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    Originally posted by Ralphie
    I voted for Obama, not for the Hype or for the fact that he was black, but because i thought he had a good shot, even though he wasn't as experienced as others, that with some guidance and his personality, he could do great things.
    I gave the guy a chance also .. I was all stoked for "change" .. but last I checked ...
    the "change" in my pockets is becoming thinner and thinner as time and his term moves on.

    And yeah, you're VERY right in that, he had NO experiance .. NONE!
    At least Colin Powell was a general, served in the US Forces, held various posts in the pentagon,
    and was an assistant to the president for national security affairs .. just to name a few ..

    This guy we have now? Phht!

    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


      Originally posted by Ralphie
      Someone on the tv made an interesting argument...

      when Ms.Reagan pushed Say No......they didn't inspect kids backpacks/perform person searches...

      they pushed it through intelligent and properly directed EDUCATION....
      I saw and heard that .. nevertheless, how'd that work out?
      I'm not saying that these aren't good guide-lines to live by.

      I am tho, agreeing with you that there are many, MANY better ways to go about it!
      To stomp your foot down and MAKE it a policy to inspect home lunches ..
      To amend the religious exemption for mandatory birth-control ....
      To try and DO AWAY with my "old" light bulbs and use something else ..
      To suggest that we go small and electric in what we drive .. while you sprallll out in that tinted Limo ...

      When is it too much for anyone?

      My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


        Great! The More I Reserach ... The More Disgusted I Become!

        That's the way to set an example ....

        My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


          Originally posted by Ralphie
          Someone on the tv made an interesting argument...

          when Ms.Reagan pushed Say No......they didn't inspect kids backpacks/perform person searches...

          they pushed it through intelligent and properly directed EDUCATION....
          We still had human rights.

          Let me just say that a 1%'r told me Obama will be back in office, maybe not this election or the one after but certainly with in 3 elections.

          Really I think they just sit around and some one comes up with a bunch of random ideas and throws them in a hat for the president to draw. Thats how this country is ran for its citizens like a fucking joke.

          P.S. I think michel obama is about as ugly as oprah. lol


            Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
            You should elaborate. I've felt the same way since I was your age.
            The Nixon administration? Wow! And he was impeached! Know how young I was then?
            My values may have changed, as most of ours do upon growing older, and wiser!
            But my political beliefs, opinions, and general overall conviction for all that I thought we stood for,
            as a country, as a people, is surely a topic for all the ages concerned.

            Or so I've always thought ..
            do you have any kids that is effected by any of this? can't access the other threads

            young then, old now. growing older.... yes but not everyone who grows old gets wiser... just saying. this is not an age restricted discussion, you've mistaken my comment

            i've seen enough to know that most people are dumb and that they need the best choice made for them. i'm not saying i'm smart, but more so than the norm according to my iq/scholastic tests atlease

            lets be real, you think this is healthy?

            freedom is good, i like it but it is a privilege


              Michelle Obama is nothing more than a celebrity. Mrs Obama telling people what to eat, and suggesting methods of providing our kids with better nutrition, is no different than Oprah telling you what books you should read, or Martha Stewart telling you what stocks you should buy ( )

              The thing is, the way schools handle things is decided locally. The federal government isn't going to dictate how and what your kids eat... your local government and school board will determine that. You have very direct access to these things, and you can vote on them (and at such a level, your vote will actually make a difference.) Don't like something? Change it. Don't bitch about it.

              However, if I was a bad parent and allowed my 10 year old to be 200lbs because I can't deny him a Twinkie whenever he wants one, I would HOPE someone in his school would care enough to say something.


                Y Bb So Fat??



                  Originally posted by Ralphie
                  Not sure what country you live in, but freedom is a right....not a privilege.

                  Driving is a privilege.

