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I Need Guy Advice

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    I Need Guy Advice

    As most of you guys may know I am one of the only females here at cb7. The help I need today is some information to possibly save my relationship. I need a guys point of view. This is where it begins, we have two children and he works all the time to escape us I try to do nice things for him I cook, clean, and do his laundry. We have been together for two years we have had some crazy fights but who doesn't these days?HE won't even ask me to marry him. It's not like I want him to run down the aisle today. Mabe a year from now is what I was thinking. I am torn between staying and going. I love him so much but he cares more about his computer and new mods to his car more than us. I know you guys think girls just say that but in my situation it is true. I don't wanna leave cause I don't wanna go thru the getting over him process.I also don't wanna stay because I am constantley ignored and put to the side.I have done everything I can to get his attention I have acted out I have thrown pussy at him he usually takes that but only til the time it takes him to finish.Please help guys give me your honest opinions if you think I am wrong please tell me

    As much as I love my car, and working on it, I would never put it before my relationship. I am currently running three seperate businesses and I always make sure I spend time with my girlfriend. Mention to him that you are tired of being avoided and that you want some answers in terms of your relationship. If he does not give you the answer and actions that you want, then you need to leave him. If he is acting the way he is now, imagine what it will be like when you are married to him...if the situation isn't addressed or changes aren't will only get worse. I am sorry that you are going throuh this and its even worse that you have kids..however, you really don't want your kids growing up in a household where mommy and daddy are constantly fighting. Kids learn from experience...if you have a son and he sees daddy treat mommy like crap..he will have no respect for you and then when he gets older he will treat his girlfriend or wife like crap. If you have a daughter, she will learn that all guys are assholes, but she must deal with it like mommy does to maintain order. Again, I'm sorry that you have landed yourself a selfish boyfriend, I wish you the best of luck with your relationship and your decisions.


      hm.... well i'm only 16 so my opinion might not matter. but I love my car and my computer. Its a guy thing. My girlfriend has sadistically found a way to involve me, my stuff and her. I don't know how it works but it works..... that evil girl. I love her. lol
      my 91 cb7
      Originally posted by 4doorfury
      I swear, if I hit a raccoon I'll just keep pushing him, there's no way he's going to fit underneath the car


        Originally posted by FushigiRES
        As much as I love my car, and working on it, I would never put it before my relationship. I am currently running three seperate businesses and I always make sure I spend time with my girlfriend. Mention to him that you are tired of being avoided and that you want some answers in terms of your relationship. If he does not give you the answer and actions that you want, then you need to leave him. If he is acting the way he is now, imagine what it will be like when you are married to him...if the situation isn't addressed or changes aren't will only get worse. I am sorry that you are going throuh this and its even worse that you have kids..however, you really don't want your kids growing up in a household where mommy and daddy are constantly fighting. Kids learn from experience...if you have a son and he sees daddy treat mommy like crap..he will have no respect for you and then when he gets older he will treat his girlfriend or wife like crap. If you have a daughter, she will learn that all guys are assholes, but she must deal with it like mommy does to maintain order. Again, I'm sorry that you have landed yourself a selfish boyfriend, I wish you the best of luck with your relationship and your decisions.

        Or, the kids could go extream oppisite of the parents... I grew up hard around a lot of abuse... Heard horror storys of how dad treated mom and swore I would never act that way, 'cause I loved my mother.

        But, hondagurlex21: As others have said, confromt him. If he can't handel it, you don't need him and could more than likely do better anyways. I go to school full time, work 31 hrs. a week, only get Sundays off and I have a fiance and a 6 1/2 month old little boy who I still find time to be with as well as play online, play with my PS2, and fuck around w/ my ride. If he is any kind of man at all, he will realize the most important things in life, and get his priorities straight. If not, than you need a better man anyways. Looseing someone is very hard... I swore after my last one the she would be the last, and I'd never share my soul with another person so long as I lived... Then after I gave up, along came this real special girl... Good luck to you. Be strong for yourself, as well as those babys.
        Nova: A star that suddenly increases it's light output tremendously and then fades away to its former obscurity in a few months or years.

