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Odd computer issues...

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    Odd computer issues...

    Ok, my computer is acting weird.

    Nothing crippling, but weird. It's doing a few strange things, that may or may not be related.

    My main AIM name won't log in, on any client (I've tried AIM, Trillian, and Digsby). I can, however, get on with my secondary name with no problems.
    I cannot log onto or
    I can't get onto (attempted to download the offline installer for the Pidgin IM client, in hopes I could log on with that.)
    Some sites that require a password to enter run VERY slow, and where Firefox usually remembered the name/password and autofilled it, it does not. It simply hangs on the login page until I manually do it, then takes forever to load. This site, however... no problems.

    The password stuff scares me, as I don't want something to be reporting my private login info to some hacker!

    I ran Spybot and Malwarebytes. Both found and removed some things, but there is no change after a restart. Avast antivirus is always running, and found nothing. Combofix is my next attempt... but honestly, I can't figure out if it's a virus, or if my computer just sucks!

    Does anyone have any idea what could be causing my issues? I don't expect my limited info to lead to much, but who knows... can't hurt to ask! A Google search didn't help me much.

    Just a shot in the dark. Try running System restore, put it back to a time that you know it was working. If that doesnt work, then set it back to the original time. I dont know what kind of virus/malware would cause that problem.
    Bought From : SE_DynamiK, oneoffaccord, and TopCop182

    Click It!>>>><<<<Click It!


      I don't even think I have the system restore feature activated on my computer (running XP) Even if it was possible, this seems to have happened slowly (the AIM thing being the final straw... that was just over the last few days, maybe yesterday... I had company all weekend, so i wasn't online since Thursday night)


        I have never seen a computer without system restore on xp lol.

        I have done some work on a few systems recently with a certain trojan that eats away at windows and program functions very slowly, until windows just wont boot anymore. The first thing it disables is system restore (naturally).
        Bought From : SE_DynamiK, oneoffaccord, and TopCop182

        Click It!>>>><<<<Click It!


          Sounds like your computer is running through a proxy. Which can slow it down considerably and disable things running through it.

          On the start menu Right Click the main internet browser which should be at the very top of the list(internet explorer opera chrome ect)
          Click "Internet Properties"
          Click the tab "Connections"
          Look down at the bottom and click "LAN settings"

          If the box for proxy server is checked uncheck it and restart your computer and it should be fixed and running alot faster. There are a significantly large amount of programs that you dont even realize but will change this field without you knowing. This is just where I would look first.


            Nope, the proxy box is unchecked. Though yeah, it does seem that way.

            It always seems to hang on the various advertising stuff (google analytics, rubiconproject, etc...) things that run in the background of many large websites to speed the load times of advertising (and from what i can tell, reduce the bandwidth draw on the site you've viewing). Maybe it's related to those...

            Apparently system restore is active. I had to go searching for it. I've never used it! I wouldn't even know how far to go back, though.


              Try as far back as you want. You can put it back if it doesnt work, or you lose files.
              Bought From : SE_DynamiK, oneoffaccord, and TopCop182

              Click It!>>>><<<<Click It!


                That's what i'm afraid of (since I do paperwork daily on this computer). I don't want to lose anything important! If I set it back and lose stuff, i'll still be able to revert to what it is and recover them?


                  How long ago did you notice the slowness? I'd go back to a few days before that and see what happens??

                  Is slowness even a word?


                    backup files->reinstall windows->Done

                    the only way you'll get it back to what it once was
                    My Honda


                      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                      That's what i'm afraid of (since I do paperwork daily on this computer). I don't want to lose anything important! If I set it back and lose stuff, i'll still be able to revert to what it is and recover them?
                      Yes, you are supposed to get everything back the way it was. But i would put anything recent on a thumbdrive or anything just in case.
                      Bought From : SE_DynamiK, oneoffaccord, and TopCop182

                      Click It!>>>><<<<Click It!


                        system restore is crap. FYI
                        My Honda


                          check to c if u hav a recovery partition on the hard drive. most comps do n people dont know about it. save all ur files n then do a recovery . if u have a hp or compaq ur going to have to hold f11 when u first turn on the computer inorder to format the hard drive n do the recovery

                          alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


                            I built this thing... so definitely no recovery partition.


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              I built this thing... so definitely no recovery partition.
                              System restore might work, it might not, and it might become irreversible and you could end up losing your info.

                              I wouldn't use that, id run hjt and post the results here for masamune or someone to look trhough. To me it sounds like something hijacked your internet and it is making it run like shit.

                              Also try running scans in safe mod and try a different av program..couldn't hurt.

                              Did you check task manager and the boot up menu to see if something weird is running?

