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    don't forget corporate greed. why pay minimum wage of 7-8bucks in the u.s., when you can pay someone overseas $3-$5. also the corporate taxe rate in the u.s. is about 35% overseas it's as low as 18%


      The cost of living in this country is rather high... and the expectation for luxury is a good deal more than most other countries, even those that are as "civilized" as we are.

      I'm sitting here with my dual-monitor setup, streaming video over my high-speed internet on one screen, while doing paperwork and posting on the forum that I own (the forum dedicated to one of my 3 cars.) I am doing so from the comfort of my own 2-storey home sitting on a "small" 8000 square foot plot of land. It is freezing outside, but I have my heat set to 70 degrees, even though heating oil is priced at an "expensive" $3.95/gal.
      I'm not saying that I live in luxury, but certainly people in other countries generally don't take so much for granted. Many places in Europe are a good deal smaller than my "small" home, and the cost of many of the things we practically waste are quite a bit higher (fuel is much cheaper here than in almost any other country.)

      Americans (and Canadians, to some extent) overvalue themselves because they expect a higher standard of living, including far more luxury than people in many other countries. I'm sure people in Mexico or India don't live even as comfortably as I do, yet in their societies, they are considered to be at (or above) the same economic status as I would be in our society.

      It's unfortunate, but North American laborers aren't going to work for less than they are making now, because it will not afford them the luxuries that they want.
      American society is quickly moving from a production-based economy to a service/marketing-based economy. From necessity to luxury. Sadly, that is a very difficult thing to reverse... and it will eventually result in an imploding economy. A luxury-based economy will fall apart when the money dries up, and people stop paying for luxuries. When all of our food, clothes, etc... come from other countries, will won't be supporting ourselves anymore. With the economy becoming increasingly more global, the people that resell the foreign products in this country will eventually be cut out of the picture.


        I think we need to agree, that we all just suck.

        Keep an Eye on my Coupe. Click the Pic


          Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
          The majority don't abuse the system.
          Anyone on welfare that buys cigarettes is abusing the system.

          Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
          a 40k car was incredibly easy to get if you knew someone with decent credit to cosign for you. now a days credit is a little harder to come by, but it's still not impossible.
          My dad can cosign for me to get a 100k car, does that mean I should do it?
          Last edited by JohnD1079; 02-27-2011, 12:52 AM.

          ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

          NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts


            Originally posted by JohnD1079 View Post
            Anyone on welfare that buys cigarettes is abusing the system.

            My dad can cosign for me to get a 100 car, does that mean I should do it?
            When I worked retail, I had people pay with their free money then whip out cash to pay for cigs and beer..... Fucking pissed me off so bad.
            H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

            190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

            ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


              Originally posted by JohnD1079 View Post
              Anyone on welfare that buys cigarettes is abusing the system.
              yes, it's an abuse because cigarettes aren't a necessity.

              My dad can cosign for me to get a 100 car, does that mean I should do it?
              i don't think anybody would argue that it's the best thing to do. it's just possible to do and people do it. everybody who wants to do it and can't afford it alone does it.

              I am in favor of reform of the welfare system. however, as a realist, i realize that major reformation into an "acceptable" system, for most of you, would cost much more than the fraud that's being committed today. like was said earlier it's a system that's based majorly on trust. when you have a trust based system, people will always take advantage. however, i don't think the abuse of welfare is a major issue in America today. it's probably one of the relatively smaller ones.


                Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
                The majority don't abuse the system.

                a 40k car was incredibly easy to get if you knew someone with decent credit to cosign for you. now a days credit is a little harder to come by, but it's still not impossible.

                i pointed out that it comes up a lot. my question was why don't we talk about reforming tax laws. and multinational/ large corporations don't provide most of the jobs in this country. they've already left/ outsourced. jobs in this country are provided by small businesses.

                net contribution is garbage because we live in a society that was supposedly based on communal living. so why bring up/ complain about something that is innate in the type of society we live in?

                or should the middle class and lower class feel shame and bow to our rich masters because they own the country?

                taxes for the top 5% are at a historical low... they were pretty steep 20-30 years ago.

                that has nothing to do with what we're discussing. that would be a sales tax. i'm talking about income. but you knew that already, so i don't know where you were going with that one.

                once again, mass categorization of "poor" people as lazy and dumb and rich people as smart and productive followed by an ad hominem.

                once again, we're talking about proportion of income as opposed to actual amount.

                15% of 100 is going to be more than 15% of 10. if you have 100, why should you be paying the same rate or lower than someone who has 10.
                You say potato I say tomato.

                40k car is not a necessity for someone on welfare...

                How many jobs do you think Walmart, Honda, Toyota, Target, General Electric, Boeing, GM, Ford provide? And just how many mom and pop shops do you think combined would equate to the same amount of employees.