        Supernova: One of the rarely observed nova outbursts in which the maximum intrinsic luminosity may reach 100 million times that of the sun.


          What makes you think that being married to him would change anything? I think that he has other issues that he might not be sharing with you. Immaturity and selfishness are 2 that come to mind. Does he even consider you to be his girlfriend? Can you talk to him about things like this? See if you can dig deeper and find out what's going on, even if it forces you to take such drastic measures as no longer "throwing out the pussy" for a while.. In short it's better to find out the truth and deal with it, than choose to ignore a much longer lasting and far more painful reality.


            maybe he is working overtime to get u a ring,,,, have u ever thought of that?
            this would be soooooooooo great for u guys....

            anyways listen... just talk to him. show him how much u love him. don't just leave him because he is not paying u much attention because thats gona suck. it will show that u don't have a real love for him. just sit down with him(no pussy throwing ) and try to work shit out. tell him how u feel and see whats going on in his mind. sometimes its hard for us to open up, but in the end we gona lay all out. just give it sometime.

            and u right. this guy should pay more attention to u, and specially if u guys have children. sometimes we guy get carried away with our little toys. thats why we need a woman in our life. so she can straight us out.
            are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


              that sucks because you guys are one of the only couples i had faith in, i know i dont even know you guys but i iknow that your into cars and from previous experience i know that always is a plus because by g/f isnt into cars and that is the source of most fights. i know times get hard but it usually will pass especially when you both have a common hobby just hold on and everyhting will smooth out.

              "Tucking tires and wires."
              The Chronicles.


                I honestly dont know what to make of your situation. You seem like really nice girl who would do anything for her man and that is very cool. You both share the same passion for cars which is even a plus.


                When he pays more attention to his car, rather than you or the kids, Thats an issue. See me and my gf fight and when we do we say things that we dont mean to say but it all comes out. But I dunno its different from any other relationship that niether of us have ever had before.

                We happened to meet online and became friends and a short time after we met we've been going out ever since. I couldn't dream of letting her go niether could she let me go.

                It all falls hand in hand we're each others protectee.

                I mean you gotta pimp slap the guy and tell him straight how you feel, if he cant see all that pain your suffering and going thru then kick his ass to the curb.

                Yeah I always talked about my car when me and my gf would chill and shed tell me my car came first now things have changed since I got rid of my car and I pay attention to her more than I did before.

                So try and talk some sense into him..see what he says
                Henry R
                1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                Legend FSM

                'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                  Thank you guys so much for all the honest opinions that is what I need. Some of you hit it right on the nose where others didn't I will let you all know how it goes I plan to talk to him tonight.


                    one-sided stories always suck. One person's version of what's going on is completely different form what the other person sees.

                    That's all I have to say about this thread.


                      Spil both sides then
                      Henry R
                      1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                      1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                      Legend FSM

                      'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                      made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                        Originally posted by Big Body LX
                        one-sided stories always suck. One person's version of what's going on is completely different form what the other person sees.

                        That's all I have to say about this thread.
                        you feel attacked right? i know how you feel

                        "Tucking tires and wires."
                        The Chronicles.


                          He feels attacked but damn..his girlfriend is coming to us...yo Big Body why dont you explain yourself and work out your situation with your girl? Im not trying to sound like a dick but shit man shes coming to us for help cause she doesnt know what to do.

                          Apparently you pay more attention to your car then her or your kids. Take some time away from it man.
                          Henry R
                          1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                          1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                          Legend FSM

                          'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                          made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                            Hey hun.. coming from a girlie, I can't offer a lot more than support and hugs..

                            But from experience..... (mrx...) .... posting on a board where the bf hangs out too is usually breeding grounds for contempt.

                            If you really feel it is an issue threatening the base of the relationship, don't come to boards, professional help although daunting, is very welcoming and easy.

                            Good luck babe.q


                              This is a fair warning to keep this thread on topic and not disrespect the person who began this thread. remember she came to us for help, not to have her thread craped on.

                              PS sorry I can't really offer any real advice since I've never been in a close relaionship before. I really hope he can see the light and see what things are truely importent.

