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Viral video of a girl texting....

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    Originally posted by MikeW View Post
    Then shouldnt the same rule apply to talking to someone who is actually IN the vehicle? I know there's that whole thing about teenagers not being to drive with othwer teens in the car with them, and perhaps that's why, but I think if you can argue that it's the conversation that distracts you, then talking to someone IN the vehicle is an equal distraction. I'd have to strongly disagree with it, too. I can carry on a conversation with a passenger and stay focused. Talking on the phone, for some reason, seems to be a distraction though.
    I don't understand why it is the case either, but talking with a passenger isn't as distracting as talking to someone on the phone. Studies back this up, showing that the brain has to work harder to focus on a conversation over the phone than with someone sitting next to you in the car, even if you aren't looking at them.

    Originally posted by MikeW View Post
    This is true. Taking away the things that protect us wont make us safer or smarter, but to some degree, i think it will. Look at all the things invented in the passed 10-15 years. Outlets covers, child-safe drawer/cabinet locks. Child-proof lighters. These things were invented because parents either didnt teach their children to stay away from those things or because they werent paying attention enough and their child was hurt or killed. Again, survival of the fittest. It sucks and I know plenty of people have kids and Im not saying that their kids deserve whatever, it's all "IMO". There were lessons I learned as a kid. Some were on my own and i was "burned" and never made that mistake again. Others were ones i made and i was taught not to make it again by getting my ass beat. I learned pretty quick from that, too. I wasn't beaten to a pulp, or til i was black and blue but i got a belt, or a hair brush or a wooden spoon. I even got that pinch on the back of the arm. It's awkward and you hate it, but im glad I got it. Momma riased me right.

    Im just saying that kids these days are way over-protected, IMO. Be it from themselves or others; they're not allowed to make certain mistakes that, again IMO, all children should make in order to learn from. You can't learn from mistakes you're not allowed to make.
    I've never shot anyone but I know it's wrong. Since I haven't learned this from my own mistake, then based on your logic, there is no way could have learned that it's wrong. I'm not trying to say that this is a mistake every kid should make to learn right from wrong, I'm just pointing to the flaw in your logic.

    I agree with you that kids are being raised with a bevy of safeguards that kids even 10 years ago didn't have. I also agree that many parents use these safeguards to avoid doing their jobs as parents and teaching their children basic things such as not to put a fork in the wall outlet. However, these safeguards do help prevent accidents from happening even in households where parents have done a good job teaching children about the risks of certain devices.

    I guess the basis of our different viewpoints comes from the way we were raised. As a kid, my parents taught me right from wrong and I did my best to stick to what they told me. I don't recall ever being hit although I remember I was threatened with a paddle once or twice. I never really got in any trouble more than a scoff from my parents yet they did have safeguards in place 'just in case'. If all parents did their job of teaching their kids right from wrong and having safety measure in place then there's no reason that anyone should have to learn from mistakes.

    Also, just to cover myself, I'm not saying your parents didn't do a good job raising you at all. I just referenced my situation as an example of what is possible and to show where my reasoning is coming from.

    Originally posted by Maple50175
    Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


      Originally posted by GeoffMisiak View Post
      All android phones have TTT. It's pretty accurate too.
      That is not true.

      My original Mytouch3G did not have talk to type.

      I dont believe the G1 had it either.

      So id say its safe to say that 1.5 and 1.6 does not have it(unless the phone is rooted which doesn't count because the majority of users DO NOT root their phone)

      My phone currently has it but im on 2.1


        Originally posted by Tnwagn View Post
        I don't understand why it is the case either, but talking with a passenger isn't as distracting as talking to someone on the phone. Studies back this up, showing that the brain has to work harder to focus on a conversation over the phone than with someone sitting next to you in the car, even if you aren't looking at them.
        Glad we agree on that. Id like to see these studies though. Not in defense, but for my own personal sense. Id like to know why a phone is more distracting than a passenger.

        I've never shot anyone but I know it's wrong. Since I haven't learned this from my own mistake, then based on your logic, there is no way could have learned that it's wrong. I'm not trying to say that this is a mistake every kid should make to learn right from wrong, I'm just pointing to the flaw in your logic.

