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My cousin MOSFET10 LMK what you guys think

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    My cousin MOSFET10 LMK what you guys think

    Decent production (though some of his tracks could use better mastering), good beats (does he write his own?), and his flow is decent... a bit too monotonous for my taste, though. I know it's more the style, and not a reflection of his skill, but I prefer a more syncopated rhythm, especially when the lyrics don't have all that much to say.

    Overall, I say it's a decent effort. I've heard worse from artists with a good deal of commercial success.


      This is his first mixtape, n yeah he writes his own lyrics. Just trying to help his music get heard. I appreciate the feedback.


        It's cool. Like the beat, like the way it's put together, good overall. He's no mappy though


          thanks for the feedback.


            The production sounds really good. He raps really clearly, which is nice. I'm getting tired of hearing people mumble over the beat.

            Also, HUGE props to him for using the name MOSFET. As an electrical engineering major, I love it.

            Originally posted by Maple50175
            Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


              That is true, and something I should have acknowledged. I don't care for his lyrics, but I can understand every one of them! Any rapper that mumbles isn't confident in what he's saying. Delivering poor lyrics with conviction is 100x better than delivering genius lyrics poorly. Just ask Fred Durst!

