I am a little ticked at off of some of you unpatriotic folks.

            Why don't you get a glimpse of what this attitude you present let's happen in this world. You won't hear this on American Media, but its fact. No American Mainstream Media reported this once, then once on their website.

            Not to mention Bradley Manning - the man mostly resbonsible for ending the iraq war... he's being held in solitairy confinement - for reporting war crimes of the US militairy - something that's international law - you have to report war crimes.



              Originally posted by Turbo Dave View Post
              Id like the text I typed back too, it was about how I've gotten to here. Returned to say hi to the OG's

              I swear if this gets deleted *without an explanation or informing me (after all I've contributed to this place) I'm going to DoS the hell out of the server holding this thread so we can all be silenced!
              You already have an explanation - Or don't you read the rules?

              Originally posted by Turbo Dave View Post
              No see you and joshm as well as other mods I know would have the decency to message me or inform me, or admit you did delete it... I'm not calling you a prick or anyone.Thats just the title of my thread about the global elite.. I just forgot to hit the period button hard enough. See the capital T next to it?

              And if any mod deletes my thread and they don't have enough human respect to message me why before deleting it again aftter I've threatened to knock down a serverr they are no t making very good judgement calls if all it takes is a little respect the second time around, I'm not threatening anyone I'm just asking to be treated like a contributing OG, If I've posted something that explicit then Its understandable if it gets deleted, just a little courtesy would be nice though.

              I deleted your thread.
              I've been busy today working, and hadn't seen this thread till now.

              But hey thanks for publicly calling me a prick, I'll make sure I remember that in the future

              Tell me, what makes you think you are exempt from the rules that everyone else follows?

              Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

              My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

              A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

              If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


                Originally posted by Honda_Lady
                I wish you would go ahead and delete this thread.
                Yeah I'm sure this stuff scares you I'm sorry but its th truth don't be scared its not a big deal if you just look at it and be open minded about it that's how change occurs - hundreds of 911 family members are crying out for a new 911 investigation even sarah palin and ron paul support a new 911 investigation...

                These horrible people are just people they can be arrested just like anyone else we just have to take responsibility for the things around us. No ones gonna get hurt if we all know what "could be" happening.

                I'm not trying to scare people, they should be concerned yes... especially if they can't present to me a valid arguement of why I am wrong - people can turn a blind eye to science and be ok with it. That's not a good thing. Science is how you proove things this is a car forum I would expect the people here to be logical smart people who understand science and mechanics...

                There are hundredsof sheriffs already claiming what ivebeen claiming, they've united, they will protect us from martial law! Do not worry!


                  Originally posted by evil_demon_01 View Post
                  You already have an explanation - Or don't you read the rules?

                  I deleted your thread.
                  I've been busy today working, and hadn't seen this thread till now.

                  But hey thanks for publicly calling me a prick, I'll make sure I remember that in the future

                  Tell me, what makes you think you are exempt from the rules that everyone else follows?
                  Lol you are no longer a prick for speaking out! so says I... Technically it was the name of my thread about the global elite. Damn that period button.

                  Now as far as the rules... Well I don't think I'm exempt, except for If you took the time if anyone took the time to see what Iwas saying, I think they'd realize things need to be spoken out about once in a while. This isn't a workplace, and I'm sorry you personally are not a US citizen, I don't think you have the ability to see things how they are over here, martial law started here today - not in the uk.

                  I am trying the best I know how to communicate this information. I don't have time (again) to talk abot my recoverey I've dropped everything I'm doing for this.

                  People can make fun but without a real valid scientific response they are just being kids,

                  A lot has vhanged with me. I've been here a long time, contributed a lot, and I'm trying to urge peole too look at something that ISN'T POLITICAL ANYMORE!!! (And has so far not had one scientific factual rebutall) Martial Law is here!!!


                  I'm not yelling this is jus IMPORTANT ok?


                    Originally posted by Turbo Dave View Post
                    Lol you are no longer a prick for speaking out! so says I... Technically it was the name of my thread about the global elite. Damn that period button.

                    Now as far as the rules... Well I don't think I'm exempt, except for If you took the time if anyone took the time to see what Iwas saying, I think they'd realize things need to be spoken out about once in a while. This isn't a workplace, and I'm sorry you personally are not a US citizen, I don't think you have the ability to see things how they are over here, martial law started here today - not in the uk.
                    #1 - You still called me out, I don't HAVE to explain myself to you in the first place.

                    #2 - Your first thread was deleted because of the title.
                    So clearly you wrote your title, and then accepted the consequences of the title, and then had the thread deleted.

                    #3 - I'm not from the UK . . . .
                    Also the fact that I'm not a US citizen has absolutely no effect on this forum.

                    #4 - This thread is soon to be deleted.

                    Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

                    My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

                    A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

                    If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


                      I don't take kindly to threats.
                      All I see is: *political bullshit, political bullshit, IF ANYONE DELETES MY THREAD I'M TAKING DOWN THE SERVER, political bullshit, political bullshit..."

                      So if you want to threaten my website because my staff enforces the rules that you can't seem to follow... then leave. You will not be missed.