                America based on communal living? Anyone want to take this one?

                Not shame, but grateful that they own/manage/run a corporate that helps out the economy. Capitalism.

                This has nothing to do with what we're discussing? Sure I'll agree since we started from assbums that abuse such systems like welfare to corporate greed and wanting to tax the rich more. I'm just going where it takes me.

                My gum example does not deal with sales tax, but different pricing based on different income status. Hence the fact I did not include sale tax but just price of item and income status.

                Comprehension issues? Other seems to understand so I'm guessing its... you. You think I'll have better luck with a wall?

                History low interest rate as well... Top 5% pay more than should already.

                So which is it? Proportion amount or actual amount? As in same tax rate throughout the entire income bracket or same amount? Don't contradict yourself now.

                Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
                yes, because you are the only person to have watched that warren buffett interview.

                i just moved to georgia in september. that 39k was my gross pay. after taxes, tuition (that increases annually), rent, food, utilities, etc

                i never linked welfare fraud to economic crisis. in fact, i said the opposite.

                your other points were insults aimed at my lack of education and lamenting about how dumb and lazy poor people are and how smart and productive rich people are.
                Ah palaver diction, sweetness!

                The exploration of Warren Buffet's consultation to the underlying contention contemplating the proposition of governmental capitation was brandished to the masses. Had you acquainted the source in an antecedent post it would have had more accreditation. Only was our confabulation reciprocated that you've posted the documented media. With comprehension that the media was viewed by me, what was the cogitation of it then?

                Georgia's taxation stands at a low (IMO) but will say at a modest 6% with gross of greater than $7000 yearly. Your bills, location, job, school are of your own choosing. If crazymike was able to live off his job that pays less than you with higher expenses than your dilemma requires some reevaluation.

                Rich people are the ones that own/run businesses. You think America will do well if all the large corporations fail or leave. You must not have taken economics or have the mindset of an intellectual to surpass the norm to reach the goals of the higher income bracket.
                From my previous posts, in its unedited state. I will try to break this down so that anyone (even a 5 year old) can comprehend my meaning.

                -Rich people own and run businesses (no not small mom and pop shops) your so call corporates and those in higher tax bracket.
                -All large corporations leave to save on tax = loss of many jobs to people
                -Simple economics
                -Higher income bracket (top 5%) those who earned it atlease are smart.

                There are some dumb and lazy rich people, but their smarts got them their dough. All rich people comprehend that in order to be rich, they have their money work for them. Not the other way around. Courtesy from my parents

                Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
                don't forget corporate greed. why pay minimum wage of 7-8bucks in the u.s., when you can pay someone overseas $3-$5. also the corporate taxe rate in the u.s. is about 35% overseas it's as low as 18%
                Overvaluation of the American workers. There are jobs in the US, people just don't do it. Want an example? Amazon has this thing where it links people to others in simple tasks called Mechanical Turk (I've signed up and have set my contributions to a charity), the pay is very little. Most members are from overseas because most Americans don't see the point of writing newspaper articles for less than $1. Sure that is not enough to survive on but if someone is unemployed it is more than $0. There are also people who bitch and complain about being unemployed but refuse to take fast food jobs.

                Business is business. They move where they can have a higher profit margin. Me thinks you no know business

                Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
                i don't think anybody would argue that it's the best thing to do. it's just possible to do and people do it. everybody who wants to do it and can't afford it alone does it.

                I am in favor of reform of the welfare system. however, as a realist, i realize that major reformation into an "acceptable" system, for most of you, would cost much more than the fraud that's being committed today. like was said earlier it's a system that's based majorly on trust. when you have a trust based system, people will always take advantage. however, i don't think the abuse of welfare is a major issue in America today. it's probably one of the relatively smaller ones.
                Don't think you understand John's meaning towards his statement.

                Applying your logic here for a second

                Welfare = trust system

                Trust system = people take advantage aka abuse

                People take advantage = welfare

                As caseloads for all the programs have soared, so have costs. The federal price tag for Medicaid has jumped 36% in two years, to $273 billion. Jobless benefits have soared from $43 billion to $160 billion. The food stamps program has risen 80%, to $70 billion. Welfare is up 24%, to $22 billion. Taken together, they cost more than Medicare.


                If you don't like that article I can find you more.

                $22 billion is an insignificant amount right? Its only a few hundreds here and there. Nothing like the trillion dollar deficit but welfare is just one of the government-aid programs, keep that in mind. Your Warren Buffet could foot the bill no problem. But wait, he thinks the rich should be taxed more but yet he plans to donate his money to Bill Gate's Foundation but not to the federal government. He isnt setting a good example.

                For me atlease it is about the principle of the matter here. Sure the dollar amount plays a role too. If there was a guaranteed way of knowing my tax dollars will be put to good use I would gladly pay the added cost.