                  Someone died for you to have the right to discus this.
                  i use to think it was a right when i was juvenile

                  if you think you have the freedom to do whatever you want because it is your right then pretty much you can go commit some crime without any consequences. seeing as how it is your right and you are entitled to freedom. you are not going to get 100% freedom, i'm sure we can both agree to that. if you are not entitled to 100% of your freedom is that still a right or is it just a privilege because of the restrictions?

                  please mention the constitution regarding the right to freedom cause i would love to discuss the voting and equality of the minorities, african americans, females and the poor whites. tons of freedom right there

                  you might want to retract your last comment since i was a former employee of the DoD


                    ^ you've just violated an agreement punishable by prison time. i know this because ive worked for yhe three letters.


                      Originally posted by 8ball View Post
                      ^ you've just violated an agreement punishable by prison time. i know this because ive worked for yhe three letters.
                      what are you talking about?


                        Wow... such a lack of focus, and such hostility from someone who previously removed himself from this discussion.

                        So providing our children with healthy food in our tax-funded public schools is a violation of freedom?

                        Has anyone actually researched what is (or at least was) the topic being discussed here, or is everyone just assuming that Tomi's link to a Yahoo Answers post is pure fact?


                        That's the official site. That's actually what I was looking for when I mentioned that Michelle Obama has no political power. She doesn't, but our government DOES seem to be taking steps officially. She is merely acting as the figurehead celebrity. To me, it looks like what everyone is saying we SHOULD be doing, as if we're doing anything else.

                        If there's some "mob guy" rooting through the packed lunches of children and telling them that their meals are wrong, then that particular instance is being handled poorly. It means that particular instance should be addressed, and corrected. It does not mean all who are involved are stupid, or that the entire initiative is without merit. It does not mean we are rolling over and surrendering our freedom.
                        In fact, this is our government. The freedom that is our RIGHT in this country is to have a government that we control. Rather than getting upset about Queen Obama doing things we hate, why not educate ourselves, get involved, and DO something about it?


                          Alright, Damnit. Here I am, doing what I shouldn't. :P

                          Dr. Paul said it very well.

                          You have the right to do as you wish with your freedom, until it infringes on the freedom of another individual.
                          You can't drink and drive, or commit felonious acts, because these actions infringe on another person's right to life or property.

                          The whole idea that any government (fed, state, local) should mandate ANYTHING. Vaccines, School Lunches, Who I decide to Marry....

                          These things violate our natural rights to be free of Government Intrusion.

                          That being said, I know some parents who have fat ass kids. They are poor (poorer that I, at least, which is pretty poor) and fresh food is more expensive that the processed food (often Corn Based) that is on the shelves.
                          Because the Fed Gov subsidizes corn, (and corn byproducts) Which keeps them cheap domestically. The Dept of Ag, the FDA are run by former higher ups in Food Producing Corporations so there is no incentive for the companies that produce these cheap empty calorie foods from doing ANYTHING to fix anything.

                          If we wanted to fix this, we could eliminate subsidy for large Corps who produce the drivel that makes the poor sick. If it is the job of the gov to assist farmers, than the money should be allocated to states, to fund smaller farms in communities.

                          My biggest "bitch" about the Fed's subsidization of food producers is that the food they "create" makes people sick in the long term, yet health services to deal with the sickness they create are considered "welfare", but not the Fed money spent to keep that food cheap.

                          General Mills about a year and a half ago started marketing their cereals as "Now having 40% less sugar". What they didn't say was the "sugar" they eliminated was replaced with hi fructose corn syrup. Isn't that pernicious?
                          Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                          That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                            Monica... I fed myself this entire week for $8. Healthy food. Veggies, grains, beans... enough that I was truly full by the time I finished dinner. All week, $8, and my shopping was done at a local supermarket (not the cheapest place around.) You can eat healthy even if you're poor.

                            Even so, if economic conditions are a factor in the obesity of some children, it's clearly not a problem with everyone... yet childhood obesity is a problem in all social and economic classes in the US. The unifying culture in the US is one of excess. We are a melting pot of cultural backgrounds with one thing in common... we want everything as big and plentiful as we can get it.

                            That's why we now have an "American-sized" VW Passat, that is different from the Passat offered in other countries. That is why when you go to Hong Kong, menus will say "Caution: American-sized portion".

