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who watches jersey shore?

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    Did you watch it Stretch?

    They've been in Italy so long that they couldnt tan or hit the gym and they were all like "OMG we're so pale and weak. We're wasting away!"

    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
    Originally posted by Jarrett
    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


      Originally posted by MikeW View Post
      Did you watch it Stretch?

      They've been in Italy so long that they couldnt tan or hit the gym and they were all like "OMG we're so pale and weak. We're wasting away!"
      Hell no . It makes my penis shrink up .The only show on MTV I liked was the " R.J. Burger " I have never been a big fan of television. I watch about 2 hrs of T.V. a week .Just seeing the commercial turns me away from it.I have no pitty for a muscle head that is emotional and gripes all the time.I was also raised to respect women and not be a whore. Show like that is what has tainted the youth of this great nation.If you have noticed I try to stay positive and not to spread negitivity to any one .I'd rather compliment people than to make them fell belittled.

      A man that keeps looking back can't see whats in front of him.


        haha i love how dumb it is lol i cant miss an episode


          Originally posted by LadyG View Post
          Oh, the things I would do to joel mchale....

          I love the soup. Cause I can't stand watching 90% of the shows that they make fun of. Like the "Real Housewives" franchise, and Jersey Shore.

          TV like that is whats wrong with America. Whomever though that shit up needs to be at the end of a rope.

          **edit** not because Joel is particularly fine; but he makes me laugh hard enough to pee on occasion, and I think thats sexy.
          I think I'm in love.
          My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


            Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
            haha i love how dumb it is lol i cant miss an episode
            That is not a valid sentiment toward a show. If you enjoy the type of drama on TV like that you do not possess the intelligence to hold a position above them and laugh at their expense. It's what is wrong with our society. All the TV crap like that is. People who watch that show should actually do something to better themselves instead.
            My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


              Originally posted by Jarrett View Post
              That is not a valid sentiment toward a show. If you enjoy the type of drama on TV like that you do not possess the intelligence to hold a position above them and laugh at their expense. It's what is wrong with our society. All the TV crap like that is. People who watch that show should actually do something to better themselves instead.
              why? its funny it makes me laugh. They do stupid shit and act like complete assholes. I watch cops too and feel the same way. Those people are so dumb and make me laugh. I like to watch tv that makes me laugh and I dont have to think or figure shit out. I have enough stress with night classes and army crap


                Plus, you could be on the show, Brian!


                  Originally posted by Jarrett View Post
                  That is not a valid sentiment toward a show. If you enjoy the type of drama on TV like that you do not possess the intelligence to hold a position above them and laugh at their expense. It's what is wrong with our society. All the TV crap like that is. People who watch that show should actually do something to better themselves instead.
                  Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
                  why? its funny it makes me laugh. They do stupid shit and act like complete assholes. I watch cops too and feel the same way. Those people are so dumb and make me laugh. I like to watch tv that makes me laugh and I dont have to think or figure shit out. I have enough stress with night classes and army crap

                  KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                  Originally posted by Jarrett
                  Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                    Awful show.

                    Originally posted by lordoja
                    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral



                      Fist Pump, Push Up, Chap Stick.
                      COUPE K24


                        When I get people from other countries saying "Fist pump!" the minute they learn I'm from New Jersey, I realize it's gone too far.


                          Well then that settles it. Even the shred of positive reputation that we Americans have around the world is negative. I'm moving to Australia.
                          My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


                            You'll ALWAYS be seen as an American.


                              Id move to Australia regardless. Or Canada.

                              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                                canada is cold. Australia has crazy bugs.