        I agree with you that kids are being raised with a bevy of safeguards that kids even 10 years ago didn't have. I also agree that many parents use these safeguards to avoid doing their jobs as parents and teaching their children basic things such as not to put a fork in the wall outlet. However, these safeguards do help prevent accidents from happening even in households where parents have done a good job teaching children about the risks of certain devices.

        I guess the basis of our different viewpoints comes from the way we were raised. As a kid, my parents taught me right from wrong and I did my best to stick to what they told me. I don't recall ever being hit although I remember I was threatened with a paddle once or twice. I never really got in any trouble more than a scoff from my parents yet they did have safeguards in place 'just in case'. If all parents did their job of teaching their kids right from wrong and having safety measure in place then there's no reason that anyone should have to learn from mistakes.

        Also, just to cover myself, I'm not saying your parents didn't do a good job raising you at all. I just referenced my situation as an example of what is possible and to show where my reasoning is coming from.
        I'm sorry. Im no good with words but what you said is what I meant, lol. There are, IMO, a shit ton of safeguards in place. Im not saying they ALL need to come out but I just think some of them are a little rediculous. Im all for children being safe and not hurting themselves, but that's life, ya know.

        My parent taught me right from wrong as well. I dont want to put out the impression that I was beaten at every screw up, but for the big ones, like stealing money, setting things on fire, etc; I was, yes. It was used merely as a way to keep me in line. My mother did a great job raising, I think. I was her test baby, as she called it cuz im the one who pulled down lamps and curling irons and Im her only child who's broken a bone before, lol, but i think she did a good job of teaching me right from wrong and keeping me in line while allowing me to learn from my own mistakes. Sure I wish it were better in some aspects but in hindsight, she could've been a MUCH worse parent, and I thank God that she wasnt.

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
          My phone currently has it but im on 2.1
          My Eris has 2.1 and i dont have it. Dammit.

          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
          Originally posted by Jarrett
          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


            Originally posted by Tnwagn View Post
            Did you ever fall off your bike as a kid playing as a child?

            Kids playing as children.......


              I always have my passenger check my phone when someone texts me when i'm in motion. If i don't have someone riding with me like my brother, then i just wait or pull over somewhere.


                They should just stop offering texting, its so stupid anyways.


                  not sure of the extent of the law in texas, but its illegal to text and drive in austin for sure.. i text a lot more now in the past few months because of the medical side effects ive had since july.. i still dont text while im driving though.. if its important enough to respond, ill pull over and respond, but otherwise ill wait till i get home.. after the law went into effect though, there have been multiple accounts of people getting in accidents because they are still texting, only holding the phone lower so it cant be seen.. of course that takes your eyes off the road even more.. they way i see it, if someone REALLY needs to talk to me, they can call me.. if not, they can wait till my next convenient time to get a text response..


                    As much as this video is funny, its a wake up call. Ppl. Stop texting and driving. Stop texting and walking. Just stop! She should be happy this happened in the mall and not out in the street. To many things can go wrong. Urge your homies and families to chill on the texting when your doing something important like driving. Be safe on the roads fellas!
                    I fly by like the coupe grew wings!!!
                    My coupe!!!

                    Originally posted by Racer_XXX
                    Excuse me miss, YOUR FUPA IS IN THE WAY!!!


                      She must have received that picture of my junk I texted her.



                        I was going to say she looked like she needed a glass of Cognac.....

                        where is Mak....where is he lol.


                          Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
                          They should just stop offering texting, its so stupid anyways.


                          Originally posted by Makaveli2k View Post
                          She must have received that picture of my junk I texted her.


                          COUPE K24


                            Originally posted by MDJ-7BC View Post

                            Kids playing as children.......

                            Type too much and you have to have a poorly worded sentence in there somewhere.

                            Originally posted by Maple50175
                            Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                              Nice lol.

                              Here in VT there is strict laws against it, but everyone does nonetheless. They shouldn't. But they do. I have a handsfree kit and talk a lot on the phone but rarely text anyway. In MA I believe it's illegal for teens (under 18) to, but not adults? that's confusing. Also not sure what the laws in NH are regarding texting but I'm pretty sure they've "outlawed" it too.

                              life is good.


                                Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                                I was going to say she looked like she needed a glass of Cognac.....

                                where is Mak....where is he lol.
                                LOL. Indeed she probably got all hot and bothered and because there was no Cognac within a reasonable distance she decided to hop into that fountain to cool her down.

                                Classy? No
                                Effective? Indubitably.



