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Ok, Try it Again .. (apologies to all)

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    I don't like freedom i hope they take it all away

    I'm voting for obama for 2012 because i hope he turns this country into a shit hole so you will rage on internet forums

    Logically i would have an argument? yes if this was an argument where you could provide facts with proof. Unfortunately you post questionable sources. If you believe that then i will never make you think anything different because you are already pre disposed to believe anything anti government it seems.


      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      Why do we even have these threads? Simply understand that everyone wont agree with you when it comes to most things especially politics. Just place your damn vote when its time and cross your fingers and hope that the party you like win.



        Member's Ride Thread

        Originally posted by mercyboy
        I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car then win by an inch because someone else built it for me..your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book!


          Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
          No one is debating what is in a mcnugget

          People are debating weather or not the rest of the whole article is bullshit
          No shit Sherlock .. tell me something I don't know!
          And not one person has even come close to the original concern! And that would be ..
          Are you folks actually fine with a policy from your very own president, that gives an agent full autonomy on what your child eats?
          And if you ARE fine with it, do you also understand that it's unconstitutional?
          And if you don't understand that it's unconstitutional, you don't know your rights!
          And that actually scares me .. a bit.
          AGAIN! You have no concern that your president is trying to change Catholic History?
          And filling our children's mess halls with "Gov. Agents?" And if your lunch fails inspection ..?
          you get the bill for some McNuggets .. cool!

          And dude, I was born in this Country alright? I served TIME during Veitnam ..
          I've paid my fawkin dues pal .. Don't ever tell me to leave ..!!!
          That's what I'm talking about when I say the intrawebz .. sheeple just say whatever .. cuz, well shit, they can!
          They use the net to be some "prove it to me" wannabe ..

          I belong to a few football forums, and they each contain a few players under-cover,
          along with wifes and or family thereof .. they'll come in with some breaking news or some inside stuff.
          Next thing you know, the sheeple are demanding "proof" .. then .. in due time, they leave ..
          So sad too bad .. too bad so sad .. no more "inside info" now .. thanks!

          Here's a hint Tip .. you can mosey on down the hall and find a nice warm and fuzzy place ..
          You're really gonna need it man .. And I never said I was into "conspiracy" of any sort.
          Those are your words, and actually prove to me that you can't make an educated decision.
          Or even an educated discussion .. You got your suff tight on all that is cb7, I'll GIVE you that.
          You know it inside and out! And you deserve the props. But why come with the "conspiracy" crap
          and try to turn this into a "if you don't like this counrty .." TELL ME!!!!
          How comfortable are you .. any of you Obama folks, with "nutritional authority"????
          Seriously! Oh yeah, I'm concerned about what our kids eat too. But not even I've eaten a McNugget.
          Never have, never will. Let alone condone some agent giving my 4 year old a hand full!

          No one has a problem with this? Really?

          My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


            Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
            No shit Sherlock .. tell me something I don't know!
            I can't because you know everything clearly.

            Get your " the government is controlling what my kids can eat " nonsense out of here

            Until you post some actual proof i just assume you're talking about some crazy conspiracy theory.

            Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post

            And dude, I was born in this Country alright? I served TIME during Veitnam ..
            I've paid my fawkin dues pal .. Don't ever tell me to leave ..!!!

            I never told you to leave, i simply suggested it since you clearly despise the country and just want to complain about everything.
            Last edited by Tippey764; 02-15-2012, 01:03 AM.


              The Lord watches over me!

              "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

              - D. Chappelle


                Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
                I can't because you know everything clearly.

                Get your " the government is controlling what my kids can eat " nonsense out of here

                Until you post some actual proof i just assume you're talking about some crazy conspiracy theory.
                Yeah, you know .. because I said that .. "some crazy conspiracy theory" ..
                YUP! We never went to the moon, and aliens have kidnapped me .. *sigh*

                You don't want proof Tip .. you wanna be so sure that the decision you made in voting for him,
                doesn't go by the way-side .. you know, like it's doing ummm, right now?
                Sooo, instead of feeling like a failure and MANing up to the fact that yes, you, you Mr Tippster,
                could .. be ... wrong.! GASP! The hell you say!??? Hey, it's alright, it happens to best of us.
                You don't want proof! I could youtube proof and you still wouldn't believe it!
                Cuz that's how you roll. You won't debate the issue which is agents up your daughters dress!
                This guy can't do any bad by some sheeple .. he could say crush your CB7's and go electric ..
                O wait .. he's actually said that already .. umm, yeah .. so, are you Catholic?
                Not that I am ..

                My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                  Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
                  i simply suggested it since you clearly despise the country and just want to complain about everything.
                  Oi, what a piece of work .. show me anywhere in all of my thread starts,
                  that I've bitched "about eveything" .. g'head, it should take awhile .. but I'll be here!
                  I don't have proof Tippster .. I have hearsay. And as long as anyone has known me here,
                  I've never reiterated anything that was sensitive to anyone without being damn sure.
                  But I find it very difficult believing folks are still on the bandwagon after all that's happened.

                  Off topic sort of .. BUT, I stopped a girl in a crosswalk and asked her when she last saw a shooting star.
                  She didn't know, then she said she never had .. hmm. stuck in her Blackberry texting like a demon!
                  Oblivious and could care less about the big picture. NoW .. I am here NoW, therefore .. I Am ..

                  Ok then, whew! Glad I'm old and won't be around to see all the "socialism" ..

                  EDIT: Stop saying I despise the country. I despise a policy or policies .. that are being put into place one by one
                  that will leave YOU and I .. with .. well, not too much to say about it. I fought for your freedom Skippy! Stand back with that shit!
                  Cuz you don't know WTF you're talking about. If you're gonna quote me, quote me with a quote .. otherwise, back the fawk off!
                  Last edited by PakaloloHonda; 02-15-2012, 01:41 AM.

                  My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                    Yeah... we don't need this. Let's talk about Accords, kids.


                      ^^ Or at least "Off topic" threads.

                      BTW to the OP - When a thread has been deleted, making another one isn't going to help anything.

                      This thread (and the one I deleted earlier) Is a clear example as to why the rules state THIS - Because some members on this forum aren't mature enough to have a logical discussion, rather than a shit throwing fight.

                      Car Safety / General Servicing Checks --------Basic suspension checks

                      My 5.7 LS1 Holden Ute

                      A "Finished" project car is never finished until its been sold.

                      If at first you don't succeed, Try again. Don't give up too easily, persistance pays off in the end.


                        He remade the thread assuming the title is why it got deleted (which is a reasonable assumption, as that title was unacceptable.) However, yes... we don't need page after page of bitching between members about political matters. This is a car site.

