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Redlight cameras are BS.

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    Redlight cameras are BS.

    In a snowstorm a few weeks ago, I started to slide while braking as I approached a yellow light. I was turning left, and rather than slide to a stop in the middle of the intersection, I decided to complete my turn safely... though JUST BARELY running the redlight to do so.

    Well, given the conditions, any cop that witnessed the event would clearly have let me go. However, a redlight camera only snaps a picture... me at the line with the yellow light, me in the intersection with a red light, and my license plate... clear as day. I can't argue with a camera. I can't go to court and plead my case, because nobody there witnessed the event. I COULD argue, but chances are I'd end up paying the $85 ticked PLUS court fees.

    SO, I paid my ticket. $87 after the $2 "convenience fee". It's just such crap. No way to fight it without a major inconvenience, and the camera doesn't care about road conditions.

    What's worse, they forced me to use my debit card, because my credit card (that I use for EVERYTHING, as I get 1% of my total money spent back, applied directly to my mortgage) was declined. Why it was declined, I don't know! I pay that sucker off every month, and I only a quarter of what my limit is set at... and I used it about 5 times already today with no problem! They're lucky I had another card to use.

    Originally posted by deevergote View Post
    In a snowstorm a few weeks ago, I started to slide while braking as I approached a yellow light. I was turning left, and rather than slide to a stop in the middle of the intersection, I decided to complete my turn safely... though JUST BARELY running the redlight to do so.

    Well, given the conditions, any cop that witnessed the event would clearly have let me go. However, a redlight camera only snaps a picture... me at the line with the yellow light, me in the intersection with a red light, and my license plate... clear as day. I can't argue with a camera. I can't go to court and plead my case, because nobody there witnessed the event. I COULD argue, but chances are I'd end up paying the $85 ticked PLUS court fees.

    SO, I paid my ticket. $87 after the $2 "convenience fee". It's just such crap. No way to fight it without a major inconvenience, and the camera doesn't care about road conditions.

    Will it go on your insurance/record?


      Oh Deeverz .. that sucks ..

      If it's any consolation, and I doubt it will be, they charge alot more here for a red-light.

      My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


        Nah, no points assessed in any way, I don't think. I "ran a red light", but they can't slap me with a moving violation... It's almost like they're admitting to the cameras being bullshit.

        It'd probably be a much higher charge had it been witnessed by an officer (of course, an officer would have let me go given the circumstances... I took the safest course of action!)


          Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa View Post
          Will it go on your insurance/record?
          redlight cameras never give points. At least in maryland.


            Mike, sucks about your credit card. Have you called yet?

            We're supposed to get hella snow up here end of this week. So I can only imagine how much you guys might get dumped on down thurr.

            $2 convenience fees give me lawls. Reminds me of a valet guy I met while on a swap run with audi of manhattan, who asked me for extra tip. What a character.

            life is good.


              You should have fought it.
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                The last time I tried to fight a ticket, I went to court... only to be told that that appearance was a "pre-trial" appearance, basically good for nothing more than determining if my case is worth taking to trial, and then scheduling a trial date.

                SO, in order to effectively fight this ticket (in a town that is an hour and a half away, and very populated...) I would essentially need to set aside the majority of at least TWO days to try to talk my way out of it. Two days of my time are worth a hell of a lot more than $87!


                  Originally posted by DJ metadelic View Post
                  Mike, sucks about your credit card. Have you called yet?

                  We're supposed to get hella snow up here end of this week. So I can only imagine how much you guys might get dumped on down thurr.

                  $2 convenience fees give me lawls. Reminds me of a valet guy I met while on a swap run with audi of manhattan, who asked me for extra tip. What a character.
                  I'll see if the card works tomorrow. I don't see why it would be declined, and the website shows no issue (normally they'd say if there was some sort of red flag on there...)
                  I think it was just the court system's website that was screwy. Dammit, I wanted 87 cents applied to my mortgage principal!

                  There's no reason why my card would be declined. I'm currently carrying a balance of less than $400, and I used it successfully for 3 meals and gas today already.


                    Id have fought it, but then again i fight with everyone lol.

                    Honestly that is really shitty man.

                    And your right, a cop would definitely have let it go.

                    Anyone whos gotten a speeding ticket has surely noticed an area for road conditions to be since the conditions were unfavorable he'd probably have let you go.....although if he was in a bad mood he could have said you need to slow it down and then you could have stopped in time(right lol)

                    That is odd it declined your card.


                      im waiting for mine to arrive for the exact same situation now...

                      "Tucking tires and wires."
                      The Chronicles.


                        That sucks Deev.

                        There are 3 red light AND speed cameras in my city. You can get a double whammy ticket for speeding and running a red, or just get a citation for one or the other.

                        However, our red light running fee is $287, and a 10kmh over speed fine starts at $87 and goes up to about $350 for up to 50kmh over.


                          Deev do you have a GPS unit?

                          I have a Tom-Tom and it has a built in feature that alerts you to red light cameras. You can update it as often as you want and it will always keep your receiver keen on new cameras......when the wife and i drove through Jersey a few weeks ago it saved us a few times.

                          You probably wouldn't need one since your pretty familiar with your work area but if you could afford to get one, im sure even the cheaper models have this function....heck even the one we have isn't expensive anymore.....serves two purposes....directions to your house from any place you could find yourself stuck and red light camera detector lol.


                            Red-light cameras can't give points.... they can't prove who is driving. As far as I've ever heard its just a fine.

                            And Deev. Were you not simply going too fast for the conditions? Sure, a decent cop may have given you a break. But you are an experienced driver...maybe you should just slow down when its snowy. Give yourself some extra room. Compensate for increased stopping distance. You know, typical driver's ed stuff.

                            I'd just like to raise that point. lol.

                            Bought from : LosiRacer2, h22anow


                              Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                              Id have fought it, but then again i fight with everyone lol.

                              Honestly that is really shitty man.

                              And your right, a cop would definitely have let it go.

                              Anyone whos gotten a speeding ticket has surely noticed an area for road conditions to be since the conditions were unfavorable he'd probably have let you go.....although if he was in a bad mood he could have said you need to slow it down and then you could have stopped in time(right lol)

                              That is odd it declined your card.
                              I fight when it's worth fighting for... But fighting this ticket would end up costing me more (as in work time missed) than it would to just pay it! Plus, since there was no human being there to witness it, I only have pictures to go by, and the hope that the judge remembers what the weather was like on January 7th (my best friend's birthday, too... )

                              Fighting this ticket would be like fighting the highschool quarterback for the honor of taking the crosseyed fat girl to the prom.

                              Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                              That sucks Deev.

                              There are 3 red light AND speed cameras in my city. You can get a double whammy ticket for speeding and running a red, or just get a citation for one or the other.

                              However, our red light running fee is $287, and a 10kmh over speed fine starts at $87 and goes up to about $350 for up to 50kmh over.
                              Great googly moogly! Remind me never to speed in Canada! At least if I'm ever in your area, anyway!

