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Is it just me or is Iran not fooling anyone?

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    The Israelis aren't trying to push their boundaries, or eliminate anyone. They are simply trying to maintain their position in their home. Yes, their home may be something fairly new... and perhaps putting Israel where it is was a bad idea. However, that's how it is. The people fighting for their home right now are the people that have lived and grown there all their lives.
    Defensive offense exists. When among 3 guys that want to hurt you, you attack the biggest one first. Eliminate what appears to be the biggest threat, and instill fear in the remaining two. Attack was imminent, but the chance of survival hinged on striking first.
    Israel is not stupid enough to wait for someone to attack them at all times. If they see it coming, they'll take it out first. I consider that defensive.

    Then again, it is true... they are not all sweet and innocent. The actions of Israel are often very similar to the actions of those we call "terrorists". It's a fine line. Frankly, I'm in no position to really say what's what one way or the other. I'm merely an observer.

    I wouldn't say my argument is a shaky one. Yes, we could attack Iran from across the gulf. OR, we could be looking over their shoulder. It's posturing. It's saying "hey, we took out your buddy Saddam, and we're putting our mark in what used to be his country... whazzup, neighbor?"
    It's like being a kid... are you more afraid of doing something you shouldn't be doing... like watching an adult-oriented movie... when your mom is at work, just 15 minutes or a phone call away? Or re you more afraid when mom is in the other room, capable of walking through the door any time she hears or even suspects that you're doing something wrong?


      so when the soon to be israel bombed a hotel killing british soldiers that was offensive defense?
      when there's a settlement freeze, but new houses keep popping up and non israeli houses keep being demolished that's offensive defense too?
      not allowing people in the strip to have certain items (i.e. basic building materials) because they're deemed as bomb making material is offensive defense too?
      israel is a champion of human rights too, just ask any non-jewish citizen.... /sarcasm

      i'm against all forms of terrorism, even the state sanctioned israeli kind.


        I'm not saying all their actions are excuable. No country's acts of war are.

        I'm simply saying, from a global standpoint, that Israel is not trying to destroy, occupy, or invade anyone. Regardless, Israel is not the nation that this thread is discussing anyway.

        Iran, on the other hand, has made it quite clear who they consider to be their enemies. There is no doubt in my mind that if they had the materials to build serious weapons, that they would... and they would not hesitate to aim them directly at those enemies.


          Originally posted by jdmwannabee View Post
          so when the soon to be israel bombed a hotel killing british soldiers that was offensive defense?
          when there's a settlement freeze, but new houses keep popping up and non israeli houses keep being demolished that's offensive defense too?
          not allowing people in the strip to have certain items (i.e. basic building materials) because they're deemed as bomb making material is offensive defense too?
          israel is a champion of human rights too, just ask any non-jewish citizen.... /sarcasm

          i'm against all forms of terrorism, even the state sanctioned israeli kind.
          Yes all defensive.

          Jews decided that Isreal was to be their home and they were tired of being persecutred and now the rest of the world is going to have to accept that they are not going anywhere and you can't make them.


            I wouldn't say ALL of it is justifiably defensive... then again, flying planes into American buildings could be considered "defensive", or even retaliatory, by those we call terrorists.

            It's all perspective. MY point about Israel is that they aren't seeking to expand or eradicate. They're fighting just to stay where they are.
            The neighboring nations see them as invaders, because Israel wasn't a country until fairly recently. Of course, it was not just the Jews, but the countries involved in creating that nation that are to "blame" for it.
            The unfortunate thing is that the land in question is the heart of a vast majority of the Judeo-Christian/Islam history, and contains too many holy places for either faith to fully give in to the other.

            Again, Israel is not the topic at hand.


              And as far as attacking first and not always being so sweet....they are the size of new jersey surrounded by countries the size of texas that want to wipe them out...when they get intel that there might be an attack they don't wait, they act.

              Survival of the fittest.


                Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                Yes all defensive.

                Jews decided that Isreal was to be their home and they were tired of being persecutred and now the rest of the world is going to have to accept that they are not going anywhere and you can't make them.
                the jews didn't decide anything, the land that would become israel was given to them by the british.
                Last edited by jdmwannabee; 11-30-2010, 05:19 PM.


                  Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                  And as far as attacking first and not always being so sweet....they are the size of new jersey surrounded by countries the size of texas that want to wipe them out...when they get intel that there might be an attack they don't wait, they act.

                  Survival of the fittest.
                  israel wishes it was the size of new jersey and they also wish bordering countries were as small as texas lol...

                  take away the west's early support (the past has shaped the present and future) and the guaranteed alliance in case of war and the survival of the fittest no longer would be in favor of israel.

                  however, that's not the case. so i guess it is what it is.

