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Four Loko being banned in multiple states

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    Four Loko being banned in multiple states

    The caffeinated, alcoholic beverage banned in some states?


    There are no black and white suspension answers!!!!!!!!!!!


      apparently some dumbass drank like 12 of them and died. i disagree that they should be banned, but you have to admit that 24 ounces of 16% alcohol is a bit much. thats like 2 40's of bud light in a single can

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      Originally posted by Stephen Fry
      'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
      Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


        I can see them banning these only because the cans look too much like energy drinks, and tons of kids drink energy drinks. It isn't hard to mistake them for such if you only glance at the can.

        I don't support something like this, only giving a reason.
        Always remember that only you can make your dreams a reality.

        Never forget that your style is all that matters when it comes to your ride, but be respectful to others who don't share your vision.

        Proud Alum of the University of Texas at Tyler, Class of 2010


          its 12%.
          and it clearly says "contains alcohol" on the cans.

          some kids at a college here in washington, mixed it with hard alcohol, and got alcohol poisoning. sooooo the country made a huge deal about it.


            Yup, someone does something stupid and all of the sudden it's the manufacturer's fault.

            This is what happens when you can sue for almost anything.
            Always remember that only you can make your dreams a reality.

            Never forget that your style is all that matters when it comes to your ride, but be respectful to others who don't share your vision.

            Proud Alum of the University of Texas at Tyler, Class of 2010


              People are just stupid. I think this is the same thing that happened to Rockstar21, clearly the "21" should of been a hint, but noooooo!

              I realize it was at a college, but, where are the parents at? why weren't they to blame for letting their kids go to a party? Why isn't the person that bought the alcohol getting in any trouble?


                Im drunk on 2 right now, cheap ass drink. I mean why ban it and not liquor? its waaaaay stronger then a four loko..... its the same logic with the war on drugs....FAIL
                The can CLEARLY states you have to be 21 to drink it and the it contains 12% alch. kids are stupid and will over drink regardless if it a mixed energy drink or not.

                Last edited by baracuda; 11-12-2010, 03:25 AM.

                Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


                  Alcoholic energy drink hybrids are nothing new. They're all as obnoxious as the rest, in both taste and design. I don't see what all the fuss is about, other than the fact that it's got people taking about it. I'm sure the commotion has sales going through the roof.

                  Yes, 12% by volume is a lot, especially for such a cheap drink that masks it down. Part of the responsibility in drinking alcohol is knowing the risks involved, and taking some sort of consideration towards what you consume.

                  lol, "Alcoholic Energy Drink Made Md. Woman 'Lose Mind'"

                  I am and will always be a beer man. Piss these silly drinks.
                  My pictures/photos will return soon...


                    please tell me that video was a joke. and no offense if it wasn't. but, it's a joke, right?

                    We're in the studio, stay tuned.----------(click)-------->


                      Originally posted by cbscandal View Post
                      please tell me that video was real. and no offense if it wasn't. but, it's awesome, right?
                      Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
                      Past 1990 Accord EX Sedan
                      Past 1990 Accord LX Sedan
                      Past 1991 Accord LX Sedan
                      Past 1993 Accord LX Wagon
                      Current 1991 Accord EX Wagon


                        Originally posted by fatboy1185 View Post
                        he was right the 1st time. didnt need to be fixed. and to cbs, im sure it wasnt a joke. sadly....

                        as far as banning it. no. its not right to do that. banning that because some idiot drank too much and killed himself is like banning cars because some idiot went out and drove to fast and wrecked himself into a tree.


                          alot of kids drink that joose stuff at my school and when they get alcohol poisoning, i'm sure they'll think of something other than drinking that caused he problem.


                            Originally posted by Joshy View Post
                            Alcoholic energy drink hybrids are nothing new. They're all as obnoxious as the rest, in both taste and design. I don't see what all the fuss is about, other than the fact that it's got people taking about it. I'm sure the commotion has sales going through the roof.

                            Yes, 12% by volume is a lot, especially for such a cheap drink that masks it down. Part of the responsibility in drinking alcohol is knowing the risks involved, and taking some sort of consideration towards what you consume.

                            lol, "Alcoholic Energy Drink Made Md. Woman 'Lose Mind'"

                            I am and will always be a beer man. Piss these silly drinks.
                            Same here with the beer. My friend always drinks that Four Loko crap... I keep telling him he needs to develop a taste for beer! I had a guy drinking a blue raspberry one next to me the other day, and I nearly spewed because it smelled so terrible.

                            As for that link... I love how they make a big deal of the drink. ANY alcohol will get you drunk and make it unsafe to drive! Highs and lows don't mix... I was serving Irish coffee 10 years ago... nothing new at all!

                            The link says "6 beers in one can"... sure, if you drink 2% abv beer! It's about 2 beers. It's less than one bottle of wine. It's one stiff mixed drink.

                            The only thing that I agree with is that it's clearly marketed to a youth crowd. However, people too young to understand the consequences shouldn't have access to it, and anyone of age that abuses it would probably abuse ANY alcohol, regardless of presentation.


                              i dont really have a taste for beer unless its right out of the keg. it has a odd taste.'

                              the 4 loco crap is discusting. this chic gave me it and i took a sip and was like whats this crap.

                              now yegar is where its at.
                              miss my turbo cb7
                              moved onto volvos. dont know how that happened, just did

