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Should i even bother?

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    Should i even bother?

    A couple of weeks ago, my brother bought Gears of War 3 from ToysRus. At the time, they were running a promotion where if you bought the game that Friday or Saturday, you got a 10 dollar gift card and figurines with a value of 29 bucks. When we went to pick the game up, they said their computer said they had 6 of the figurines but no one could find them. What the girl at the register told us was that they would take my information down our info and then they would call us after they came in.

    Well its been like what? 3 weeks no and no ones called back. Every time i call them, they said that they haven't seen any come in yet but there is a big truck in the back so it might be in there still.

    My friend said he bought Halo Reach when that came out and TRU was running a similar promo. He said he got screwed out of those figures too.

    So what i was wondering, should i write or email TRU corperate to voice my concerns? I know they are only figurines but still it's the principle of the matter where they promised something but didn't come through with it.

    *well i just called again, this time i actually talked to someone who sounded like he knew what was going on. Anyhow they guy said that they still have the list and the figures still haven't come in and to try back later in the week.
    Last edited by Leung; 10-12-2011, 04:25 PM.

    Ive worked at Kmart for 9 years now and seen plenty of those kinds of promotions go on. The exact figurines they promoted free with the game may have been a special buy for the company. (A one time only thing) What I mean is that the company that made the figures only made so many for ToysRus and each store only got a specific amount witch means your never gonna see them. Or I could be completely wrong and it is a specific figure they carry but they cleared out there warehouse for the promotion and the warehouse is waiting for the figures to then ship them to the stores. Anyway have you tryed another ToysRus. I know that store specifically has your info but if you make a big enough stink about it they CAN get your info to another store that may have them and get your figures
    Last edited by dee18701; 10-12-2011, 10:04 PM.

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      I would wait until mid-week and see what happens. Did you get the name of the guy that sounded like he had a brain? If so, you should continue trying to deal with him.
      If you still get nothing, then contact corporate. If the $29 worth of promotional items influenced you to purchase the game at TRU, instead of buying online, or at another store (both may have been cheaper options...), then technically... they owe you either $29 worth of figurines... or $29. That's how I see it, anyway. Tell them you'll gladly accept store credit.


        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
        I would wait until mid-week and see what happens. Did you get the name of the guy that sounded like he had a brain? If so, you should continue trying to deal with him.
        If you still get nothing, then contact corporate. If the $29 worth of promotional items influenced you to purchase the game at TRU, instead of buying online, or at another store (both may have been cheaper options...), then technically... they owe you either $29 worth of figurines... or $29. That's how I see it, anyway. Tell them you'll gladly accept store credit.
        Will do.

