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    i think i know a big part of y the whole "stoner" culture is so popular and idealized... look at cheech and chong... i mean if they r that cool... i could b too if i smoke


      Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
      i think i know a big part of y the whole "stoner" culture is so popular and idealized... look at cheech and chong... i mean if they r that cool... i could b too if i smoke
      " da moon mayne, to da moon!.."



        theres a huge differance between betty lou with aids smoking weed and regualr joe smoking weed... shes doing it so she can have a better life... he doing it just because its the cool thing to do with ur friends


          Originally posted by CBsevenTUNER View Post
          " da moon mayne, to da moon!.."
          that right there is one of my biggest annoyances... thats the kinda shit lil middle school girls say to their friends... no offense cuz i get the reference... but this is the only forum where its used on an hourly basis. it makes us look like an immature bunch of children just like this whold thread


            Ya the stereotype does hurt those of us who are pro-smoking...but that being said to say you hate those is a bit

            Ricers give tuners a bad name and really they are in the minority...but do we hate them?

            The majority who "live the stoner" life are young and I said I was heavy into smoking and unless you knew I smoked you wouldn't assume I did...and all of the people I know who smoke are like that...we hold jobs...we have lives outside if being high...can't put everyone into the same category as the don't like being called a ricer cuz you drive a Honda

            Sorta on deevs point...I hate the perception that if you smoke it will lead to other drugs...I'll be honest I've experimented with some shit...but at the end of the day the only drug I was willing ti spend my money on was weed....I have many stoner friends...most of us have smoked since high school...and I know of only one who actually got sucked in to hardcore drugs...but he would get addicted to anything if he tried it twice...he's since gotten sober tho....and oddly enough the one friend who is hard into blow; was very anti smoking

            Sorry fir the off topic's just a sore spot eith me when I see people say things about smoking pot...I'm far from an idiot and I don't like being called one...even if I don't smoke now

            Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


              Fuck....typing on the iPhone makes me fall behind lol

              Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
                i wonder how many jewish people actually know enough about their history and yet still celebrate that day. i think the jewish potheads should start their own holiday... 4-21 baby!!!
                Ummm...420 has nothing to do with hitlers birthdays....from all I understand it has to do with what deev said

                Probably should know more facts before spouting off

                Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                  i obviously know it has nothing to do with hitlers birthday... im not a fuckin idoit... but how many people do u think actually know this lil bit of information... 1 in 5 at most id say and thats probally a big stretch


                    Originally posted by King James View Post
                    Ummm...420 has nothing to do with hitlers birthdays....from all I understand it has to do with what deev said

                    Probably should know more facts before spouting off
                    should probably read less into things before spouting off.
                    To-Do List for Today
                    Be Awesome


                      I fail to see the original point then....why should jewish people give a fuck if it was hitlers birthday or not

                      They, of all people, should be able to do as they please on that day.

                      At the end of the day the fact its hitlers birthday shouldnt even be mentioned....the only day that should be mentioned with hitler in the same sentence should be 10 days later

                      1-5 know what?...its hitlers birthday....or the origin of 420

                      perhaps i did read a bit into it....but meh not gonan get all worked up over this topic for the milliionth time in my life

                      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                        oh man... dont get me started on "reading into things to much"... i got fired from a job 2 years ago because i was " reading into things to much"


                          1-5 know what?...its hitlers birthday....or the origin of 420

                          either bit of that information


                            I dunno....I dont have the stats.....

                            but id least 2 out of 5 would know it was either hitlres bday...or the origin

                            give stoners a bit of credit

                            Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                              Originally posted by bigpoppa694lyfe View Post
                              that right there is one of my biggest annoyances... thats the kinda shit lil middle school girls say to their friends... no offense cuz i get the reference... but this is the only forum where its used on an hourly basis. it makes us look like an immature bunch of children just like this whold thread
                              ...i was only quoting the great Cheech Marin mayne..mang..main..maine..mane..

                              How would you like me to spell it so you read it and it sounds like the way he had said it? jeez...mayne. Take it easy.... dude



                                i said no offense because i got the reference... what more do u want from me