                            This country is full of fat people. Unhealthy fat people.
                            Our government has educated our children about drug abuse (thanks to Nancy Reagan's efforts), and now we're doing the same with food. Education is what matters. The General Mills "40% less sugar" deal isn't a problem if people know how to read labels, so they can arrive at the same conclusion about the high fructose corn syrup (which does lack some of the more harmful attributes of sugar, but still isn't very good for you.)

                            We're not locking up 12 year olds for sucking down Twinkies... merely informing them that such things are harmful in excess. If our government is cracking down on tax-funded public school lunches, so be it. The government controls our tax money, and what it is used for. We control the government, so if you don't like it, get involved and change it! Or send your kids to private school, where your money goes directly to the school, and the people who make the decisions about it. They can stuff bacon-wrapped Twix down your kids' throats if that's how you want to raise them. (LadyG, only the first part of this reply was intended for you... the rest is just general ranting, as I know you're a good mom with healthy kids.)


                              Originally posted by LadyG View Post
                              Alright, Damnit. Here I am, doing what I shouldn't. :P

                              Dr. Paul said it very well.

                              You have the right to do as you wish with your freedom, until it infringes on the freedom of another individual.
                              You can't drink and drive, or commit felonious acts, because these actions infringe on another person's right to life or property.

                              The whole idea that any government (fed, state, local) should mandate ANYTHING. Vaccines, School Lunches, Who I decide to Marry....

                              These things violate our natural rights to be free of Government Intrusion.

                              That being said, I know some parents who have fat ass kids. They are poor (poorer that I, at least, which is pretty poor) and fresh food is more expensive that the processed food (often Corn Based) that is on the shelves.
                              Because the Fed Gov subsidizes corn, (and corn byproducts) Which keeps them cheap domestically. The Dept of Ag, the FDA are run by former higher ups in Food Producing Corporations so there is no incentive for the companies that produce these cheap empty calorie foods from doing ANYTHING to fix anything.

                              If we wanted to fix this, we could eliminate subsidy for large Corps who produce the drivel that makes the poor sick. If it is the job of the gov to assist farmers, than the money should be allocated to states, to fund smaller farms in communities.

                              My biggest "bitch" about the Fed's subsidization of food producers is that the food they "create" makes people sick in the long term, yet health services to deal with the sickness they create are considered "welfare", but not the Fed money spent to keep that food cheap.

                              General Mills about a year and a half ago started marketing their cereals as "Now having 40% less sugar". What they didn't say was the "sugar" they eliminated was replaced with hi fructose corn syrup. Isn't that pernicious?
                              ^ THIS

                              The feds say hmmm... lets fuck the food up add plastic and cancerous shit into the mix zap what limited veggies we provide then we sell them the cure when actually they should have never become sick.

                              I mean dont they want healthy and smart people to make america a REAL power not just a thought ? I guess once there was enough nukes they said fuckit population control time.

                              Even some 1% dont agree with this shit.

                              I mean I love America, but some one is pulling strings fucking shit up.


                                Just because unhealthy foods are cheap, and that cheapness is a result of government subsidization, doesn't mean someone is "pulling the strings".

                                An unhealthy meal is $3, because it contains 40% corn meal and is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup... cheaper thanks to government subsidies (which help our nation's farmers stay in business... the farmers that populate a good portion of the center of our country, and provide one of the few remaining "american made" products today... see, there's more involved that just "pulling strings"...)
                                A healthy meal is $4, because the cost is not subsidized by the government. It may take more effort to cook.

                                Had the government subsidies not been in place to make the unhealthy option cheaper, it wouldn't have much effect on the healthy option. A cheaper option isn't forcing you to buy it. The cheaper unhealthy option is not making the healthier option any more expensive. In fact, if demand increased for the healthier foods, prices may very well go down, as more companies would compete to provide the same products, driving down the price.
                                And as I said in my previous post... healthy eating CAN be done cheaply. It's pretty easy to do. I can do it, and I'm VERY lazy, with limited cooking skills.

