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What's your favorite beer?

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    My favorite changes in time. Right now it's Mirror Pond Ale. Before that I would say Sam Adams and New Castle. As for Fat Tire, it's okay but nothing special and I could really care less for it. I don't care for Blue Moon either. I had a friend who loved Bass. I hate Bass but would drink it before Budweiser.
    Last edited by 4CYLPOWER92; 05-25-2011, 12:25 AM.

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    Main relay proplems?--DIY


      Originally posted by TypeG View Post
      i don't think i've ever found someone that dislikes Newcastle. it's pretty good and you can drink 12 or so and feel pretty normal the next day.

      how i feel the next day after drinking beer and the type of feeling the alcohol in the beer influences how i like it, as well as taste i guess.

      i like drinking Newcastle, Michelob, certain milk stouts, Sam Adams, ect. i don't really discriminate though. later.
      That's a BIG one for me!
      I had 3 bottles of Lake Placid Honey Rye the other day. Tasted great, but 3 beers (with food) isn't usually enough to do a thing to me. I didn't feel it, but the next day, I felt TERRIBLE. Not hung over, just awful... like, bad beer awful. That happens occasionally.

      Other that that, certain crap beers (bud, keystone, etc...) will give me some wicked beershits or beerfarts the next day!


        lol, thought i found a cheap, yet good beer. Killian's Irish Red. just under $10 for a 12 pack. everything was going good while we were drinking them, but felt like ass the next day. tested several times to make sure.

        another thing that people do is drink old beer on accident and think that is they way the brand tastes. fresh Budweiser is like a thirst quencher when it is just made, but out of date it tastes like a skunk. later.
        Avoiding dirt at all costs


          We've got a Bud brewery right here in NJ... We had Bud reps come to my old restaurant and push the fresh Bud. I still hated it. Oddly, Bud Light doesn't bother me, and I like the taste (especially on tap.)

          We used to joke at Bennigan's about Killians, how it was nothing but Coors dyed red. I don't mind it, but it's not the best. Doesn't hurt me the next day, though. I guess different beers affect different people differently.

          That's why I love beer. It has so much more going on than wine, IMO.


            Die hard Hieneken guy right here.

            Beer farts. Are the worse sometimws

            Check Out My Work In Progess . . . . .


              I went to a bachelor party 2 weeks ago... "camping" in a "cabin" (this place had two floors, 2.5 bathrooms, a full kitchen...) We drank Miller Lite, PBR, an Lionshead for 2 days straight. The first night, we left the windows open on the 2nd floor when we slept... froze our asses off. The 2nd night,we were smart. Kept the windows closed.
              We nearly suffocated ourselves with beerfarts. Hard to notice when you woke up, but step outside for a minute and go back in... the smell nearly knocked us down the stairs.

              I need to brew a beer that gives NO beerfarts, and market it that way.


                I mentioned a few pages back that I hated Keystone beer. I didn't mention that it was Keystone Light that I dislike.

                All I've been drinking lately is regular Keystone. Good value, good taste, and gets the job done.


                  I don't think I've ever had issues with gas from any beer lol. As far as hangovers, if I drink a bottle of water before going to bed I usually don't get them. But if I go to bed without drinking any water, I'll feel like shit from as little as 4 or 5 beers and it doesn't matter what kind.

                  My swap thread
                  Main relay proplems?--DIY


                    Budweiser Select......too bad it is gone from the market replaced with budweiser select 55.....just not the same taste....

